
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Its Borneo Hiway Again, RM100b for Gua Musang Mag Lev Line, RM55b for Kelantan 22 Karat Railway, RM4.6b for vocational colleges

Image result for Najib TN50

There are no Press details of Petronas' contributions. No more 26 - 9 = 15 type equations. 

So far I have not seen any pie charts in the Press.  The sources of revenue vs expenditure graph also tak ada.  Kalau ada do let me know. No time lah.

My view is they are not showing where the money is coming from.  Here is something from NST:

2017 Budget RM260.8b  

RM214.8b for management. 
RM46b for development. 

Revenue grow 3% RM219.7b.
RM30b collected through GST 

offset loss of petroleum revenues, 50% in crude oil prices.Folks, out of RM260b, only RM46b or 17% for development. 
83% or RM214.8b is for bayar gaji etc of the Civil Servants.  

GST collection has dropped. They collected more in the first year.
They have missed this years GST target, something higher than RM30b.

Folks, pay attention to this : Gomen revenue grew only 3% - to RM219.7b.  

This is AFTER that RM30b GST. 

So there is NO growth in Petronas contributions and Income Taxes.  Petronas contributed RM9b last year.  They were supposed to contribute 26 - 9 = 17 billion. What happened?
I have already said earlier,  Income Tax collections have dropped. 

The GST and the Minimum Wages have killed the economy. Our local factories are going to Thailand and Vietnam. 

So the tax collection is dropping.  

Anyway here is The Star :

* Budget 2017 allocates RM260.8bil, up 3.4% from 2016 Budget Recalibration.

(Huh RM260b Budget? The Gua Musang Railway line is RM100 Billion already! What type of arithmeric is this? Do read on.)

* Only 2.1 million income tax payers out of 14.6 million of country's total workforce.
(Huh only 2.1 million taxpayers?  But I thought we are a high income economy? RM6000 per month household income and all that bullshit. How come only 14% of workers are in the tax paying bracket ?? 86% do not even earn enough to pay taxes?

Where is the revenue versus expenditure pie chart? MO1 did not say that income tax collection has actually shrunk. The economy is generating less income taxes to the incompetent gomen.)

To appreciate the contribution of civil servants, the following was announced:

- To extend the Fully Paid Study Leave with scholarship to the Support Group, which is currently limited to the Management and Professional Group.

- Quarantine leave up to five days without record for public servants whose children are ill and are quarantined.

(Cuti, cuti, cuti. More cuti, fully paid leave in an overbloated gomen service. Eloklah tu.)
 - Computer loan facility extension for the purchase of smartphones. Public servants can utilise this once every three years, limited to RM5,000. 

(RM5k every 3 years? Beli IPhone baru. Potong gaji RM150 a month. Yup they will like this. More hutang. Anak makan ikan bilis.)

- An increase to the limit of motorcycle loan facility available for public servants from RM5,000 to RM10,000.

(Meaning harga motor pun makin naik. Gomen servants layak naik motor saja-lah. Boleh hutang lagi. Yup they will like this. Anak makan cicak kobeng goreng.)

- To increase the civil servant’s housing loans to RM200,000 and RM750,000 from RM120,000 and RM600,000 respectively.

(This will push up house prices as well.  Believe me folks, each time the gomen gives easy money, the prices move up. Mamu suggests someone should do a correlation study on this.)

- To complete 30,000 units of Perumahan Penjawat Awam 1Msia at a selling price of between RM90,000 and RM300,000, which is 20% below market price.

(Huh? Perumahan Penjawat? What happened to PR1MA? Ok lets start counting : 30,000 units Penjawat houses. What is the amount allocated? Ini duit untuk Ketua Bahagian ke?)

- To extend the contract of service and contract for service officers, expiring at the end of this year, for at least one year.  

(They will never retire? Keep extending contracts. Including IGP, AG, etc ??)

2,600 doctors without housemanship will now serve on contract.

(What a waste of doctors? It costs about RM300k to train one doctor. Thats RM7.8b investment in doctors.)

- To brighten villages at night, a total of 97,000 street lights and 3,000 LED lights to be installed at crossroads for 7,500 villages nationwide.   

(Err...this is b.s. Street lighting is always paid for and absorbed  under TNB's expenses. This is NOT a Budget allocation. Street lights have always been TNB's responsibility. This is a good thing though.)

- 616km of village roads and bridges will be built and upgraded with an allocation of RM1.2bil.  

(Wow !! About RM2m per km !! Of village roads? Keua Bahagian will get very rich.)
- RM4.6bil is allocated to all states under the Malaysian Road Records Information System. 

(What the hell is this?  RM4.6 billion ??)

- To build and refurbish 17,000 units of destitute and dilapidated houses in remote villages and orang asli settlements with an allocation of RM350mil.

(That is RM20,000 per house. Good - if done as promised.   Or Ketua Cawangan jadi kaya.)

- clean water allocation of RM732mil, targeting 5,200 houses and Felda water supply system. water supply fund of RM500mil to address water supply issues throughout the nation.  

(This is to replace that RM300 million already stolen from water projects in Sabah alone.  Can keep the cash in AmBank again.)

welfare of urban residences, especially flats. lack maintenance and functioning lifts.

* people-friendly projects with an allocation of RM800mil

(RM800 mil. Tengku Mamak take note. Banyak lif rosak di KL and Lembah Kelang. Big Money for Ketua Bahagian again. Next year lif rosak lagi. After two days no one will remember this RM800m. Except maybe OSTB ha ha ha!)  

MyBeautiful New Home, allocation of RM200mil. 5,000 units ranging from RM40,000 to RM50,000 per unit. The Government will finance RM20,000   

(Woi tadi 30k Penjawat houses, now 5000 MyBeautifulHome. Banyaknya rumah.)

* 9,850 houses under People’s Housing Program allocation of RM134mil.

(So these houses will be half the size of the MyBeautiful Homes? RM134m for 9850 homes??
 Anyway 30k + 5k + 10k = 45k houses already. )

* 11,250 PPR houses allocation of RM576mil. The PPR houses are to be sold at between RM35,000 and RM42,000. 

(45k + another 11k PPR houses = 56k houses !! Banyaknya rumah. If they all get built as promised then very good.)

RM275mil for the following:

- RM45mil Solar panels in 1,600 houses.

(Is this the one where a Tan Sri's daughter has the AP to import the solar panels?)

- Mobileprenuer allocation of RM30mil, 3,000 participants using motorcycles.  

(What the hell is this?)

- Revitalising eUsahawan and eRezeki under MDEC, 300,000 participants, RM100mil.

(Buang duit sajalah. "Revitalising"  because it failed before.)

* RM10bil allocated for subsidy 

(Then how come tol naik, minyak naik, cooking gas among most expensive, cooking oil also akan naik?)

* RM1.3bil to subsidise price, seeds and fertilisers including hill paddy.

(Err..how many farmers exactly? 
How many acres? 
What is the expected yield? 
These sound like wild horse numbers. 
RM1.3 billion??)

BR1M’s next year, 7 million recipients RM6.8bil

* RM4.6bil allocated for TVET, Four TVET polytechnics, four vocational colleges, one training institute for TVET trainers.  

(What the hell is this? Big ticket item. RM4.6b for upgrading 8 institutions? Ketua Bahagian jadi kaya. 200,000 graduates still unemployed.)

* RM220mil allocated to upgrade educational equipment in TVET institutions, as well as RM360mil for Skills Development Fund Corporation.  

(Huh? Another RM480m for TVET? Total is RM5.4b !! Wow !! )
PR1MA to build 30,000 houses at RM150,000 to RM300,000.  

(PR1MA, PR1MA, PR1MA has not built even one house. Now another 30,000 houses. Before this PR1MA was supposed to build 100,00 houses? What happened? Not even one house has been built by PR1MA.

(56k + 30k = 86k houses !! ) 

Financing will be 90% to 100% 

now will be able to borrow RM295,000.

(This will push up house prices lah.)

* Second Generation House infrastructure development, a sum of RM200mil is allocated to Felda, RM100m for Felcra and RM100mil for Risda.

(RM500 million to buy votes.)

* Tax relief is extended to include purchase of printed newspapers, smartphones and tablets, internet subscriptions and gym membership fees.

(This is comical. Tax relief to buy printed newspapers ?? Bagi nyawa kepada Utusan Meloya ha ha ha. How about tax relief for factories? Will create jobs.)


* For the development of sports, a sum of RM1.2bil is allocated to the Youth and Sports Ministry.

(More party time, more designer 'pop ins', maybe Malaysia will hit 194 position in world football.)


* For healthcare RM25mil allocated for healthcare programmes and projects including upgrading hospital facilities nationwide with an allocation of RM536mil.

RM536m for health versus RM1.2b for bottom of the leagues sports !!  Priority terbalik.

- RM1.1bil for Hostel Meal Assistance Programme for 365,000 students.

- RM300mil for 1Malaysia Supplementary Food Programme for primary school students.

RM1.4 billion for food caterers? Lagi banyak food poisoning.  
Last but not least, the big bullshit : 

  •  - Implementation of the new East Coast Rail Line cost of RM55bil.
  • - Accelerating Pan Borneo Highway in Sabah and Sarawak
  • - RM100bil to restore Gua Musang – Tumpat railway destroyed during floods.

* Jakim increase allowance of 15,000 imam from RM750 to RM850. 

one-off payment of RM500 to nearly 16,000 Bilal and Siak 
Kafa teachers’ allowance increased from RM800 to RM900 a month.
* RM85mil will be allocated to Permata to benefit 50,000 children.

Letih lah nak komen.

2017 Budget RM260.8b  

RM214.8b for management. 
RM46b for development. 

Hello brader, RM46b for development. 

Habis macam mana nak belanja RM55b for railway line? Or RM100 billion Gua Musang railway line?

How  do you get these figures RM100 billion? RM55 billion ? Letih lah.

Borneo Hiway bila nak start? Bila nak habis? Sudah enam tahun dah kut.  

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