
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Sekinchan’s silver bullet for the “dajjal”

The man in the undated photo below bears a strong resemblance to Jamal Sekinchan.
I’m however not sure whether this picture – which recently resurfaced again and making the social media rounds – has been tampered with in any way.
In the video below, Ali Tinju is speaking to reporters after making a police report.
He has the following message for Jamal: “Jangan sombong dan ego dengan pistol yang anda ada”.
It does seem like Jamal is an ‘Equal Opportunity’ provider. He not only makes threats to the Yellow Shirts but apparently to a Baju Merah as well. And he does not restrict his intimidation to Chinese street protesters but also extends it to a fellow Malay activist.
The Ali Tinju police report was lodged a few months ago. More recently, i.e. yesterday, Gerakan Youth lodged a police report against a Facebook account bearing Jamal’s name but which is quite possibly faked.
In his own defence, Jamal claimed he had been impersonated and that this imposture was proof that Bersih is “dajjal”.
We can derive a syllogism from Jamal’s allegation:
  • Bersih is dajjal
  • DAP is dajjal
  • Therefore Bersih is DAP
Kesimpulannya Bersih 5.0 ini didalangi DAP.
Photo credit: Cucu To Selampit blog

DAP: “See ya all in KL on Saturday, Nov 19”

Another syllogism that might be derived from the “DAP sokong Bersih 5” banner above:
  • Bersih wants to topple the gomen
  • DAP supports Bersih
  • Therefore DAP wants to topple gomen via the Bersih way
Instead of waiting to engage in the democratic process provided by GE14, DAP and its Yellow Shirts are willing to take the streets.
anime sailor moon snigger

Melayu DAP and Bersih’s Malay supporters

The popular pantun below is a sort of syllogism too:
  • Siakap senohong gelama ikan duri
  • Melayu cakap bohong
  • Lama-lama jadi DAP
Or as the adage goes, birds of a feather flock together. The RBAs who are inveterateslanderers and a certain Protun Melayu reject who is a pathological liar are huddling together thick as thieves.
Chinese eyes
Lelaki Melayu pembohong menyamar sebagai kacukan Cina

Now how to spot the Melayu bersih suci?

Look for the Malay mercenary blogger who can’t stop whinging about how the Gelombang Merah nonsense is causing problems. His gutter blog is definitely going to increase in RBA and anti-Najib toxicity by the day as we approach the Bersih 5.0 showdown.
Johor is the opposition’s GE14 target state and this particular Malay Trojan horse – who claims to be t-h-e Johor politics expert – is diligently throwing his 20k worth ofred herrings to sidetrack Umno’s preparation for the coming election.
Split personality — kejap awek cun, kejap orang yang dah beranak
It’s rather rich for a fraud who makan deDAP to turn around and accuse Umno of hiring “rotten bloggers”.
This Si Kitol blithely alleges that Umno bloggers – those who were accepted into Johor’s Team Khaled or those given recognition by PMO – of being “reprehensible” (Melayu cakap “keji”), “cyber gangsters” and “character assassins”.
Wow! when it is he himself who is blogosphere’s Whacker-in-Chief on the anti-Melayu payroll.
Bukan main pusing this Malay reject — Sikit jam dulu pekik lolong “Apa lagi Cina mahu?”, “The end of moderation” (in Johor GE13/2013) and Oh my poor Ghani (who lost in Gelang Patah to Kit Siang) tapi sekarang boleh buat U-turn jadi defender of DAP Chinese interests and their noble cause.
From now until Nov 19, Si Kitol is going to baling batu sorok tangan. The sneaky bastard will stay safe behind his cloak of cyber anonymity and masquerade persona while the other Melayu DAP have their physical confrontations with Jamal.
Melayu Protun mahu bersekongkol dengan Cina ultra, maka perangai mereka pun sebiji macam RBA. -helenang

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