
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

We're elected, you're appointed by MO1, DAP rep tells Pandikar

Segambut parliamentarian Lim Lip Eng says he was ejected from the Special Chamber by Dewan Rakyat Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia.
He complained that he was ejected even before he could begin his speech to debate on the matter of the budget for the Kuala Lumpur City Hall, which was said to be the highest among all the states.
According to Lim he was chased out by Pandikar after they traded barbs after the speaker "lectured" him in the Special Chamber about the issue of Parliament deciding that it is sub judice to discuss issues related to the US Department of Justice's 1MDB-linked forfeiture filing.
"I was just chased out by Pandikar in the second chamber even before I raised my special motion under Standing Order 17.
"Before I start talking, Pandikar asked me to sit down and he started to lecture me.
"He said I ridiculed him outside of the Dewan by issuing a press statement. The last was on sub judice, I issued a statement on sub judice," said Lim during a press conference at the Parliament lobby today.
Lim related that he and the speaker proceeded to exchange loud words, which subsequently led to his ejection.
"Before he finished his lecture to me, I stood up and argued with him. I said don't lecture me. Let me finish my speech then he started again, so I called him a disgrace to Parliament
"Then he chased me out and before I walked out he yelled at me and I yelled at him back. I said we are elected reps but you were appointed by MO1.

"Then he yelled at me again so I walked out," said Lim.
The Segambut MP said that some of the things Pandikar recounted in his "lecture" was about parliamentary reforms the speaker had pushed for, including the newly instituted Special Chamber.
However, Lim said that he still questioned Pandikar's promise of reforms as his earlier commitment for a special bipartisan committee to be formed to vet through all bills before any are tabled in the Dewan Rakyat had yet to see the light of day.
"The promise was never honoured until now. For that I say Pandikar didn't honour his word," concluded Lim. Mkini

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