
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, October 7, 2024


 The Jamaate-e-Islami of Bangladesh, the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, played a big role in bringing down the government of Sheikh Hasina in August this year. Recall the students started the ball rolling with their street demonstrations. That was a student movement. 

Then suddenly, within just a few days, the violence suddenly turned against the minority Hindus in Bangladesh. Hundreds (if not thousands) of Hindus were killed and Hindu temples were burned to the ground. This was really strange because violence against the Hindus had nothing to do with bringing down the government of Syeikh Hasina. (By the way I dont support any one of these groups in Bangladesh).

But violence against other religions is exactly in the playbook of the Jamaate Islami.

The Jamaate-e-Islami Bangladesh was founded in 1941 by Abul Ala Maududi who had strong links with the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Here is some trivia. There are also links between the Jamaate Islami Bangladesh and Malaysia. Here is an academic article published in Bangladesh which shows a link between the Muslim Brotherhood in Bangladesh and Malaysia. You can read the pdf article at the link below here :  file:///C:/Users/alisy/Downloads/376-Galley%20(PDF)-1894-1-10-20240524.pdf

Today is October 7th. It is the first anniversary of the attack by Hamas against Israel on October 7th 2023. Over 1,200 Israelis were killed and over 250 of them taken hostage. That event sparked the Israeli invasion of Gaza to get rid of Hamas. One year on the Hamas has been practically wiped out. The Israelis now control all of Gaza and are mopping up the remnants of the Hamas in Gaza. Gaza is destroyed but still there. The Hamas on the other hand has been destroyed perhaps permanently.

Anyway today Oct 7th 2024 the Muslim Brotherhood has organised a conference and celebrations in Bangladesh to commemorate the October 7th attack against Israel.

Two Hamas top leaders have traveled from their HQ in Qatar to Bangladesh to participate in tomorrow’s celebration of the first anniversary of the Oct. 7 Massacre
They will meet at the Engineers Institute in Dhaka together with Afghan Taliban & Bangladeshi Islamists
7 October-2024, Monday, 9:00 am.
#Arranged_by  Al Markazul Islami - AMI

The gathering in Bangladesh today is called the Nusrat-e-Aqsa International Conference. The event is being funded by the Muslim Brotherhood in Qatar (aka the Qatar government). The main foreign speakers are from the Jamaate-e-Islami or Muslim Brotherhood of Pakistan.



Within weeks of the ouster of the Bangladeshi government in August 2024, the Pakistanis despatched 4,000 rounds of tank shells to the Bangladesh Army. One would assume that just after the turmoil and chaos in the streets of Dhaka that the Pakistanis would despatch 4,000 tons of Basmathi rice to help feed the people. Instead the Pakistanis chose to send 4,000 artillery shells for tanks.

Then a few weeks after that (in September 2024) the Pakistanis despatched planeloads of Anti Tank Guided Missiles to Bangladesh. Tank artillery shells and anti tank guided missiles are more urgent than food or anything else. Considering that Bangladesh is under no military threat from India (which almost completely surrounds Bangladesh) the purpose of the tank artillery shells and ATGMs suggests a more sinister intention by the Pakistanis.

Bangladesh is no more an independent country. 53 years after becoming independent in 1971, Bangladesh is now reverting back to becoming "East Pakistan". The next item on the agenda will be a new round of elections in Bangladesh which will most likely (like 100% certainty) see the emergence of a fully pro-Pakistani, Jamaate Islami (Muslim Brotherhood) "leader" in that country. It will be the end of Bangladesh.

If this scenario does not happen, or if it is thwarted, then Bangladesh will burn. I have a feeling that Bangladesh will burn anyway.

Wherever the satanic  mullas and the satanic maulanas congregate there will be death and destruction.  Do keep this in mind. Remember that I told you this. 

"These reminders that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates"

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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