
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Govt must uphold workers' rights, improve system


PSM calls on the government of Malaysia to halt the abuse of labour migration into the country. The authorities must take concrete action to address recruitment fraud.

The problem of recruitment fraud which reared its ugly head since late 2022, is a cause of misery for the workers affected, and their plight is an ongoing injustice.

This is further exacerbated by the authorities’ failure to recognise the gravity of the situation and resultant inaction.

The government of Malaysia must reconfirm if the rationale behind its labour policy remains to complement the local workforce and not to make millions for cronies.

The authorities must address the recruitment fraud situation seriously and a new standard operating procedure (SOP) needs to be crafted.

This procedure to fast-track redress is sorely needed and will provide much-needed relief to the groups of workers caught in a lurch.

The Labour Department can proactively go to the ground and collect complaints from workers, process wage claims and expedite the process. This more hands-on approach will move the process along faster.

Long way to go

The annual theme for 2024 is “Honouring the Contributions of Migrants and Respecting their Rights”.

In this regard, the government of Malaysia has a long way to go in ensuring the rights of migrant workers, particularly victims of recruitment fraud, are respected.

In a case involving a company in the construction sector, workers from Bangladesh are left in a lurch after not receiving consistent work and irregular pay.

In yet another case, a company in the manufacturing sector stops operations, leaving workers who have already gone without pay for months, in a lurch.

To address this issue holistically, the Comprehensive Policy Framework for Migrant Labour has been prepared, with other civil society organisations.

We urge the government to formulate a comprehensive policy to deal with the gaps within the existing policy framework. This is in the best interests of the country and its local and migrant workforce.

The government must play a proactive role in protecting the rights of workers. Take action to end the abuse of migrant workers.

The systems in place have let down so many people and led to the oppression of so many. As such, it is time to end the failed patchwork system.

This injustice is at the expense of the humans it ostensibly serves. - Mkini

BRYAN ROZELLS is PSM’s migrant desk coordinator.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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