
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, March 20, 2025

Why don’t more Type-C men marry Type-M women? Surprisingly some fear the snip more than converting!


RECENT social media post highlighted that many less educated Malay women (ie factory workers) have no qualms marrying migrant workers, particularly Bangladeshis.

There were various insinuations that Bangladeshi men were better looking and smoother in their approach to courtship compared to their Malay counterparts.

This has led to another loaded question from Cakoinomic (@Benny_TehVerto_) on the X platform – why don’t more Chinese men date Malay ladies?

This came about as foreigners were reportedly marrying local women for various benefits, including using the spouse’s name to get business licenses.

It would have thought that Chinese men looking to “benefit” from Bumiputera privileges would resort to wooing Malay ladies.

Henceforth, the post by Cakoinomic has already amassed 1.8M views at time of publication with many netizens positing their views, some of which are hilarious.

Undeniably, topping of the list was the requirement for Chinese men to convert. There is no leeway on this issue as it is mandated by the Malaysian law.

With one arguing that the same can be said if the tables were turned.

Interestingly, many comments zoomed into on one particular requirement that seems to scare off many potential suitors – circumcision!

With dietary concerns – featuring char siew and siew yoke – coming a close third.

A refusal to observe Ramadan – probably the agony of having to endure an empty tummy or quench their thirst from dawn to dusk – was also cited as a reason.

On a more serious note, one netizen posited that Chinese culture places a heavy burden on the male heir. Chinese parents would thus be less fussed if it was the daughter who has to convert whereas a son would have to give up his surname.

However, more than a few refuted the poster’s claims with one pointing out that Malay girls were gorgeous.

Editor’s Note: Beauty certainly lies in the eye of the beholder as some Malay men vouch that Ah Moi (slang for young/unmarried Chinese girls) are “more beautiful”.

While some attested that Chinese and Malays do go on a date, the insinuation is that such relationship does not involve the fairer sex.

One netizen called out the hypocrites and racists who had no issues dating Caucasians.

Using himself as an example, one netizen point blank refuted the claim as he “always prefers Malay girls”.


Loaded question or not, it does seem a particular anomaly that it is not more prevalent. Perhaps, more inter-racial dating is to be encouraged for a more harmonious race relations in the country. – Focus Malaysia

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