
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 30, 2017

Three boys drown in stream during a leadership course for 120 students

KOTA KINABALU: A leadership programme at an idyllic resort for 120 students went horribly wrong when three schoolboys drowned while trekking along a man-made stream in the area.
Hafiz Hamizan Rahman and Daniel Norman, both 16, as well as Khuzaimi Zakaran, 17, were with their group, including teachers, when they went slightly off the de­signated route and slipped into a deeper part of the stream.
A girl, who also slipped, was rescued by other students during the incident yesterday.
The three boys were pulled out of the stream by the teachers and fellow students, but it was believed that they were unconscious.
The leadership programme and camping trip was organised by SMK Putatan at the Eco Lake Resort in Membakut, some 90km from here.
The 120 students and 30 teachers were divided into 10 groups before the trek.
Beaufort Fire and Rescue Depart­ment chief Runzee Abd Thani said based on information gathered, the boys were with their group members and teachers trekking along the thigh-deep stream.
The students and teachers were supposed to complete their treks in groups and return to the resort for other activities.
families grieving after seeing their children.© Provided by The Star Online families grieving after seeing their children.
Tearful family members of the boys hugging each other at the Beaufort Hospital.

They were supposed to walk along the riverside. However, four students accidentally slipped on a slope which had culvert pipes, he said.
Runzee said the girl, who was with them also slipped and fell into the deeper part of the stream, but her friends managed to pull her out.
He added that the three boys were found unconscious by their teachers and were rushed separately to the Beaufort Hospital and Membakut clinic where they were pronounced dead.
Danial’s father Norisham Purah, 51, said his son had asked him on Thursday to go for the trip.
“We had planned a family outing to Tenom and I was reluctant to let him go.
“But Danial was insistent as he loved the outdoors, I gave him permission with a heavy heart,” he said when met at the Beaufort Hospital to claim his son’s body.
The family received the news of the tragedy while preparing for their Tenom trip.
Danial is the youngest among seven of Nori­sham’s children.
Meanwhile, Runzee advised re­­sort operators and teachers in­­volved in similar programmes to inform the authorities, including firemen, prior to their trips.
“We will provide a briefing on the safety aspects that need to be followed to prevent future mishaps,” he added.
© Provided by The Star Online

‘I love PM’ banners have resurfaced

Urm, perhaps it’s not so much that orang sayang Najib but rather ramai yang benci DAP.
The “I Love PM” paraphernalia is a sign that Umno has switched into election gear. BN’s campaign for GE14, needless to say, is buoyed by the increasing rift between PAS and Pakatan.
Kudos to Joceline Tan for her overview of our present political scenario — another sterling column from her today about how ‘Najib is in a bullish mood’. Since she seems to have covered the bases in her lengthy piece, permit me to tumpang on a smart analysis by the undeniable sifu.
BELOW: The J-Star’s Terengganu photograph illustrating how “the tide has turned”;  were the ‘I Love PM’ banners reprinted or merely recycled from GE13?

How strong is BN going into the election?

1. Joceline Tan (JT) writes about “a rather weird story going around that the Prime Minister will resign before the general election. According to the story, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will step aside for Datuk Hishammuddin Tun Hussein to take over. […]  how on earth did he (Salahudin Ayub) come up with this ridiculous story?”
JT is correct. Of course it is Najib – and no one else – who can lead BN into the battle royale. The stakes are too high for him to allow otherwise, kan?
2. JT: “It seems like he (Salahudin) does not understand the hierarchical nature of Umno politics nor what power is all about.”
Helen Ang (HA):  Yup. Why in the world would Najib step aside, whether from his leadership of Umno or BN? The opposition rumour mill is really faulty. Only the wishful-thinking Pakatuns and Dapsters would lend any credence to such a silly story, duh.
JT: “Najib is a political animal […] People like him do not walk away from power just like that.”
HA:  Exactly.
JT: “But they seriously underestimated Najib’s survival instincts […] Stepping down is the last thing on Najib’s mind. Najib is preparing to go the distance, he has started to go on the attack mode”.
HA:  Sigh. Expect then the DAP to counter attack even more viciously than ever we have experienced before. They (including their Melayu 20k-hired guns) are ultrakiasu, remember?
3. JT: “There has been an unmistakable turn-around in his political fortunes over the course of the last year. Some think it began after his productive trip to China where the Chinese leaders welcomed him like an old friend and he returned with an armful of investments.”
HA:  A sharp observation above by Joceline. I daresay she’s spot on about Najib feeling that he’d gotten a boost from his respectful – even warm – reception by the Chinese in Beijing.
However, it would also do well for Team Najib to be mindful wrt the unintended consequence of Tun Mahathir wedging that malicious rumour of an imminent China soft takeover — i.e. ownership of our domestic assets and infrastructure such as port, railway and new Johor cities.
Tun’s fear-mongering has taken the Chinese bogeyman ploy scarily to the edge.
4. JT: “Najib gained a solid footing after a successful Umno general assembly. Everyone could see how the party, especially the three wings, rallied around him.”
HA:  Joceline is, of course, right to point out that Najib has a firm control over Umno. But at the same time, I feel this has led the Najib camp to appear over-confident. Never forget the adage, ‘Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched’.
5. JT quoting Rahman Dahlan: “They wanted Najib to sort out the 1MDB issue but they did not want another crisis”.
HA:  Public sentiment still negative over 1MDB and this is one major strike against BN. Don’t reckon the issue can be mitigated as yet when election approaches.
6. JT: “In hindsight, the RUU355 also turned out to be one of those things that happened for a reason. The government’s decision not to take over the RUU355 accomplished more than just resolving an issue that had divided the nation.”
HA:  Perhaps the 355 strategy did ultimately provide Umno with some political gains overall but it also comes at a high price for the country’s non-Muslims. BN did not adopt the bill only because of strong objections from Sarawak and consequently, the MCA’s melukut di tepi gantang ineffectual status is all but cemented.
7. JT: “the Malaysian Indian Blueprint that was launched last week is a pivotal signal of his government’s commitment to the Indian community.”
HA:  Well and good on Najib’s part but Umno Muslim leaders rallying around preacher Zakir Naik’s cause will cost BN an amount of Hindu votes.
ABOVE: Bertindak, comprising more than 20 “Melayu Bangkit” NGOs, are challenging the 1.75 million Merdeka citizenships granted the non Malays
8. JT: “It is true that in the past, leaders made promises that were not kept but this document will hold the government accountable and form the basis for policies targeted at the community.”
HA:  This Indian blueprint will not convince the Hindraf segment … been there, done that. Hence how much of the Indian vote will decide to stay with BN has to be carefully factored.
9. JT: “those who imagine PAS and Umno have an electoral pact going on, had better think again. The two parties will be going head-to-head in the Malay crescent states of Terengganu, Kelantan and Kedah.”
HA:  Joceline is correct in her appraisal. In other words, PAS is kingmaker. It is DAP that brought about this escalating Islamization through its relentless bullying of PAS.
10. JT: “Over in Jakarta, the Christian-Chinese candidate popularly known as Ahok lost in his bid for the Governor’s post. The racial and religious overtones that led to his defeat sent out chilling signals.”
HA:  Over in Jerusubang, don’t hope that the sneaky political Christianity of the DAP is in retreat. On the contrary, they’ve grown more ‘passive’-aggressive. Evangelistas berani buat, berani tanggung yah. -helenang


It is almost 29-27 in Selangor.
Yesterday, the Dewan Ulama PAS voted for the party to end its ties with DAP-lackey, PKR. Today, the Muktamar Pemuda PAS voted for the same.
Tomorrow, the Muktamar PAS will decide if it will continue to work with PKR or not.
This would see the end of the 19-year alliance that started with Mahathir’s ousting of Anwar Ibrahim.
PKR has already called PAS’s bluff. Saifuddin Nasution has already called for PAS Selangor Exco members to quit their posts if the decision to sever ties with PKR is final.
Even with PAS out of the picture, the Selangor Pakatan government holds on to the seat of the government with a simple majority.
Pakatan would be down to the last three parties in Selangor: PKR, DAP and PAN.
But this would mean the true master in Selangor which is DAP, holds the largest number of non-Malay seats in the government. They hold 14 seats while PKR has only 13 of which three are non-Malays. PAN, which lives at the mercy of DAP only has two.
It is very unlikely that PAN would go against DAP’s wishes in Selangor.
It was bad enough during Abdul Khalid Ibrahim’s time when the Malays in Selangor were stronger. DAP was the one calling the shots
It would be interesting to see how much real power Azmin Ali would have after the Muktamar tomorrow.
Especially when there is already a marked increase in the number of Chinese voters in the Shah Alam Parliamentary constituency.



This was sent to me by someone:


1. In killing the terrorists, you will only kill the worker bees. The queen bees are the preachers, who teach a deviant form of Islam in schools and Islamic centres, who capture and twist the minds of the young.”

2. "The late Lee Kuan Yew  identified several leading causes and named Saudi Arabia and its oil money as one of the main culprits for the spread of radical Islam.    After the price of oil quadrupled in 1973, “Saudi Arabia has generously financed the Dakwa (missionary) movement by building mosques and religious schools (madrasahs) and paying for preachers (ulamas) throughout the world, spreading the teachings and practices of its austere version of Wahabist Islam,” he said.  This made it possible for extremists to reach and recruit from Saudi-funded mosques and madrassas."

How Does Lee Kuan Yew Think We Can Solve The Terrorism Crisis?

The late Lee Kuan Yew was known for some politically incorrect remarks about the Muslims. 

In fact, he was even once accused for calling Islam a ‘venomous’ religion though he rejected the WikiLeaks cable claim by saying that it was false.

In the light of the recent global attention on the ISIS, Lee Kuan Yew did have some unique insights to contribute to the topic of radical Islamic fundamentalists.

These views of his were expressed in a book about him titled “Lee Kuan Yew: The Grand Master’s Insights On China, The United States, And The World”; interviews with the press and speeches.

Here is what Lee Kuan Yew thought about the issue of terrorism and Muslim extremists:

1) Lee Kuan Yew thought this is a conflict between extremist Muslims and rational Muslims


According to Lee Kuan Yew, this ongoing conflict appears on the surface to be “a struggle between extremist radicals in the Muslim world on one side and America, Israel, and their Western allies on the other”.

However, if you look deeper, this struggle is “about what Islam means between the extremist Muslims and the rationalist Muslims, between fundamentalist Muslims and modernist Muslims.”

“Eventually, the fight will boil down to one between Muslims who want to return to the Islam of the 11th century (when Islam shut out the outside world and cut itself off from new ideas) and those who want to see a modern Islam attuned to the 21st century,” he said.


2) Lee Kuan Yew believed that moderate Muslims should own the problem


Lee believed the responsibility to solve this problem lies with the moderate Muslims. Quoting him, “Only the Muslims themselves, those with moderate, more modern approach to life – can fight the fundamentalists for control of the Muslim soul. Muslims must counter the terrorist ideology that is based on a perverted interpretation of Islam.

He added that Muslims who refuse to take on this responsibility are “ducking the issue and allowing the extremists to hijack not just Islam, but the whole of the Muslim community.”

So how does he recommend moderate Muslims go about doing that?

Muslims who want to be a part of science and technology must confront and stop these Islamists from preaching violence and hatred. They must get the Muslim scholars and religious teachers to preach that Islam is a religion of peace, not terror, and that it is tolerant of other people and their faiths” he advised.

He observed that the majority of Muslims who are moderates are not speaking up due to two factors.
  1. Their sympathy for and identification with the Palestinians and anger against the Israelis, and
  2. Their desire for a peaceful life of growth and progress.
I guess those who believe in Martin Luther King’s quote that “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people” may agree with him.


3) Lee Kuan Yew blamed  Saudi Arabia for spreading radical Islam

Lee said  the root cause of Islamic terrorism is not the on-going Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Rather, he believed  “It is not poverty, it is not deprivation, it is something more fundamental, a resurgence of Arab and Islamic pride, and a belief that their time has come,”

“After 40 years of patchy economic development, many Arabs feel anger and humiliation that their once glorious civilisation has been diminished by the West, especially America and corrupted by its licentious culture,” he explained.

The late Lee identified several leading causes and named Saudi Arabia and its oil money as one of the main culprits for the spread of radical Islam.

After the price of oil quadrupled in 1973, “Saudi Arabia has generously financed the Dakwa (missionary) movement by building mosques and religious schools (madrasahs) and paying for preachers (ulamas) throughout the world, spreading the teachings and practices of its austere version of Wahabist Islam,” he said.

This made it possible for extremists to reach and recruit from Saudi-funded mosques and madrassas.

4) The international community should support moderate Muslims in combating Islamic extremism

Russia is already combining efforts with France to fight ISIS but is currently facing problems in getting the US onboard.

Lee Kuan Yew believed the international community can help to “reassure and persuade moderate Muslims” and “give moderate Muslims the courage to stand up and speak out against radicals who have hijacked Islam to recruit volunteers for their violent ends”.

By providing support, they can show moderate Muslims that “they are not going to lose, that they have the weight, the resources of the world behind them.”

This will give them the courage to “go into the mosques and madrassahs and switch off the radicals”.

Lee stressed the importance of global collaboration and the importance of a “Multilateral approach  backed by the Europe, Russia, US, China, India and all non-Muslim governments to its cause, along with many moderate Muslims.”

“If the West were to reach a consensus and agree on their strategy against terrorists… together with Japan, China, and Russia, moderate Muslims who want to modernize their societies would have confidence and courage to take on the extremists and stop them from producing more terrorists.”

“When moderate Muslim governments feel comfortable associating themselves openly with a multilateral coalition against Islamist terrorism, the tide of battle will turn against the extremists,” he predicted.


5) Lee Kuan Yew thought  that killing the terrorists won’t help

Lee also suggested that a military solution was not enough on its own.

“You must use force. But force will only deal with the tip of the problem.

In killing the terrorists, you will only kill the worker bees. The queen bees are the preachers, who teach a deviant form of Islam in schools and Islamic centres, who capture and twist the minds of the young.”


To put it simply, he thought that existing efforts merely 治镖不治本 – Treat the symptoms but not the problem.

My comments :  I have been saying the same things. Day in and day out. 

Exco posts: Selangor PAS will abide by any party decision

Delegate Zaidy Abdul Talib says PAS is not power crazy but wants to take power from those who are crazy by ensuring victory in GE14.

ALOR SETAR: Selangor PAS has pledged to comply with any decision the central leadership makes on the party’s involvement in the state government following strained relations with PKR.
A delegate from the state, Zaidy Abdul Talib, said the political situation there had come under the spotlight following calls by the ulama and youth wings to sever ties with PKR.
“I ask all Selangor delegates to affirm that we will abide by any decision made by the party’s leadership,” he said at PAS’ 63rd muktamar (general assembly) today.
“If we are to charge forward, we will. If we are told to retreat, we will.”
On April 28, PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution called on PAS’ three executive councillors to give up their posts if the party decides to cut ties with PKR.
Several PAS leaders responded by saying the party would not quit from the state government, whose menteri besar is PKR deputy president Azmin Ali.
PAS has been a member of the Selangor government since the 2008 general election when it was part of a united opposition, that also included PKR and DAP, that wrested the state from BN.
The three opposition parties then formed the Pakatan Rakyat coalition which retained hold over the state in the 2013 general election.
Zaidy said PAS had participated in the administration of Selangor despite being given limited powers. He said the party would not give any excuses in serving the people.
“A leader’s every action is geared towards resolving issues faced by the people.
“We are not power crazy, but we want to take power from those who are crazy,” said Zaidy.
On April 27, PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man had said Selangor was one of five states the party was eyeing to rule after the upcoming 14th general election (GE14), alongside Kelantan, Pahang, Terengganu and Kedah. -FMT

RM50 million for ‘Park and Ride’ project in Rawang

The project will involve the construction of a large car parking area at the Rawang KTM Komuter station.

KUALA LUMPUR: RM50 million. That is the cost of providing “Park and Ride” facilities at the Rawang KTM Komuter station.
Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai announced the project today and said it would involve the construction of a large car parking area for the convenience of commuters and also to improve traffic flow.
“The project is in the tender process. We hope to begin construction this year for the benefit of the residents,” he told reporters after a dialogue session with leaders of Chinese NGOs in Selayang today.
Liow, who is also the MCA president, regretted the Selangor state government’s decision to ignore the problems faced by the residents.
The residents raised various issues, including the flash floods in Batu Arang, the traffic congestion in Rawang and poor water supply in Selayang.
“The Selangor government has failed to resolve the problems of the residents who are now seeking help from the federal government.”
On Chinese support for the MCA, Liow said support for the party was increasing and the party was committed to solving problems related to the Chinese community in this country. -FMT

China scores tacit victory at Asean summit

Asean ended the summit with a statement noting 'the improving cooperation between Asean and China' in the South China Sea.

MANILA: China won approval from Southeast Asian leaders on Saturday at a meeting where US allies in Asia have previously criticised Beijing over its actions in disputed maritime territory.
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), which has enjoyed an upswing in relations with China for some time, ended a summit here with a statement noting “the improving cooperation between Asean and China” in the South China Sea.
The leaders also welcomed “progress to complete a framework of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea” by the middle of this year, and recognised “the long-term benefits” of peace, stability and sustainable development in the region.
The leaders’ avoided mention of sensitive issues such as land reclamation or militarization, or last year’s ruling by an international court that rejected China’s claims to more than 80% of the South China Sea in a case brought by the Philippines under the administration of former president Benigno Aquino.
China’s efforts to assert its dominance over the South China Sea, one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes that carry more than US$5 trillion (RM21.7 trillion) in annual trade, have in the past angered Southeast Asian nations with competing claims such as Vietnam and the Philippines. The waterway has become a flashpoint in a broader tussle for regional influence between China and the US in Asia.
Speaking after the meeting, Philippines President and current Asean chairman Rodrigo Duterte said China’s recent actions in the South China Sea were not discussed at the leaders’ meeting on Saturday, describing any talks on the issue as “useless”.
“The biggest victor in diplomacy in this summit is China,” Lauro Baja, former Philippine foreign affairs undersecretary, said on Saturday.
“Asean seems to feel and act under the shadows of China.
“China is engaging Asean in a very successful diplomatic position,” Baja said. “Asean considers what China feels, what China thinks and how China will act in its decisions.”
Before the summit, Duterte told reporters that arguments between the Philippines and China over disputed maritime territory were not an issue for Asean. A Philippine delegation is due to travel to China in May to discuss issues related to the South China Sea.
“Closer relations with China has lent itself to a more cohesive Asean and promises to prevent war and escalate conflict in our part of the world,” Wilfrido Villacorta, a former Philippine ambassador to Asean and also a former deputy secretary-general of Asean, said in an email on Saturday.
“President Duterte’s inclusive foreign policy has significantly transformed the security architecture and balance of power in Southeast Asia.”
Trump call
After wrapping up the Asean summit, Duterte spoke with US President Donald Trump to pass on Asean concerns on regional security, including the threat posed by North Korea, according to a readout of the call provided by the White House.
“President Trump enjoyed the conversation and said that he is looking forward to visiting the Philippines in November to participate in the East Asia Summit and the US-Asean Summit,” according to the White House statement.
Trump also acknowledged that “the Philippine government is fighting very hard to rid its country of drugs” and invited Duterte to visit the White House to discuss the importance of the US-Philippines alliance, which is “now heading in a very positive direction”.
Since being sworn into office last June, Duterte has launched a brutal crackdown on drug pushers that has claimed thousands of lives and attracted condemnation from the around the world.
Trade, Integration
At the summit, Asean leaders also instructed ministers to redouble efforts toward bringing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership with Asean dialogue partners, including Japan, China, India and Australia, into force as soon as possible.
With a combined gross domestic product of US$2.55 trillion in 2016 and robust year-on-year real GDP growth rate of 4.7% that is expected to accelerate to 4.8% this year, Asean leaders also committed to continue efforts to further integrate the region’s economies.
Asean leaders also welcomed progress on a roll-on, roll-off shipping network between Davao in the Philippines and Indonesia, and stressed the need for cooperation against piracy and other crimes at sea.
Judgement call
On Asean’s decision not to raise last year’s international court ruling on the South China Sea, former undersecretary Baja said it was “a judgement call” by Duterte.
“Most of us were expecting that, as chair of the Asean, we could have been more expressive and assertive in pushing for Philippine advocacies. The arbitral ruling is one of them,” Baja said.
Albert del Rosario, who was Philippines foreign secretary under Duterte’s predecessor Benigno Aquino from 2011 to 2016, also criticised the decision.
“Our government, in its desire to quickly accommodate our aggressive northern neighbour, may have left itself negotiating a perilous road with little or no room to rely on brake power and a chance to shift gears if necessary,” Rosario said in a text message on Saturday. -FMT

B-U-T is BN’s secret to victory, says PAS

Terengganu PAS delegate Kamaruzzaman Abdullah also says PAS needs 1 to 2% vote swing to win the east coast state.

ALOR SETAR: A Terengganu PAS delegate has claimed that Barisan Nasional’s “secret” to victory in elections has been to Beli (buy), Ugut (threaten) and Tipu (cheat).
At PAS’ 63rd muktamar, Kamaruzzaman Abdullah alleged BN would “buy” the people, threaten them and cheat in elections.
“This is how Umno and Barisan Nasional can rule until now,” Kamaruzzaman said while debating the PAS president’s opening address.
Kamaruzzaman also hit out at those who accused PAS of working with Umno.
He said in Terengganu, PAS has been consistent in opposing Umno.
In the next general election (GE14), he said PAS would contest all 32 state and eight parliamentary seats.
He said in Terengganu, PAS held nearly the maximum number of seats an opposition could have.
“In GE14, we only need a 1-2% vote swing and, God willing, we can take over Terengganu.”
At present, in Terengganu, BN has 17 seats, PAS has 14 seats while PKR has one seat.
Kamaruzzaman also claimed that Umno “uses” the Election Commission to its advantage through the delineation of electoral boundaries, and that if the electoral boundaries aren’t redrawn, PAS could win.
The Kuala Terengganu parliamentary constituency, is one of the eight “super” constituencies, critics of the redelineation exercise claim the EC has created.
In facing GE 14, Kamaruzzaman also urged PAS to be quick to respond to “lies” and “allegations” made against PAS, including claims that PAS leaders don’t go down to the grassroots.
“We also have to highlight the close cooperation between ulama and professionals so that no one can say that PAS is only for ustaz (religious leaders), more so when most who left us were from the professional camp,” he said, alluding to former PAS leaders who left the party to form Amanah.
Kamaruzzaman said that PAS also needed to focus on winning over voters aged 21 to 50, who represented 70% of voters, young female voters whom he said were Umno’s lifeline, and Felda voters.
This year’s muktamar is the second party assembly since the 2015 party elections which saw the defeat of several veteran leaders.
These leaders later set up Amanah, which is now part of Pakatan Harapan, together with PKR, DAP and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia. -FMT


Johor PAS delegate claims Mahathir’s goal is to save Umno and BN from defeat in the next general election.
(FMT) – A Johor PAS delegate has warned the party to be cautious in dealing with Dr Mahathir Mohamad, claiming that the former prime minister harbours a clandestine plan to help Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN).
Speaking at PAS’ 63rd Muktamar (general assembly) today, Nazari Mokthar described the 91-year old politician as a sneaky “Mr U-Turn” with no fixed political position.
“I want to remind our leadership to be careful with Mr U-Turn, as he can suddenly change his stand. When he can’t be friends with PAS, he starts to bash us.
“Mahathir’s aim is only to save Umno and BN. We have to be careful with Mr U-Turn so we are not trapped for the third time,” he said when debating the PAS president’s address at the Kedah PAS Complex at Kota Sarang Semut near here.
Yesterday, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang announced that the party would not cooperate with PPBM which he described as “directionless”.
Nazari said Mahathir’s actions as the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) chairman had served to split the Malay votes so as to benefit the ruling BN government in the upcoming 14th General Election (GE14).
He said PAS’ leadership had made the right move in not wanting to cooperate with PPBM as Malays were already divided in their support for PPBM, PAS, PKR and Amanah.
He said PAS should take PPBM’s challenge seriously as it could draw significant votes and make it difficult for the party to win in the election.
He added that PAS members should advise their friends who are angry with Umno not to join PPBM.
They should instead turn to PAS because only through a party like PAS could Islam be upheld, he added.
Nazari also hit out at claims that PAS leaders had received “dedak” (bribes or rewards) from Umno to be friendly towards it,
“They accuse us of taking ‘dedak’ when they are the ones who are loaded,” he said, denying that there was any such inducement.


Top cop says police are monitoring the preacher in the wake of Hindraf asking the UN’s Counter-Terrorism Committee to advise Malaysia to stop harbouring Naik.
(FMT) – Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar has told Indian rights group Hindraf that it does not need to “overreact” on the issue of controversial preacher Zakir Naik’s presence in Malaysia.
He said the police are keeping an eye on Naik who is wanted in India over money-laundering and terrorism-related investigations.
“Hindraf need not overreact over Zakir Naik.” Khalid told FMT in a text message.
“The police will be monitoring him and his activities,” he said.
Khalid was responding to reports that Hindraf chairman P Waythamoorthy had on Friday sent a letter to the UN Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC), asking it to advise Malaysia as a member state to stop harbouring Naik.
“We, in Malaysia, do not want our country to be used for terrorist installations or training camps, or for the preparation or organisation of terrorist acts intended to be committed either domestically or internationally,” Waythamoorty said in the letter addressed to CTC chairman Amr Abdellatif Aboulatta.
The former deputy minister said Naik may have shifted his base of operations to Malaysia to promote or support sectarian activities.
He also called on the CTC to advise the Malaysian representative there to cooperate by denying Naik safe haven, revoke his permanent residency (PR), freeze his assets and activities, and apply the “principle of extradition”.
India’s National Investigation Agency (NIA) has issued a notice to Naik to return to the country for questioning.
The authorities there have also filed a money-laundering case against Naik, while his Mumbai-based Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) has been accused of inciting Muslims and promoting enmity between different communities.
Earlier reports that Naik was given citizenship by Putrajaya had not gone down well with many Malaysians, especially those from the Hindu community who said Naik had run down Hinduism and other religions.
On Friday, a group representing 28 local NGOs protested outside the Indian High Commission in Kuala Lumpur, chanting slogans like “Zakir Naik, go back to India” and “Zakir Naik, illegal immigrant”.
However, Naik also has a considerable following in Malaysia. He has even had audiences with Prime Minister Najib Razak and Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
On April 18, Zahid disclosed that Naik had been given his Malaysian PR more than five years ago, adding that it was issued before he took over the post of home minister in May 2013.
He said Naik is not banned from entering Malaysia because he has not broken any laws in the country.
He also said the immigration department would blacklist all individuals who were deemed a threat to the security and peace of the country, based on information from the relevant authorities. 

PAS enemies with DAP, not non-Muslims, says Kelantan speaker

MUKTAMAR | PAS is fighting DAP, and not non-Muslims, stressed Kelantan state assembly speaker Abdullah Yaakob.
"We are enemies with DAP. We are not enemies with the Chinese, Indians, Orang Asli and other non-Muslims," Abdullah said at the 63rd PAS muktamar today.
PAS is currently is expected to face electoral backlash from non-Muslims, following efforts to amend syariah penal laws, widely feared by non-Muslims as a prelude to the implementation of hudud.
The party has repeatedly stressed that the law punishing syariah offences will not affect non-Muslims.
Abdullah said although Kelantan had the smallest percentage of non-Bumiputeras in the country, the state government still took good care of them.
He cited state government aid for burials of the elderly, as well as marriage aid for poor youths, whether they be Muslims or non-Muslims as examples.
He urged PAS' non-Muslim supporters wing to help spread the message to fellow non-Muslims that there was no reason to fear the Islamist party.
Move out of the way
On the trading ban in Kelantan during maghrib (dusk) prayers, Abdullah said this had been done with the agreement of all stakeholders.
"It has been accepted by everyone in the community, it is only some of our former friends who are playing it up," he said.
He then rebuffed PAS critics who said the party had lost its way, and were no longer attacking the ruling BN government and were instead were taking shots at the rest of the opposition.

Using football to illustrate his point, he said those critics were standing in PAS' way to scoring a goal against Umno.
"So if you're standing in the way, we have to kick you first, so that when we kick the ball it will be a goal.
"We are fighting Umno, so you don't stand motionless in front of the goal," he said.- Mkini