
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, September 3, 2022

An Appeal To the Judiciary - Do Not Tolerate The Mockery


The conduct of the appellants and their lawyers in the recently concluded (and perhaps another one beginning) high profile and of great public interest cases in the higher courts have been  appalling. 

Shameful and embarrassing to the public, to the image of the justice system and to our country. Their behaviour has indeed been like they are performers in a circus. There seems to be no respect for the Courts. They are making a mockery of the Courts.

First there were the flimsy delays caused by sudden health issues - by both the appellants as well  as their lawyers. 

There were delays caused by sudden travel plans or other engagements by both the appellants and their lawyers.

Then there was the now quite predictable action of applying to recuse the judges at the very last minute,  wanting to recuse the prosecutor and other such time wasting tactics. One day they might apply to recuse the Court clerk and Court interpreter as well. Or the janitor.

Then there were the lame attempts at introducing 'hot' new evidence that was nothing more than smoke and mirrors. 

More delays were attempted by ;

  • applying to bring in foreign lawyers
  • by lawyers resigning
  • by appointing new lawyers
  • by lawyers who had resigned making sudden re-appearances
  • by un-related lawyers seated in the public gallery walking to the bar  
  • and on and on

It has been a real circus.  Worse than that it has been a mockery of the justice system and it does impact on the respect and regard the public has for the judiciary. 

i was really very surprised that the judges allowed all these clowns to behave like fools in the Court. As I have said before such behaviour is not tolerated in other countries which have the same legal system as us. 

May I suggest to the Court that in future appeals cases that the appellants and their lawyers be required to declare upfront if they will be :

  • applying to recuse the prosecutor
  • applying to recuse the judge
  • applying to adduce 'hot' new evidence
  • applying to make sudden travel plans


Then the applications can be dealt with quickly and upfront, for example application denied, insist on replacement representation in case of sudden travel plans,  etc.

This will neutralise all these really foolish and clownish acts that seek to make a mockery of the Courts.

The Courts (and the Judges) have a duty to the public especially the taxpayer whose hard earned tax money pays for the very expensive Court process. In any Court case there maybe 10 - 20 civil servants from the Judge down to the Court clerk, interpreter and Policemen on duty inside every court room. That is a lot of people who are paid from taxpayers funds.  Foolish pranks and clownish behaviour to delay the Court process only costs the public more money.

But the real damage is the image of the Court and the image of the Judges in the public eye.

The recent spate of cases began FOUR long years ago in 2018. One has been concluded (after multipl appeals) while the others are still in progress or just beginning another long series of appeals. 

My question is - so how long will these cases take? Another FOUR years? From 2018 to 2026? The public is really sick and tired of seeing these really ugly and thieving faces appearing in the news day after day, year after year.   As though the country has nothing better to talk about. 

I would seriously advise the Judges and the Courts to really expedite all these high profile and public interest cases. You must NEVER tolerate all these foolish and clownish antics by the appellants and their lawyers in the Court. To allow all their clownish acts also reflects upon you the Judges than just upon them. 

Fool you once shame on them. 
Fool you twice shame on you. 

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