
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, February 8, 2023


 A friend sent me the story and I found the full online petition. Siapa nak tolong, boleh tolong sign the online petition for them. 

The story is quite simple. The MRSM has been teaching the kids in the English language - something I have been pointing out frequently in this blog. Not just the MRSM but I think the entire boarding school system teaches in English. 

Thus amplifying the super hypocrisy of the Malay-language warriors. 

The sekolah kebangsaan system which is meant for the hoi-polloi, the sans-culottes, the B40, the M40, the rakyat marhaen's children etc teaches almost exclusively in Malay.

The boarding school system, which has helped to create a caste system among the Malays, has been teaching in English - as you can read in the following petition.

Now they have decided to switch the MRSM system also to Bahasa Malaysia.


A very good day i bid to everyone reading this.

The image added above is proof of what is going to happen in Maktab Rendah Sains Mara for Form 1 to Form 4 students. They are going to change syllabus for Form 1 until Form 4 to Bahasa Malaysia. 

This petition would not exist if they were to change it to Bahasa Malaysia starting Form 1's new intake but instead they have decided to suddenly change it to Bahasa Malaysia for Form 1 to Form 4 students. 

Can you see how ridiculous this sounds? Imagine Form 4 students who are going to sit for SPM next year who have been studying in English since Form 1 just for it to suddenly change to Bahasa Malaysia in such short notice.

How does MRSM ensure that these students' grades and mental health stays normal when they have made such abrupt changes? I am genuinely worried about the students. How can one expect students (16 year olds) to suddenly understand, memorise, get good grades in Bahasa Malaysia for subjects that they've learned for 3 years in English? Batch 07 should be preparing themselves for SPM. Not preparing to answer exam questions in Bahasa Malaysia for subjects they know in English. Exam questions are difficult to understand in Bahasa Malaysia for someone who learned everything in English.

Please help these poor students who feel helpless and hopeless. I hope this petition makes a difference. Thank you for reading.


My Comments :

This will basically turn the MRSM system into another set of sekolah kebangsaan.

So the taxpayer will be spending three, four, five times (or more) the amount of money on every MRSM student but to learn according to the seriously problematic sekolah kebangsaan system. They are bringing down the averages in the country again.

Why not go the other way. Build up the sekolah kebangsaan to match the boarding schools. As a first step switch back the teaching of science and mathematics in English in all sekolah kebangsaan. 

Build up the sekolah kebangsaan to match and outdo the sekolah asrama (boarding schools). Then dismantle the boarding schools. We really do not need the taxpayer funded boarding schools. Why spend so much taxpayers money on the boarding schools to create graduates who still cannot compete and worse they dont want to compete?

Create more competition in the sekolah kebangsaan system. Return the missionary schools back under the management of their original founders.   Take my school in Ipoh - the Anglo Chinese School. Let the Methodist people run it again. It was an excellent school. 

Then let the sekolah kebangsaan compete with the missionary schools, the international schools, the private schools etc. Create more and more competition in the education system.

"Kalau aku bodoh hang pun kena bodoh" is not a good philosophy.

The views expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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