
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, April 12, 2017

MEF: Tough procedures may force bosses to get e-Kad illegally

Malaysian Employers Federation executive director Shamsuddin Bardan says employers are finding it difficult to meet requirements for foreign workers to get e-Kad.
Shamsuddin-Bardan-e-cardPETALING JAYA: Stringent application procedures could be driving employers to unauthorised means of obtaining Enforcement Cards (e-Kad) for their undocumented foreign workers, theSun reported today.
Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) executive director Shamsuddin Bardan suggested this when he highlighted the requirements set by the immigration department.
“It’s not easy to get the e-Kad. This could be the reason certain quarters had attempted to get them illegally, because they could not fulfil the requirements,” he told theSun.
Under the home ministry’s rehiring programme both the employer and worker have to be present to apply for the e-Kad at the immigration department.
According to Shamsuddin, an undocumented foreign worker also has to go through a medical test and be certified free of criminal record, while their employer must prove that their companies are registered and also provide their bank account information.
Even if these procedures were followed to the letter, there was no guarantee that the worker would obtain his e-Kad, Shamsuddin told the daily.
Shamsuddin’s remarks followed news yesterday that a number of immigration department branches had issued e-Cards to illegal immigrants who were not registered under the rehiring programme.
The Star quoted Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan Mohamed as saying there had been some confusion in the distribution of the e-Kad, and that the ministry was looking into the matter.
The national rehiring programme is meant for illegal workers in the peninsula to apply for work permits to meet job demands in several sectors, namely construction, plantation, services, manufacturing and agriculture.
The programme began on Feb 15 and will end on June 30. -FMT


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