
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Image result for mahathir and hadi

1. Hadi suruh saya bertaubat.
2. Sebenarnya yang mesti bertaubat ialah Hadi sendiri.

3. Allah melarang dalam Al Quran umat Islam berpecah-belah dan berpuak-puak. (Ayat 159 Surah Al An’am, Ayat 103 Surah Ali Imran, Ayat 107 Surah Al Anfal, Ayat 32 Surah Ar Rum, Ayat 94 Surah An Nisaa)

4. Hadi mengkafirkan orang Islam di Malaysia. Allah SWT melarang perbuatan mengkafir dan berjanji sesiapa yang mengkafirkan orang Islam, kafir itu akan kembali kepada mereka. Inilah yang terjadi kepada Hadi dan PAS apabila bekerjasama dengan DAP.

5. Kerana Hadi kafirkan pemerintahan Malaysia dalam Amanatnya, maka empat orang anggota polis dibunuh oleh pengikut Ibrahim Libya kerana percaya mereka sedang berjihad dan mati mereka apabila diserang balas oleh polis adalah mati syahid.

6. Apa hak Hadi dan apa hak PAS mengkafirkan orang yang tidak menyertai parti mereka. Di mana dalam Quran atau hadith yang berkata hanya dengan menjadi ahli PAS sahaja barulah seseorang itu beragama Islam. Apakah 1.7 billion orang Islam diseluruh dunia bukan Islam kerana mereka tidak masuk parti PAS.

7. Perpecahan yang berlaku dikalangan orang Melayu Islam di Malaysia amat mendalam. Ada yang menafi keIslaman ibubapa mereka. Ada di antara orang PAS yang menidakkan keIslaman isteri, yang berkahwin sekali lagi.

8. Ada yang sembahyang berasingan, dengan imam lain; yang tidak sanggup dikebumi di kubur biasa kerana kononnya kubur itu kubur orang kafir.

9. Ada yang bangun masjid berasingan sehingga sekarang ini pun.

10. Inilah hasil Amanat Hadi. Ia adalah satu dosa besar. Kerana ini sahaja pun ia perlu bertaubat.

11. Allah tegah perbuatan kerosakkan.

12. (Surah Al Baqarah Ayat 11, Ayat 60, Ayat 205, Surah Al A’raaf Ayat 59, 85, 86)

13. Sesunguhnya Hadi melakukan banyak kerosakan terhadap agama Islam dan orang Islam di Malaysia. Perpecahan yang disebabkan Hadi telah melemahkan orang Islam.

14. Saya sedar ramai pengikut Hadi telah bai’ah kepadanya. Mereka taksub kepadanya sehingga ajaran Al Quran dan hadith yang sahih pun diketepikan. Mereka sudah jadi puak assabiah yang terima sahaja apa yang didakwa oleh Hadi tanpa soal.

15. Sekarang Hadi sedang mempertahankan rasuah dan seleweng wang oleh Najib. Sekaligus Hadi berusaha untuk memberi kemenangan kepada Najib dan UMNO walaupun dimasa yang sama PAS akan kalah.

16. PAS bersendirian tidak pernah menang selain dari peringkat negeri. Diperingkat pusat PAS hanya mampu jadi rakan kecil di antara pembangkang.

17. Tetapi PAS akan terus peralatkan Islam. Tuntutan terhadap hudud PAS sudah digugur. Sekarang kononnya PAS akan bawa usul RUU 355. Berkali-kali usul ini ditangguh. Tetapi PAS masih mengguna usul ini untuk menarik sokongan politik bagi dirinya.

18. Inilah PAS. Sebelum adanya PAS orang Melayu bersatu dan bersaudara sebagai dituntut oleh agama mereka – agama Islam.

19. Perpecahan dan permusuhan sesama orang Islam di Malaysia bermula dengan penubuhan parti PAS. Dianya tidaklah begitu buruk sehingga Hadi keluar Amanatnya.

20. Sesungguhnya Hadi berdosa besar dan Hadi perlu bertaubat dan batalkan Amanatnya.



Dalam kenyataan pembelaan yang difailkan berhubung saman Presiden Pas, Hadi Awang terhadapnya, editor Sarawak Report, Clare Rewcastle-Browm antara lain merekodkan perkara-perkara berikut:-
– Najib Razak menyalurkan lebih RM200 juta kepada bekas Timbalan Presiden Pas, Nasharuddin Mat Isa sejak 2014 dengan tujuan mendanai sekumpulan pihak dalam Pas.
– Dana rahsia itu diberikan secara berterusan sepanjang 2015, termasuk untuk Perhimpunan Agung (Muktamar) yang berlangsung pada Jun 2015. Untuk rekod, pada  2015, Muktamar Pas diadakan di Kuala Selangor antara 4 -6 Jun 2015.
– Dana tersebut termasuk untuk mengadakan Himpunan Fastaqim pertama pada Oktober 2015 dan acara-acara lain, termasuk Persidangan Kesatuan Islam Antarabangsa pada Julai 2017.
– Kenyataan pembelaan Clare juga menamakan beberapa pemimpin Pas yang didakwanya telah membeli kenderaan, hartanah atau menambah isteri baharu. Beliau turut menunjukkan senarai panjang jenis kenderaan yang dibeli mereka.
– Clare juga menamakan peguam S Ambiga yang merupakan bekas Pengerusi Bersih sebagai sumbernya berhubung dakwaan dana RM90 juta yang diterima oleh Pas.
Yang paling menarik dalam kenyataan pembelaan Clare itu ialah beliau secara jelas menamakan bekas Timbalan Presiden Pas, Nasharuddin Mat Isa sebagai telah menerima dana lebih RM200 juta daripada Najib.
Sebelum ini, Rafizi Ramli juga menamakan Nasharuddin telah menerima wang daripada Najib untuk disalurkan kepada pemimpin-pemimpin Pas.
Rafizi bagaimanapun tidak menyebut jumlah wang yang diterima Nasharuddin itu.
Nasharuddin pernah memaklumkan mahu mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap Rafizi, tetapi sehingga sekarang masih tiada apa-apa berita mengenainya.
Tidak diketahui sama ada saman itu diteruskan atau sebaliknya.
Husam Musa pula dalam pendedahannya berkaitan hal yang sama, meskipun tidak pernah menyebut nama Nasharuddin, tetapi secara terbuka pernah menamakan Affin Bank dan angka RM200 juta itu.
Apakah kenyataan pembelaan Clare saling kait-mengait dengan pendedahan Rafizi dan Husam sebelum ini?
Benarkah angka RM200 juta itu?
Sediakah Najib menafikan bahawa beliau  pernah memberikan wang sebanyak itu kepada Nasharuddin?
Adakah Nasharuddin berani bersumpah tidak pernah menerima wang dengan jumlah yang sama melalui akaun banknya  atau akaun lain yang dikawal olehnya?
Bila lagi mahu menunaikan janji untuk menyaman Rafizi?
Tidak mahukah Nasharuddin menafi atau menyaman Clare berhubung kenyataan pembelaan editor Sarawak Report itu?
Bagaimana dengan pemimpin-pemimpin Pas yang ada, tidak teringinkah untuk berlaku jujur, bercakap benar dan melafaz dengan nama Tuhan bahawa mereka tidak pernah sama-sekali menerima wang daripada Nasharuddin atau dengan jumlah yang agak luar biasa sejak 2014 yang lalu?
Apa pun, sementara menunggu perbicaraan kes saman Hadi terhadap Clare itu berlangsung nanti, kenyataan pembelaan yang difailkan edior Sarawak Report kepada Mahkamah di London baru-baru ini, dengan sendirinya mula memercikkan bahangnya kepada kita untuk menanti dengan penuh debaran akan episod-episod seterusnya.
– http://shahbudindotcom.blogspot.my


‘None is he so blind as he who does not see. That best describes you, Nazri.’
Anonymous_1406820656: It seems Tourism and Culture Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz is happy to have his money stolen by a compatriot but because the thief has conspired to move the money offshore, then he says he has no rights to take action against the thief.
The money was originally in Malaysia and belonged to “him”. Somehow it was taken from him “without his knowledge or authority”. This is a crime that has occurred in Malaysia.
He seems to accept that crimes have been committed overseas by the likes of Jho Low. Which in turn infers that there is substance to US Department of Justice’s (DOJ), Singapore’s and other overseas legal proceedings which are all tied back to money allegedly stolen from 1MDB.
How then can he claim no crime has been committed in Malaysia? And if Jho Low has committed no crimes in Malaysia, how come he does not dare come back to Malaysia?
Of course, by his comments, Nazri is deviating dangerously from the “there has been no theft from 1MDB” party line.
Newday: Nazri, the DOJ files clearly show the paper trail all the way back to when 1MDB was a state sovereign fund in Terengganu.
Jho Low was clearly the key mastermind. So, what do you not understand about crimes committed in this country?
The one positive is that by your statement that “no crime committed in Malaysia”, at least you are inferring that a crime was actually committed (even if not in Malaysia). Yes, one tiny step forward.
Oxymoronictendencies: Going by the logic of Nazri, why are there police investigations against MACC chief Dzulkifli Ahmad for a purported offence that took place in Bali? Or for attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali to set up a special task force to monitor the probe?
While investigations, prosecutions and convictions over the 1MDB saga have taken place worldwide for offences committed in their respective jurisdictions, they must certainly be watching with amazement as to why no action has been taken against the perpetrators at the very source of the events leading to those crimes.
In this context, the reasoning given by someone with a legal background like Nazri does sound rather dumb and silly.
Res Ipsa: So, if a person cheated a Malaysian company and remitted a large amount of money into his overseas bank account through a fraudulent act, he has not committed a crime in Malaysia?
I am truly enlightened. All the conmen in the world, please come to Malaysia to ply your trade here.
Anonymous #13291217: Nazri, let me give you a very simple illustration to show your stupidity.
While you were travelling abroad, you dropped your wallet. Your bodyguard, who was just behind you, picked it up, emptied its contents and spent all your money.
Your girlfriend, who was beside you, saw what he did but both of you cannot do anything because it happened abroad. Like that, Nazri?
Hplooi: None is he so blind as he who does not see. That best describes you, Nazri, and a horde of enforcement agencies such as the Attorney-General’s Chambers, Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) and MACC.
The then CEO of 1MDB authorised the fraudulent transfer of US$700 million to Good Star account, controlled by Jho Low, instead of 1MDB-PetroSaudi joint venture (JV). No action has been taken against the CEO. Instead, he was given a cushy job in the PM’s Department.
Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) had “681 American pies” transferred to his Ambank personal account. Documented money trail showed it originated from a bank account in Singapore also controlled by Jho Low.
MO1 later returned US$620 million to the same Singapore account and the money used to buy real estate overseas, luxury yacht, jewellery, etc. At a minimum, MO1 had breached the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA).
Yet, no action had been taken against him. Care to explain why, Nazri?
Apa Nama: Nazri, simple common sense will tell you that the money belongs to Malaysians. In today’s world, money could be stolen with a click of a button.
Jho Low can still enter a Malaysian bank’s website and transfer the money elsewhere when he is not physically present here.
Pretzel Dog: Are you sure, Nazri, that you are a lawyer? By your reasoning, Jho Low can return to Malaysia and walk about free like you and I because he siphoned money belonging to the people in a foreign jurisdiction.
Maybe you are saying this because you have run out of reasons not to go after him.
Anonymous 2460391489930458: These acts were committed in Malaysia. 1MDB is a Malaysian company. Jho Low is a Malaysian (a Penangite to be exact).
This man has caused massive amount of funds to be allegedly misappropriated from a Malaysian company and this same Malaysian was on Malaysian soil when all these offences were allegedly committed.
Why isn’t he subject to Malaysian jurisdiction? Is it because the stolen money was transferred abroad into foreign accounts? So, if the stolen money never made it out of the country, only then will this case be pursued by the Malaysian authorities?
In that case, all Malaysian money launderers who use the overseas financial system to launder money will get away scot-free.
Not Convinced: There is indeed a case where money did not leave Malaysia – the RM42 million from SRC International which was transferred into MO1’s bank account.
Nazri, wasn’t that a crime committed in Malaysia? Why was MO1 not nabbed?
Hamzah Paiman: It’s the rakyat’s money, Nazri. It doesn’t matter where the crime was committed, it is still our money which has gone missing.
So what action do we take? According to Nazri, we take no action because the alleged thief is out of the country and the crime was allegedly committed elsewhere.
Nazri only reinforces the fact that Umno-BN will not make an effort to retrieve money stolen from the rakyat if the thief is hiding overseas.
– M’kini


I almost fell off my chair when I read a news report about Prime Minister Najib Razak urging the rakyat not to vote “those who don’t want Islam developed”. He didn’t quite elaborate on how to develop Islam though.
On the back of a litany of “sins of omissions and commissions”, namely the scandal of an unprecedented nature in relation to 1MDB and SRC International Sdn Bhd, involving billions of ringgit in public funds and taxpayer money, Najib’s words sound hollow.
Najib has also conveniently forgotten or selectively chosen to be amnesic about the abuse of funds and mismanagement by some of his lieutenants in certain government agencies and GLCs.
Najib must be made to understand that he cannot hoodwink the rakyat by posturing that he was helping PAS or Islam by getting the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act or RUU355 tabled, for the third time, but then instructing the speaker of the Dewan Rakyat to not allow debate on it.
If he thinks that is “developing Islam” then he is unmistakably under an illusion. It is wishful thinking of the highest order. The rakyat, especially the Muslim constituencies, are no longer as gullible or naive as before. Perhaps he and Umno are still oblivious to this changing reality. Perhaps Najib is in need of a little preaching since he has started to be a preacher himself now.
Let me remind Najib and his new ally PAS that the utmost objective of shariah, insofar as government is concerned, is to manage the resources of the nation responsibly, sustainably and prudently, so as to achieve “prosperity and distributive justice for all”. That is categorically stated in Surah Hud:61, calling for “Al-Isti’mar” or, in the widest sense, “prosperity and well-being” for all.
Allah has outrightly denounced and cursed those steeped in the practise of fraud and injustices, driven essentially by greed and dishonesty. Allah says; “Woe unto those that deal in fraud” in the Surah (Chapter) Al-Mutaffifeen and reminds them of the final reckoning on the day of judgement, when everyone will stand before the lord of the worlds.
The Malay-Muslim community particularly, must be made to understand in very clear terms that striving for “Islamic development” is about “achieving justice and attaining prosperity for all” and getting rid of corrupt and dishonest Malay-Muslim leaders, who are responsible for the rising cost of living and withdrawal of subsidies and imposing the burdensome and regressive GST or consumption tax on the rakyat.
The Malays especially must be told that these are the leaders who actually perpetuate gross income and wealth disparities by amassing huge wealth through nepotism and crony capitalism. Hence, denying the right and development of the poor and marginalised sections of the rakyat.
Islamic development is surely not about merely increasing the limit of punishment, especially if the “offenders” are from the lower income group, while the political elites and their super-rich friends are free to plunder the wealth of the nation – wealth that is meant to develop the rakyat, particularly the poor, who then have to rob or steal to survive or be driven to social vices out of desperation and poverty.
I challenge Najib to honestly disclose and declassify the findings of the report of the Auditor- General on the 1MDB investigation. Najib has committed a grave “sin of omission” in Islam by classifying the controversial 1MDB report – on the unaccounted for or missing RM14 billion in 1MDB funds – under the Official Secrets Act. That is a grave sin indeed! I challenge any mufti, worth their salt, to denounce me as going against the “Maslahah Ammah” or “public interest”.
In no way has Saudi Arabian ruler King Salman Abdulaziz Al Saud’s visit to Malaysia exonerated Najib from the infamous RM2.6 billion found in his personal AmBank Islamic accounts. The SRC International issue – where money was borrowed from the pension fund KWAP – also needs immediate reckoning.
On the back of this and a litany of other wrongdoings on his part, it becomes a huge mockery for Najib to slander his political opposition as being ‘unislamic’. In fact, his opponents have better and more substantive ways of strengthening the Shariah Court, rather than merely upping the limit of punishments.
I have not even touched on the deepening crisis of racial disharmony and the increasing religious conflict that is anathema to and at loggerheads with “Islam as mercy unto all”.
So what are we talking about when we say ‘Islamic development’, Mr PM?
Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad is Strategy Director of Parti Amanah Negara


KUALA LUMPUR — A minister today answered his own challenge for Datuk Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan to expose what she knows about the prime minister purportedly giving millions to PAS leaders.
After issuing the demand, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak clearly did not transfer RM90 million to PAS leaders as the Sarawak Report news site alleged last year.
PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang sued Sarawak Report’s Clare Rewcastle-Brown in London over the claim, and the latter subsequently named Ambiga as the source of the allegation when filing her statement of defence.
“She (Ambiga) will definitely not expose anything, because we know that it (the alleged payment) is a untrue, which is why Hadi Awang brought the matter to court,” Abdul Rahman told BNBBC portal.
“Ustaz Hadi took the action because such allegations affect his reputation as a leader, so I dismiss any possibility that Ambiga will reveal any evidence or her sources.”
He earlier said it was imperative for Ambiga to share what she learned about the purported payment from her sources.
Earlier today, Ambiga told Malay Mail Online she could not comment as the matter was now before the courts in the UK.
Citing from Rewcastle-Brown’s statement of defence, The Malaysian Insight news portal yesterday reported that she claimed to have spoken to Ambiga in July 2016 about PAS, Najib and 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
She then claimed that Ambiga told her she had learned from “reliable” sources about the alleged payment of RM90 million from Najib to “PAS leaders”.
Hadi sued Rewcastle-Brown in April over a report on her site last year alleging that PAS leaders were paid the RM90 million by Najib to stop attacking 1MDB.
Hadi is seeking an undisclosed amount in damages and an injunction preventing Rewcastle-Brown from repeating the allegations.
In August, a London court ordered Rewcastle-Brown to pay £15,000 (RM84,000) or two-thirds of the cost to Hadi after she failed to convince the court to compel Hadi pay a deposit to cover her legal costs.


Dr Mahathir Mohamad has a divine message for PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang – repent!
The nonagenarian politician also accused the Marang MP, who is an Islamic scholar, of committing a colossal sin and urged him to retract his amanat (Hadi’s address).
Mahathir, who was responding to Hadi’s call for the former premier to repent, said it is the PAS president who should atone for his actions.
Pointing out that the Quran forbade Muslims from being divided, he said Hadi had “mengkafirkan” (declared as infidels) Muslims in Malaysia.
“Allah forbids the act of ‘mengkafir’ (branding others as infidels) and pledged that those who do so to Muslims, the ‘kafir’ will return to them.
“This is what happened to Hadi and PAS when they worked together with DAP,” he added in a blog posting this afternoon.
Mahathir once again blamed Hadi’s amanat for the Memali incident and the death of four police personnel at the hands of the followers of Ibrahim Mahmud @ Ibrahim Libya who believed they were waging a holy war.
The former premier also questioned what gave Hadi and PAS the right to declare those who do not join the Islamist party as infidels.
“Where does it state in the Quran or hadith that one is a Muslim only if the person becomes a PAS member? Are the 1.7 billion Muslims around the world, not Muslims because they did not join PAS?” he asked.
Mahathir claimed that PAS caused a deep divide between Muslims in Malaysia, which saw children turning against their parents and husbands against their wives.
“There were those who prayed separately… were not willing to be buried in an ordinary (Muslim) cemetery because it was considered a cemetery of infidels…
“This is the product of Hadi’s amanat. This is a huge sin. For this alone, there is a need to repent.
“Hadi has caused much damage to Islam and Muslims in Malaysia. The division caused by him has weakened the Muslims,” he added.
Mahathir also claimed that many of Hadi’s followers are obsessed with him to the point of setting aside the teachings of the Quran and Hadith, and accept whatever claims by the PAS president without question.
The former premier accused Hadi of now defending the alleged wrongdoings of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and working towards ensuring that the latter and Umno win in the general election even at the expense of PAS losing.