
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, August 30, 2019

Amplify the voice of reason and moderation this Merdeka

Merdeka is here again and we see a need to ensure this 62nd Merdeka is celebrated with a true sense of patriotism. We could all stand proud today because each and every one of our forefathers had played a crucial role in harnessing the greatness of Malaysia till today.
The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) in its Merdeka Day 2019 message calls for a greater understanding among the different races in Malaysia to build respect and trust and urge all Malaysians to put the country first before any personal or political interests and work towards greater unity for greater progress.
It is this Malaysian greatness that we have to cherish so that the fabric of this social and patriotic cohesion can be enhanced and not dampened or allowed to be hijacked by unscrupulous groups and individuals out to create unrest and disharmony. 

We need to amplify the voice of logic, reasoning and moderation and drown those which are illogical, extreme and fanatical. There is no room for extremism or racism in Malaysia. Only by national unity with the spirit of love and patriotism can we strategise for growth and progress in the nation.
The MCCBCHST continues to strive towards bridging and connecting citizens towards interracial solidarity, mutual religious respect and acceptance so that the society at large, stands strong and tall to face various challenges and tests. We also continue in instilling in them the confidence that the country can achieve any ambition as long as there was unity and bequeathing a prosperous and peaceful Malaysia to future generations.
Therefore, at this juncture, MCCBCHST urges the new government to govern the country professionally instead of emotionally, to take cognisance of the political decisions they make and to implement and uphold the Federal Constitution that they had promised on oath to fulfil. 
Let everything be done for the people with sincere commitment and harmony and enhancing all the various forces for the advancement of the nation. The leaders must create an environment that is conducive for all us to live peacefully, happily, with dignity and allow every citizen the space to fend for those under our care.
The slogan of this year’s Merdeka celebration "Sayangi Malaysiaku: Malaysia Bersih" says it all well and that is exactly what MCCBCHST hopes for and pray that it will not be just a catchy slogan with no meaning or sting. We have to give value and life to it.

The above on behalf of the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) is issued and endorsed by:
Archbishop Julian Leow Beng Kim
Christian Federation Malaysia (CFM)
President MCCBCHST
Sardar Jaghir Singh
Malaysian Gurdwaras Council (MGC)
RS Mohan Shan
Malaysia Hindu Sangam (MHS)
Dao Zhang Tan Hoe Chieow
Federation of Taoist Associations Malaysian (FTAM)
Venerable Sing Kan
Malaysia Buddhist Association (MBA)
- Mkini

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