
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, August 31, 2019

Save this nation, again

As we celebrate the 62nd anniversary of our nation’s independence, we are terribly disturbed by the direction our country is heading to. This is basically due to the disruption of the delicate racial relations among the people of diverse ethnicities.
Yes, 62 years ago, we were distinctly different, having come from various origins but we were united in winning independence for the country and subsequently defeating the communists terrorising our people.
We celebrated the last Merdeka, after the GE14, with new hope of creating a prosperous, united New Malaysia where all Malaysians will be seen as equal citizens of our beloved nation.
We had the real hope of rebuilding the country that was plagued by corruption, power abuse and racial discrimination. We had the hope to reunite our people, enhance the economy and reinstate the rule of law, in accordance with the Federal Constitution, the supreme law of the land.
Unfortunately, with the passage of time since GE14, our hope is slowly but surely eluding us and today we are marking our 62nd Merdeka with an air of gloom over us, like the pre-GE14 period.
Sad to say, the people were ready and united for change and did the impossible at the ballot box but our political leaders weren’t.
They do not seem to have the political will to bring the change we yearned for and are giving in to those out to divide and destroy us.
The racist propagandists are having a field day twisting every issue and even non-issues into racial or religious disputes to create suspicion, hatred and fear among the different ethnic groups.
Today, the racial and religious differences have overtaken the much greater commonness we had built over the years. We were known all over the world for our unity in a multiracial and multi-religious country, but the very foundation of our unity is being threatened.
Not only did the previous leaders fail us, but even the present batch is failing us miserably. Not only have many of the pre-election pledges not been implemented but many changes were introduced without consultation that go against the basic spirit of their promises.
The forces of moderation of the majority are drowned out by the racial and religious extremists who are succeeding in sowing the seeds of hatred towards fellow Malaysians.
The worst part is our leaders do not have the political will to put a stop to this racial and religious extremism that is threatening to disrupt the very foundation of goodwill and unity among our people.
They are hesitant and fear applying the rule of law fairly to all. Even devious foreigners have become more important than true and loyal citizens.
It is time again for the fair-minded silent majority of all races to strongly voice their displeasure and disapproval at the way our leaders are managing the country. Let’s make use of every avenue available to vent our frustration and anger in the most civil manner.
We are at a very critical time and if we fail now, our country will be doomed. The enemies of the country are within and we must save our nation from them. If we fail, they will not only destroy us but themselves as well, which unfortunately they fail to realise.
May God bless Malaysia. Selamat menyambut Hari Merdeka.
Dr Chris Anthony is an FMT reader.

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