
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, August 31, 2019

What Is Kit Siang’s Merdeka Day Message?

Kit Siang’s Merdeka Day message appears very muddled. Has this old Chinaman lost it or what? Who is his message targeted at? The Malays? Is he scolding the Malays? From how I read Kit Siang’s Merdeka Day message it looks like he is in essence scolding the Malays.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
In his Merdeka Day message today, Lim Kit Siang said Malaysians must develop social media literacy to tackle the “massive and orchestrated campaign of fake news and hate speech”.
“Malaysians have been entrapped in a vicious position where every community lives in fear, doubt, suspicion and even hatred of other communities and religions, believing that its rights, ethnicity, religion and culture are facing an existential threat.”
“How could this be possible? The Malays are made to believe that they had lost political power, and their rights, ethnicity, religion and culture are facing an existential threat.”
“But it is not only the Malays who fear that they are facing an existential threat as the Chinese Malaysians and Indian Malaysians also fear that their rights, ethnicity and culture face an existential threat.”
“If every community, ethnicity and culture is facing an existential threat, who is creating all these threats to all the communities, ethnicities and cultures in the country?”
Saying every cloud has a silver lining, Lim noted that yesterday, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad called on those responsible for calling for a boycott of non-Bumiputera and non-Muslim products in the past two months to cease their campaign, as it is not going to work but will only create anger.
“The failure of the boycott campaign is one proof that the social media does not represent the larger Malaysian whole.”
Kit Siang’s Merdeka Day message appears very muddled. Has this old Chinaman lost it or what? Who is his message targeted at? The Malays? Is he scolding the Malays? From how I read Kit Siang’s Merdeka Day message it looks like he is in essence scolding the Malays.
And why quote Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on the so-called “boycott non-Malay/non-Muslim goods and services campaign”. Was it not Mahathir who launched the “Buy British Last” campaign back when Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister?

Mahathir condemns street demonstrations and then joined them himself

Mahathir does things when it suits him and condemns that same action when it does not. Was it not also Mahathir who condemned street demonstrations during the Reformasi days and then went and joined a Bersih anti-Najib demonstration before GE14? Mahathir even detained without trial so many people in 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 because of these Reformasi demonstrations, me included.
Quoting Mahathir is not the best course of action Kit Siang can adopt. After all, it was Kit Siang who accused Mahathir of destroying the country economically and from the point of racial harmony as well.

It was Kit Siang who accused Mahathir of destroying Malaysia and of stealing billions

Was it not Mahathir who announced that Malaysia is a fundamentalist Muslim country?  Why does Kit Siang not quote Mahathir on that as well? Why keep insisting that Malaysia is a secular country. Mahathir disagrees with Kit Siang. Mahathir says Malaysia is a fundamentalist Muslim country.
Kit Siang said, “The Malays are made to believe that they had lost political power, and their rights, ethnicity, religion and culture are facing an existential threat.”
And whose fault is this? Is it not DAP that boasts almost 100% of the Chinese and Indians support and voted for Pakatan Harapan? When DAP boasts that almost 100% of the Chinese and Indians support and vote for Pakatan Harapan you are telling the Malays “they have lost political power, and their rights, ethnicity, religion and culture are facing an existential threat.”
You are the one who frightened the Malays and then you grumble that someone has frightened the Malays. You lah who has frightened the Malays with your boast that “almost 100% of the Chinese and Indians support and vote for Pakatan Harapan”. Bodoh punya Cina! Sendiri buat lepas tu complain!
Was it not DAP that for three elections from 2008 to 2018 chanted “Asal Bukan Umno” or “Anything But Umno”?
Was it not DAP that said the New Economic Policy or NEP equals to Apartheid?
Was it not DAP that said Islam can only be implemented “over my dead body”?
Was it not DAP that opposed the Shariah Amendment Bill or RUU355?
Was it not DAP that said they will use Malays to fight Malays?
Was it not DAP that said they are merely using Mahathir to destroy Umno?
Was it not DAP that said to get rid of a Malay government you need to oust Umno?
Was it not DAP that said a vote for MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP, etc., is a vote for Umno?
Was it not DAP that said Malaysia is a secular country and not an Islamic country?
Was it not DAP that said Christians must be allowed to use the “Allah” word in the Bahasa Malaysia Bible?
Was it not DAP that said the New Economic Policy must be abolished and replaced with meritocracy?
Was it not DAP that said Chinese schools are better than national schools and hence must be allowed to operate?

For ten years DAP embarked on a hate campaign and now that hate has come back to haunt DAP

Yes, the list can go on and on until 50 dalil if you want. But I think the point has been made. Even if what Kit Siang said is true, it is DAP that is the cause of all these troublesome developments in Malaysia. If Malaysia sucks and has gone to the dogs, Kit Siang just needs to look into a mirror to see who is the cause of all this.
For ten years and over three general elections from 2008 to 2018, DAP has been playing the race and religion card to get almost all the Chinese and Indians to vote for them. And they achieved this through a hate-Umno/hate-Malays/hate-Islam/hate Raja-Raja Melayu campaign (they even kicked PAS out of Pakatan for not going against the Sultan of Selangor). After ten years DAP succeeded.
Hitler and the Nazi party did the same thing in Germany and the result was six million Jews were exterminated. The Malays are not going to go to sleep and wait for what happened to the Jews in Germany to happen to the Malays in Malaysia. The name of the game that DAP is playing is hate-campaign. So, the Malays need to fight back to defend themselves. What is so wrong with that? Why must the Malays sit still and just take the blows and not fight back? Cakap bodoh Cina tua ni!

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