
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, November 25, 2022

Friday sermons call for love, reconciliation


With a polarising general election prompting fears of ethnic tensions, attendees at Friday prayers in Federal Territories’ mosques today have been urged to find a path to national unity.

The sermon called on Muslims to rally behind the new leadership, and to strengthen ties with fellow Malaysians, regardless of background.

They were also advised to set aside political differences and avoid making inflammatory and racist remarks, especially on social media, which could undermine peace and stability.

The sermon urged Muslims to follow the lead of Prophet Muhammad who united people of different tribes and religions to build the state of Medina.

"As such, let us strengthen relations within society by showing love and care for all, regardless of their religion, ethnicity and skin colour.

"Avoid anything that could harm harmony, like being prejudiced or racist and maligning others, especially through social media," the sermon stated.

It also wanted congregants to place trust in the national leadership, as long as the leaders follow the tenets of Islam.

"As the rakyat, we must always be loyal to the ulul amri, that is those who have received the mandate to govern, as long as they do not go against the syariah," it added.

The Department of Federal Territory Islamic Affairs (Jawi) produced the sermon which can be read on Jawi's website.

Friday sermons are produced by the respective state Islamic affairs departments and distributed to be read out at mosques. Jawi, however, is a federal government department.

The Federal Territories' Friday sermon came amid threats of violence against minority ethnicities on social media like TikTok, from accounts which also show support for Perikatan Nasional (PN).

PN has denounced these threats.

Peace, love preached in Kedah

In Kedah, where PN component party PAS leads the state government, the Friday sermon called for peace and love.

"Love and care not only builds relations between individuals but also strengthens ties in society and leads to a peaceful country," it read.

The sermon stated that the prophet was known for being a caring person, to the extent that he would never make prayers against an enemy, even if the person had tormented him.

"Our mistake today is to allow hatred to flourish and not work harder to love one another.

"So let us allow love to grow in us. Love can build a harmonious home, a caring society and a peaceful and prosperous country," it said. - Mkini

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