
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, November 28, 2022

'No political appointees in GLCs'

 From left: Abdul Rahman Mohd Nordin, Tan Sri Dr Syed Hamid Albar and  Dr Muhammad Mohan. - NSTP file pic

KUALA LUMPUR: Experts and non-governmental organisations believe that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's pledge to do away with the practice of rewarding political allies with ministerial posts should also include cushy government-linked company (GLC) positions.

They said this was an opportunity for the new administration to effect change at all levels.

Congress of Union of Employees in the Public and Civil Services secretary-general Abdul Rahman Mohd Nordin said the practice of having political appointees in top GLC posts must stop.

Rahman said experienced corporate leaders and former senior civil servants should be considered for these posts.

"The focus should be on appointing competent leaders in the cabinet and GLCs.

"Political appointees who lack experience could cause losses or be unable to tap the organisation's potential.

"Furthermore, the new unity government has a larger talent pool, which allows the prime minister to choose the best candidates for crucial positions."

Anwar yesterday said he wanted to end the practice of rewarding loyalists with ministerial posts, and would instead pick those who supported his policy goals.

Former foreign minister Tan Sri Dr Syed Hamid Albar said following the 15th General Election, people had pinned high hopes on the new unity government to restore political stability and drive economic recovery.

He urged the prime minister to appoint competent individuals to the cabinet, irrespective of race, religion or party affiliation.

"Get rid of all the frills and keep the government lean and trim. Do away with protocols.

"Pakatan Harapan (PH) will make an immediate impact (on the people) if it leads by example," he said.

Graft watchdog Transparency International Malaysia said the cabinet must be made up of those free of corruption charges.

Its president, Dr Muhammad Mohan, urged those with pending court cases to be "gentlemen" and stay out of the cabinet until they clear their names in court.

Among the members of parliament who have pending court cases are Barisan Nasional chairman and Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, DAP chairman Lim Guan Eng and Malaysian United Democratic Alliance president Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman.

The prime minister, Mohan said, should consider appointing professionals with the right qualifications to take up certain cabinet portfolios.

Mohan backed PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli's call for the new administration to end the country's "feudalistic political culture".

Rafizi recently said police escorts should only be for the prime minister and his deputy.

Mohan said the new unity government should regard this as a fresh start.

"I advise future ministers to stop abusing this privilege and make do with what you are entitled to.

"Ending this practice will reflect well on the unity government," he said.

The Centre to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4 Centre) urged the new government to stamp out the culture of wasting public funds, and called on future ministers to follow the prime minister's example of refusing a salary and a new car.

"Transparency and accountability are steps to build public trust in the new government. Therefore, we also reassert the need for MPs and cabinet members to make periodic asset declarations." - NST

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