
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, November 21, 2022

Nonsensical Anti Hopping Law : A Test Case?

 I have said before the Anti Hopping Law is a nonsensical law.  We will see now if this nonsensical law will be broken or if it can be followed.

Firstly H2O has said that BN must not cooperate with PH. 


The question is 'Is H2O breaking the anti-hopping law? The answer is no because H2O is not leaving UMNO/BN. He merely does NOT want UMNO/BN to work with PH.

Now Zahid Hamidi says quite something else :




This is where Zahid Hamidi is seriously wrong about the anti hopping law. Zahid says 'selaras dengan undang-undang larangan Ahli dewan Rakyat bertukar parti..' 

The rumour is 20 UMNO MPs have already signed some letter of support to form a coalition with PN and GPS, GRS. These letters (with SDs) will be sent to the Agong tomorrow.

But this is NOT bertukar parti.  The "alleged" 20 UMNO MPs are still in UMNO. They are not leaving UMNO. They are merely making their choice known in a situation where the Parliament is hung. When the Parliament is hung, some form of coalition can be formed to choose a PM. (Otherwise, worse case, we must all vote all over again). 

So if the 20 UMNO MPs agree to support a coalition with PN, GPS etc it is NOT party hopping. They have NOT left UMNO.

Even if Zahid fires them and expels those 20 UMNO MPs from UMNO, the 20 will NOT lose their Parliamentary seats (under the anti-hopping law). Why? Because they have NOT resigned from their party. They did not hop.

To avoid trouble, what if those 20 UMNO MPs "toe the line". They do not support joining a PN and GPS coalition. So they are NOT 'hopping'. But at the same time neither do they support joining a coalition with PH. They abstain from supporting or rejecting any other party.  So are they now "party hopping" as well? 

If they (a majority of them) support (not join) PN/GPS  it is not ok - it is hopping. 

But if they (a majority of them) support (not join) PH it is ok. It is not hopping. 

Banyak cantik.

Now lets put the shoe on the other foot. If 20 out of 21 UMNO MPs support the PN, GPS coalition and just one person (Zahid) does not then who is the one who is "hopping" here? The 20 who act in unison or the single fellow Zahid who acts differently. 

Also MCA and MIC have asked Zahid to quit as Chairman of the BN. The BN is a registered political party. So arent MCA and MIC "hopping" now?  

As a member of a political party you have no freedom to disagree with your Chairman or your party president? What kind of democracy is that?

Remember they have NOT resigned from the party. They just support someone from outside their party for PM.

So what is the purpose of the anti-hopping law. 

Also the YDP Agong CANNOT ask the MPs to make Statutory Declarations indicating who they support for PM WITHOUT including a proviso that their choice is in line with the majority or with the leader of their respective political parties. Otherwise their SDs may breach the anti-hopping law. It can also jeopardise the YDP Agong's reliance on the SDs to choose which MP has the majority support of Parliament. 

But it is obvious that Zahid the president of Umno is alone here. He is facing a revolt. 

If 20 UMNO MPs refuse to listen to Zahid, he better quit and be gone.

Just like if MCA and MIC want Zahid to quit as BN Chairman, he better quit and be gone.

Obviously Zahid does NOT represent the majority view in Umno AND the BN.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT/

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