
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Politicians, we’ll buy into your promises when they’re delivered


From Clement Stanley

We are 10 days away from polling day. The results of the 15th general election (GE15) beckon and the story thus far has been one that is being told over and over again by “medicine men” selling their cures to unsuspecting customers with a penchant for dreams.

Yes, dreams. Dreams that in time to come will ring hollow until GE16 when once again promises will be made, never mind the delivery.

Daily reports in the media, whether they be in the mainstream or on social media, are laced with fault-finding accusations by rivals across the floorboard. Everyone is at fault regarding the failure to deliver on past promises except themselves.

Such is the over-used political strategy when one rival camp decides to go finger-pointing. But alas, no matter how you plan to look good by making others look bad, the proof of the pudding has always been in the eating.

You just need to answer one question truthfully. Did you really do your best for the people who elected you to office in GE14?

If you could not solve the flooding problems in the Klang Valley since GE14, what makes you think you can do it now?

If you couldn’t solve land matters involving Kg Baru since GE14, what are the hopes of solving it in the next five years?

If you couldn’t solve infrastructure problems in Sabah and Sarawak all this time, how different is it going to be this time around?

If you have not been able to bring progress and development to rural areas in Sabah and Sarawak, including the repairing and rebuilding of dilapidated schools, broken-down bridges and poorly maintained roads, what magic wand do you possess in GE15 to make good on your promises?

If you could not deliver on your promise to erase corruption in this country, which has reached frightening heights, do you still believe that this is achievable in the next five years?

And if you believe, really believe that we are “Keluarga Malaysia” or that you are our “Abah” and we are “1Malaysia”, then tell me what have you done to bring to book those whose actions are detrimental to a multiracial community?

No matter how you present your case, no matter what you promise, no matter how convincing you sound with choice words and sentences, please ask yourself one simple question: “Can I deliver?”

People are weary and tired of hearing the same tunes being played over and over again.

Just deliver on your promises and everything will be just fine. - FMT

Clement Stanley is an FMT reader.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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