
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Rafizi Please Dont B.S. Just Answer Two Simple Questions.

 Here is some cuckoo news:




  • Rafizi strongly against any negos between Anwar & Umno to form alliance
  • I will be first to oppose any negotiations to cooperate with Umno
  • speculation of secret talks between Anwar & Zahid to form govt after GE15
  • Rafizi rejected any cooperation with other coalitions if PH able to form govt
  • he said PH would consider working with GRS or GPS


My Comments : First of all let me say something. I vote in Lembah Pantai. In 2018 I voted for Fahmi Fadzil of PKR, who is now the MP for Lembah Pantai. YB Fahmi was also my neighbour because he moved into the premises next door to our jewellery shop for his  Pejabat Ahli Parlimen.  Sad to say he never stopped by to say hi and neither did I. Too busy minding my own business.   

Let me say something else. In 2008 (during Dollah Badawi) I also voted for PKR in Lembah Pantai (Nurul Izzah). 

Come this November 19th I think I will be voting for Fahmi Fadzil again in Lembah Pantai. I do not like his boss but Fahmi seems to be a decent person - so far.  If he wins and becomes a Minister I hope Fahmi Fadzil will stay true to the course. Do not disappoint us Fahmi.

Ok lets get back to Rafizi. 

Saudara Rafizi first of all we are not interested in Y O U R denial of cooperation with Zahid and UMNO. 

Question No. 1  The question is has Anwar denied the allegation? 

Since Y O U have brought  up the matter in Y O U R  Press Conference, then go straight to the subject and the predicate.  (The subject is what (or whom) the sentence is about. The predicate tells something about the subject). 

The allegations are about Anwar. He should be denying it. 

Why are you denying on behalf of Anwar? It becomes hearsay. You are throwing simple 'omong-omong' at us. It is b.s. lah brader.

Just call Anwar on the phone and tell him to make a public statement denying any form of discussion, phone calls, talks etc about any type of cooperation with Zahid Hamidi.  Err . . . .err . . . . and also UMNO. 

Hello Malaysian media, lu orang tidur kah? Go and ask Anwar Ibrahim. Did you have any type of talks, discussions, phone calls  with Zahid about any type of possible cooperation between PKR and UMNO to possibly form a government after GE15?

 Go and ask lah. Pasal apa kau orang takut nak bertanya soalan simple?

Question No. 2 is a very, very extremely difficult question. 

Rafizi, you frequently talk about multi-racialism etc. Ok very good.

So can you ask Anwar to make a simple public statement (if PH forms the next government) if the racial quota system for entrance into government universities will be abolished or not? A simple Yes or No?

a) If PH forms the government yes the racial quotas for university entrance will be abolished. 

b) No the racial quotas will not be abolished. 

You want the Indian vote. But so many Indian parents still want their sons and daughters to become doctors. Tapi Indian students nak masuk medical faculty at IPTAs is almost impossible - even when they are super qualified. They end up going to Ukraine to study medicine and getting bombed.

Suruh lah kuda bercakap. Lets hear it from the horses' mouth.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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