
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 27, 2022


 Monday 28 November is another unscheduled public holiday.  May I advise that we stop these sudden, unscheduled public holidays permanently. They create huge economic losses at a time when businesss and people are still struggling to get back on their feet.

We do not need more public holidays, especially paid public holidays. 

It will also cause prices to go up (kos sara hidup akan naik). 

Because businesses and factories will feel the pressure to increase their prices to make up for the loss in production and losses in sales from the sudden unscheduled public holidays. 

Here is some news and feedback :

1. From The Star 

  • GEORGE TOWN: Holidays, ironically, can be headache as well
  • FMM Penang explained last quarter crucial for companies 
  • rush to complete production, shipments before festive period
  • unplanned off days bane, govt should take into account when declaring holiday
  • overtime for workers could run into hundreds of millions of ringgit 
  • un-budgeted expenses create difficulties in production, financial planning
  • Public holidays on Nov 18, 19, tomorrow Nov 28 public holiday
  • taxing for companies

Here are some other comments :

2. Betui cakap Towkey2 ni, demer cakap sbg Tuan punya bisnes, banyak kos keluor dgn cuti tetiba ni.. yg kerja sendiri as free lance, Consultant, ikut office hour pun terjejas pasal cuti tetiba, flight dah book, venue dah book tetiba cancel kena arrange hari lain 😩.. yg seronok yg kerja makan gaji di gomen atau swasta sama jer..yg kerja 24 hours pulak Majikan kena bayar double rate 🤦‍♂️..ada yg seronok buat overtime ,sampai ada yg dapat OT lebih dari gaji pokok!--

Here is another comment :

3.    It's going to be more challenging for students and lecturers to complete the syllabus.

We had 2 days public holidays just for the elections, now another public holiday. For those who have some thinking of economy, what's the effect on factory output, on shopkeepers, the hawkers, people with hospital appointments etc. It's sad that such thinking is not used and a negative message set for the population. Businesses are struggling, extra unplanned holidays don't help them.

My Comments :

Rule No 1 in politics is give away what does not belong to the politicians. Like declaring public holidays. They are giving away production hours and working hours that do not belong to them. There is no cost to the politicians. Let the economy suffer the cost.

Unscheduled public holidays increase losses and costs in the economy. Sudden public holidays do not reduce the "kos sara hidup".

Today the senior Civil Servants in Putrajaya were summoned for an unscheduled meeting - on their off day ie a Sunday. But tomorrow is already an unscheduled public holiday.  Why not call them for a meeting tomorrow?  More time and expenses were incurred. It dos not lower the 'kos sara hidup'.

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili MMKtT.

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