
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Who’s best to lead in wake of GE15?


The nation is on tenterhooks. The race to form government is a cliffhanger. Who will lead the nation is now critical. The onus of deciding the nation's future ironically rests on the leaders themselves who the rakyat elected three days ago.

Stability and economic concerns are high on the agenda and in this regard, a ‘unity government’ involving Pakatan Harapan, BN, GPS and possibly Warisan seems the best option.

The previous PN/BN government had an oversized cabinet that was hardly impressive. The nation can't afford to experiment with politicians who have no conviction that economic success is pivotal to the nation's future.

A Harapan-led team will have better leaders and present the balanced, moderate, and progressive face of Malaysia the world is familiar with, until perhaps more recent times. The rise of racial and religious extremes is foreboding to many locals and foreigners alike.

What are some key criteria in evaluating the contenders? Here are three and the comparisons between the key opposing sides.

First is an open and not closed attitude toward governance of a nation of diversity. Which coalition will engender an open and not censorious society?

PN turns out less favoured because of the Islamic agenda of its component partner, PAS. The religio-political party is hell-bent on turning Malaysia into an Islamic state. But who wants an Islamic state? If the majority of Malaysians do not want an Islamic state, it disqualifies PN from forming the government.

Harapan takes a more progressive approach to governance. It has no narrow religious agenda and is in a better position to unite Malaysians because of its multiracial pedigree and inclusive ideas.

Second is the calibre and character of the leaders. Beyond doubt, Harapan leader Anwar Ibrahim is the most inclusive, impressive and qualified of all the PM wannabes. He has experience in governance, especially in key ministerial roles. He will govern for all, promoting Malay interests without depriving the non-Malays. He is comfortable at home and abroad, and gets along with all races and vice versa.

His PKR party bears testimony to Anwar's progressive and multiracial mindset, relatively not found in the other contenders and their political parties. Malaysia is a nation of diversity in case certain politicians forget or ignore it.

Failed experiment

Many are brainwashed into thinking a Malaysian ethos means Malays will be disadvantaged. Dr Mahathir Mohamad's 'Malay Dilemma' myth hardened attitudes. What did the extremes of race and religion achieve for the race and religion in a wider context? Mahathir's past influence is ample proof of a costly failed experiment.

PN leader Muhyiddin Yasin disqualified himself by lying about Harapan being an agent of Jews and Christians. Does he not know Jews and Christians are diametrically opposed where religion is concerned? Surely a learned man would not make that mistake.

Furthermore, any leader prone to lying disqualifies himself on the integrity score. Can someone who lies be trusted as a leader? Can any race-first politician who denies one from his own race from leading the nation be sincere and be taken seriously?

Third, a Harapan government with any of the other parties except one will benefit the nation. Harapan has a broader range of ideas and talents and has the capacity to attract more talents from abroad.

One particular party on the PN side has nothing impressive to show for the states under its management for so long. Do they have economic management credentials? That is its Archilles heel and disqualifies it from any serious fiscal role at the national level. Economic management is fundamental to Malaysia's progress.

News that GPS is re-considering their stance is positive. How will PAS and GPS, fundamentally opposed to one another on religion, hope to create stability? A marriage of political expediency, not conviction, will not last. A Harapan/BN government faces its own challenges but they are manageable if all uphold the rule of law.

National leaders lead for everyone and you can't be a national leader if you think parochial or sectarian. Whoever forms the government must under the circumstances seek out the talents across political parties to tackle the many challenges the nation presently faces. The use of trans-party talents is a sign of political maturity and no one is more capable of making it happen than Anwar.

The many challenges, from problems to opportunities, facing Malaysia lie beyond the capability of any leader to tackle without the backbone of a competent, performing team. In this regard, the most attractive arrangement under the circumstances is a Harapan/BN/GPS/Warisan coalition government.

Any opposition to Anwar and DAP being in the agreement to form government by those who espouse stability is unfortunate, a sign of political myopia and vindictiveness and blind disregard for reality.

Whatever the outcome any arrangement without Anwar and DAP will be a national tragedy, politics aside. Harapan won the most seats and had the biggest number of votes. They deserve to form government. - Mkini

STEVE OH believes good governance comes from a good leader and a good team.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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