A Boilermaker
- wants police to take action against those who made false allegations
- no intention of taking any action against those who raise criticisms
- But we draw the line on slander and accusations he added.
- “has asked police to take action" said Fahmi, who is also PH comm director
My Comments :
To my fellow Boilermaker YB Fahmi (I preceded you by just over 20 years) do note this.
For 24 years people have been throwing all types of brickbats against your boss. It comes with the territory. It comes with the job. You have prevailed.
Now, hardly one week in power and you want to use Police powers to go after those who throw brickbats? I say, we have to grow up, young man.
When you are holding the top job in a country you can expect people to say all sorts of things against you. Things that you may like, dislike, agree, disagree, true, untrue, slanderous, libellous etc. A leader should be able to withstand all that.
Despite so many faults, our previous prime ministers (including Dr M, Najib, Tan Sri Muhyiddin and Sabri) never sent the Police to investigate any accusations or slander that were thrown against them.
Maybe you are too young to recall the 'Mahafiraun' and 'Mahazalim' days. One previous prime minister was constantly accused of murder by his critics. To his credit he did not send the Police to investigate such accusations.
If indeed this is the age of 'reformasi' then can we please put a stop to this use of Police powers to investigate people for saying what they want to say? Especially when you do not like what they say about you?
I have heard people say all sorts of things about me as well - as a blogger. I do not have the Police at my disposal to ask them to go and investigate every accusation or slander thrown against me. It comes with the territory. If you want to write a blog then do expect people to say all sorts of things about you.
What more if you are the leader of a country? People will say whatever they want. Just let them be. Let them speak freely.
Lies and slanders cannot really harm you - that is why they are called lies and slanders.
I would rather that you spend your very precious time to get the country back on the right track. That is more urgent. The Police also are stretched and have many responsibilities to uphold.
The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.
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