
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 5, 2017

If MIC had done its job, Indians wouldn't need a blueprint

YOURSAY | 'If MIC has done so much for the Indians, why are they still so poor?'
Anonymous 2475091498015598: MIC treasurer-general S Vell Paari, your questioning of DAP as to what they have done for the Indians is puerile. MIC was given millions of ringgit to help the poorest class among the Indians as well as the Tamil schools.
Did DAP receive any allocation from the BN government to help the Indians? DAP's Lim Kit Siang and Penang Deputy Chief Minister II P Ramasamy are asking you where the Maika and Telecom share money has gone. You are obliged to answer them and the Indians.
You played out the community and yet you have the cheek to ask DAP whether they had contributed anything to the Indians.
Quigonbond: MIC has poor standing to discuss issues of great importance with Pakatan Harapan, because it can't even call on the government to conduct a proper 1MDB investigation.
The answer to Vell Paari's question is that Harapan is not helping the Indian community through awarding projects (which is the only thing parties in BN like).
They do it through helping Malaysians by fighting for justice and fairness, which in some cases, are issues far more critical to the Indian community compared with the other races.
Cases in point: deaths in custody, unilateral conversions, co-existence of vernacular schools with national schools, free and fair elections. I would think those matters would empower the Indian community more than, say, refurbishing Brickfields.
MIC's question belies its narrow racial mindset and the threat it feels from Harapan.
Ultimately: Please don't talk bull, Vell Paari. Kit Siang and Ramasamy have no say in the National Registration Department (NRD), syariah court, the police, the Education Ministry and so on. You guys do.
Yet you couldn't get divorcee M Indira Gandhi her kids back despite a court order, and correct the mess via the Law Reform Act amendments. You can give Indian fugitive preacher Zakir Naik, who is contemptuous of Hindus, permanent residence, but your own kind are still stateless after decades.
Ib: If MIC has done so much for the Indian community as you claim, why are they still so poor, so deeply trapped in unemployment, and represent such a high percentage of those who are in prison?
Lim and Ramasamy have not been in power where they have any say over national policies nor the budgets, so why are you asking them?
Anonymous_40f4: MIC leaders allegedly live a five-star life, with big palaces, expensive cars, and first-class flights many times a year on overseas trips. They have properties all over the world and in Malaysia. They are arrogant, ill-mannered thugs.
But they claim to be 'fighting' for the poor Indians. What, for example, has MIC done for the poor woman Indira, who had a one-year-old baby snatched from her seven years ago?
Vell's leader Prime Minister Najib Razak has been giving empty promises to her and now he says must have a two-thirds majority in Parliament to fix it. It's just another bluff.
Anonymous: Don't ask stupid questions and confirm your stupidity. What resources do opposition parties have to help the Indians when your father and MIC should have helped the community?
Instead, you exploit your own people and then ask the opposition how they have helped the Indians. Your father and MIC should be answering your question.
Anakraja: You and your father S Samy Vellu have allegedly cheated all Indians in the country. You look big, talk big, but have mosquito brains. You are trying to follow your father's footsteps to be MIC chief.
In the end, what can you do? Can you donate RM1 million to the poor Indian children? You can never be trusted. Your whole family has been cursed for the suffering of the poor Indians who had mortgaged their jewellery to support Maika Holdings.
Anonymous 706151436780066: Vell Paari does not even ask the correct questions, simply revealing the rank amateur politician that he is.
The correct question is, how much has MIC done for the Indians, apart from diverting funds into the pockets of the party elites, funds and opportunities that were given the party to be given to the Indian community?
The duty falls on the government of the day to serve all communities and to solve their problems in a holistic, sustainable and effective way. MIC has always only been busy boot-licking Umno.
Raja Chulan: The damage the BN government, especially Umno and MIC, had done to the Indian community here in Malaysia the last 60 years is obvious for everyone to see. No question about that.
Why bring Lim or Ramasamy into this? That the BN and MIC had lost the support of the majority of the Indian community is crystal clear. What we find irritating and critical is how low Vell Paari can go to 'ampu' (apple polish) Najib nowadays, even though he and everyone else know how tainted Najib is.
It is obvious that Vell is doing this solely to get himself selected as a MIC candidate to stand in the 14th general election. Let us assure Vell that even if he is selected, he is not going to win.
The rakyat, especially the Indian community, will never again fall into the MIC and Umno trap.
Anonymous 278451459939581: Vell Paari is following PPP chief M Kayveas' style - defend Najib with the hopes of a seat. You may get the seat, but good luck with the voters.
To the question at hand, you too are avoiding the question, which was, "Dr M may have done nothing for the Indians during his long reign, but what has your revered father done (during his even longer reign as a minister) to push the Indian agenda?”
Simple question, simple answer - nothing!
Hang Tuah PJ: Dei, if your father had done his job well when he was MIC leader, there would be no necessity for a blueprint for the Indians now.

The current status of the Indian community had been created by your father, and you ask Harapan about their plans? -Mkini

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