With the absence of the Formula One (F1) race at the Sepang International Circuit starting next year, the circuit will not be left idle or risk becoming a 'white elephant' project, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak said.
"Sepang Circuit will be quite heavily utilised and it is not going to be a white elephant. There will be many, many activities," he told a press conference at the SIC media centre in Sepang today.

The prime minister and his deputy, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, were there to watch the finale of the F1 Petronas Malaysia Grand Prix 2017.
"I come to the final F1 being held in Malaysia at Sepang Circuit with a great deal of sentimental kind of feeling. We have hosted the event for 19 years.
"We have since then seen thrilling events over the 19 years. We have been able to some extent put Malaysia on the map of the world by hosting the F1 race.

"I know Petronas has been able to showcase its involvement in F1, and as well as its brand as major national and multinational oil company," Najib said.
He noted that the government, and through the race promoter SIC, were currently in the process of formulating other events that will be showcased or carried out at Sepang Circuit.
"We will develop other kinds of motorsports in this country.We would like to see a stronger Malaysian participation. I think that is what Malaysian fans want to see… Malaysian drivers participating," he said.
On April 7, Najib in a statement announced that Malaysia will no longer host the F1 race next year after the government agreed to terminate the organising contract.

The contract had to be terminated following sharp decreasing returns to the country, compared to the organising cost.
"It doesn't mean that hosting the F1 can't be reconsidered in the future, provided the economic condition is favourable," Najib said.
- Bernama
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