
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 29, 2017

"Raja" Saudi Melawat Israel Secara Rahsia

Here is the news:

Israeli official confirm Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) visited Israel Sept.

In Sept, Israeli, Arab media reported Saudi prince traveled to Israel 

held consultations with senior Israeli officials over “regional peace.”

news outlets identified Mohamed bin Salman - first in line to Saudi throne 

Israeli official told AFP Arabic that MBS visited Israel in September.

Israel, Saudi tilting toward one another in recent years

visit by MBS completely new, potentially explosive level 

anti-Israeli sentiments high on Arab street.
ordinary Arabs firmly opposed to Tel Aviv 

Israel Minister Yisrael Katz urged Saudi to invite Netanyahu to Riyadh 
to establish full diplomatic relations

in June Israel called for deal with Arab countries
as prerequisite to resolve conflict with Palestinians.

Lieberman underlined need for “full regional agreement” with Kuwait, Saudi 

Netanyahu rejoicing at relations with Arab countries

since Iran struck deal with six countries over nuclear program.

stepped-up activities of Israel and Arab regimes to establish ties 

change in strategic balance in region.

My comments : Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is already on record that many Sunni Arab countries have established 'communications lines' with Israel.

They have a common enemy - Ayatollah Iran - which swears every day that they will liberate Palestine and drown all the Jews in the sea.

But isnt this also what Saudi Arabia and all the Sunni Arab countries have also been saying ie  that they will liberate Palestine and drown all the Jews in the sea ?

So what has happened? How come Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt  and other Sunni Arab countries now see a common friend in Israel?

No prizes for the correct answer - Shia Iran. 

This is not about liberating Palestine. This is about preserving their own hides.

The common enemy is Iran. Hence all the secret and not so secret meetings.

Here is a table (2015) of the world's largest Shia populations.

Actually the Indian subcontinent (India + Pakistan + Bangladesh) has the world's largest Shia population, almost 100 Million.

Iran is next with over 73 million Shias.

There are over 300 million Shias around the world.

What the table above does not show is that Shias form the majority in Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Azerbaijan, and Bahrain. They also form the largest group in Lebanon. 

In the Middle East, Shias as a whole constitute 38.6% of the local Muslim population.

Although Sunnis make up the vast majority of Muslims in the world, the largest Sunni populations are in "far-away non Arab muallaf (or new Islamic)" countries like Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Nigeria and others.

India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia alone have over 800 million Sunni Muslims.

This leaves a lot less Sunni Muslims in the Middle East.    
In the Arab heartland,  the proportion of Sunnis and Shias is a lot closer. 

This is the greatest fear among Sunni Arab countries like Saudi Arabia. 

Hence the cooperation with Israel.

What if the Iranians get rid of the Ayatollahs and re-establish a secular Iranian republic which becomes West friendly?  This is certain to happen sometime.  

The West (and Israel) will tilt towards Iran (and the Shias) 

The 'Great War' in the Middle East has not started yet.

Orang Melayu kena faham sikit ok. 

Solution dia simple : We mind our own business. We take care of our own country and our own people first. Jangan masuk campur hal pak Arab unta.  

Depa semua jaga survival depa sendiri. 
Depa tak peduli pun hal negara 'muallaf' lain.         

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