
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Tectonic Shifts In The Middle East

Do you recall US Senator Bernie Sanders? He was defeated by Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party nomination.  Donald Trump did say that if he had to face Bernie Sanders instead of Hillary then he may have had a tougher time winning the elections. 

Bernie Sanders is still an influential person in Washington. Here is a truncated interview with The Intercept - this is a well known political publication in the US.  

Sanders is strongly critical of Saudi Arabia and suggests that the US dump Saudi Arabia in favour of Iran.  


SAUDI ARABIA IS “not an ally of US,” according to Bernie Sanders

Sanders broke consensus on Capitol Hill in exclusive interview with The Intercept. 

US has long considered Saudi Arabia to be loyal friend, partner in war on terror.
Sanders issued scathing denunciation of Gulf kingdom

which recently embarked on new round of domestic repression.

I consider [Saudi Arabia] to be an undemocratic country 

that has supported terrorism around the world, 
it has funded terrorism. … 
They are not an ally of the US

accused “incredibly anti-democratic” Saudis of “continuing to fund madrasas” 

spreading “extremely radical Wahhabi doctrine around the world”
“They are fomenting a lot of hatred,” he added. 

Sanders joined 46 senators to block sale of munitions to Saudi Arabia. 
Saudi-led coalition backed by U.S bombing Yemen since 2015 
killing thousands of Yemeni civilians.

Sanders called for “rethink, in foreign policy … vis-a-vis Iran and Saudi Arabia.” 

The US should pivot toward Iran and away from Saudi Arabia. 
The latter, he claimed, “played a very bad role internationally
but we have sided with them time and time and time again
yet Iran just held elections, whose young people really want to reach out to West
we are … continuing to put them down
Sanders wanted more “even-handed” approach to “Iran and Saudi conflict.”

My comments :  
young people really want to reach out to West

This is a very astute comment by Sanders.  The young people in Iran want to reach out to the West.  After 38 years of the mullah leadership of Iran, the Iranian people in general have become tired of the mullahs and their theological state.  

The final revolutions in the Middle East will be the overthrow of the "royal sheikhs" who rule some of those countries as well as the overthrow of the mullahs in Iran.

Both these things will happen as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow morning. 

The Iranian people will overthrow the Ayatollahs. It may happen sooner than you expect. Never again will they allow the mullahs to sit over them.   The mullahs will be chased down the street.  At the end of it all the Iranian people will become a more democratic and secular nation.  

Bernie Sanders view that the US should dump Saudi Arabia and pivot towards Iran is not an isolated view. They foresee a future Iran with no mullahs.  During the time of the Shah the Iranian people were culturally very open and secularised. They even had diplomatic and military relations with Israel. 

Imagine a world without Wahabi Saudi Arabia and without Ayatollah Iran.  
Isnt that exciting? There is hope yet.

1 comment:

  1. Just to share this...

    May 2017 - Traveling Iran by train | DW Documentary - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqSoLVkYYu0


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