At the moment, there is more noise than answers to the Tanjung Bungah landslide that occurred on Oct 21, claiming 11 lives.
I must say that we have jumped to conclusions before investigations have been carried out fully.
Speaking as a layperson, I can understand why the landslide happened if there had been a lot of rainfall, but of late, we have been having a dry spell for some time, haven’t we?
Of course, to the BN politicians, this is an opportunity to hit out at the Penang state government. The election is, after all, very near and if there is a chance to swing any votes, politicians are not ashamed to do it even if their arguments are flawed.
What politicians fail to see, ordinary laypeople see it. We know what is happening on the ground. When I look at the photograph in The Star on October 23 (Monday), where the drone captured an overview of the area, I can see something that could possibly have happened.
An observation
In fact, it was a friend who pointed out to me what could have gone wrong.
From a bird’s-eye view, it is clear that the slope had collapsed at the site where the excavation work was ongoing. What this suggests is that it only happened at one section of the slope, and this does not involve the entire area.
Now, what is interesting to my friend and I, is the absence of sheet piling and other structures that are supposed to be there to support the excavated slope. Any consulting soil engineer would be able to tell you that this is not standard practice, especially when an excavation work is being carried out.
My question is - was this sheer negligence on the part of the contractor?
This is where I urge both the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) and the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) to investigate the landslide.
If DOSH agrees with our observations, the CIDB should immediately haul up the contractor and probably withdraw its license.
Efforts should now be stepped up to ensure that such incidents do not happen anymore. Stringent requirements should also be adhered to by the developer to ensure its contractors and their workers follow safety precautions strictly.
At the same time, certain measures have to be taken to ensure that no further landslides like this occur here and elsewhere in the country.
No one likes a disaster especially when it involves the lives of fellow human beings.
STEPHEN NG is an ordinary citizen with an avid interest in following political developments in the country since 2008.- Mkini
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