
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Four 'Islamic' Satans

It looks like either the Americans are at last waking up to Pakistan or Pakistan is becoming too much of a liability for them.

"In a separate Senate hearing on Tuesday, the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff  of Defense Forces,  Marine Corps Gen Joseph Dunford said he believed Pakistan’s main spy agency had ties to terror groups.

“It is clear to me that the ISI has connections with terrorist groups,” he told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Mattis said, “We need to try one more time to make this strategy work with them, by, with and through the Pakistanis, and if our best efforts fail, President (Donald) Trump is prepared to take whatever steps are necessary.”

Asked if those steps could include revoking Pakistan’s status as a major non-NATO ally, which comes with certain military benefits conferred on it by the US in 2004 in return for its cooperation in the war in Afghanistan, Mattis simply said, “I am sure it will be.

US defence secretary Jim Mattis (left) and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Joseph Dunford (right), testify during a hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington on October 3, 2017. The committee held a hearing on the "Political and Security Situation in Afghanistan". (AFP)

The Americans have long known that Pakistan is complicit with the Taliban, Al Qaeda and other terrorist organisations.  The problem for the Americans is that they helped create these terrorists to serve their own purposes. They created the terrorist organisations to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. Then after the Soviets left, the Americans used the terrorists to fight other Mujahideen groups who were not too close with the US (like Ahmad Shah Massoud of the Panjshir). 

These people have learnt to become rich through their terror activities. So now they continue fighting. Just that they need new enemies. 

Here is how it works folks. The Taliban can get new recruits simply by telling village morons that a neighbouring village are the enemy. This means they can raid, shoot, kill people and then confiscate all the goats, cows, horses and donkeys in the entire village as "war booty'. All halal in the name of jihad. Then they can sell the animals at the next market and make more money than they can earn in a lifetime. That is how the Taliban can survive.

The Pakistanis support the Taliban to keep Afghanistan under their control. Also to extort more defense aid from the US "to fight the Taliban". The Americans know this. They too are playing a stupid game with Pakistan.

In the world today there are FOUR Islamic satans namely Wahabi Saudi Arabia, Shia Iran,  jihadi Pakistan and wannabe new Ottoman Caliph Erdogan.

If these four satans are changed, overthrown or neutralised the entire Muslim world will calm down and become peaceful. This is actually a very, very low cost option.

These are the lowest hanging fruits to solving plenty of the world's problems.

If the US asks its Armed Forces to withdraw from or stand down in Saudi Arabia, the Wahhabis there will disappear in double quick time. 

Similarly if the US cuts off military defense aid to Pakistan, that country will see great changes to the benefit of the people of Pakistan. It will become more peaceful.

All the four are becoming increasingly confused about religion.
They will not get anywhere.

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