
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

DAP Is Finally Standing Up To Mahathir

It is now a matter of survival. Mahathir must no longer run the government the way he wants but must run it based on ‘consensus’. Mahathir must also back down on all controversial policies (including the implementation of khat in vernacular schools and allowing Zakir Naik to remain in Malaysia). And Mahathir must confirm the date he is handing power to Anwar Ibrahim, and it must be within this year.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Have you noticed that Anwar Ibrahim has been maintaining a deafening silence regarding the khat issue plus many other issues? But then that is Anwar’s normal style. He would play the ‘good cop’ and allow others to attack Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Anwar was behind the move to attack and bring down Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim. But he allowed Saifuddin Nasution and Rafizi Ramli do the dirty work while he pretended to be neutral.
The attack on PAS and the closing down of Pakatan Rakyat soon after GE13 was the same thing. He allowed Lim Kit Siang to do the dirty job of killing PAS and Pakatan Rakyat.

Tariq Ismail of PPBM says Mahathir is not DAP’s puppet

Zaid Ibrahim was also killed off earlier and Anwar knew how Azmin Ali was doing it but, again, he pretended to be neutral. And now they are killing off Azmin himself and, as usual, Anwar is playing the neutral game.
For 15 months DAP allowed all the rope that Mahathir needed to hang himself. They needed a trigger to make their move so that DAP would not be seen as plunging a dagger in Mahathir’s back. And now that trigger is the most controversial khat issue combined with the Zakir Naik issue.
After allowing Mahathir 15 months leeway, while grimacing in pain and bearing it, DAP has decided enough is enough and they are now hitting back at the old man.

2. Mahathir Wrong To Label Dong Zong Racist: Kit Siang

3. Santiago: Dr M Making Unilateral Decisions At Troubling Frequency

4. DAP Wants Dr Mahathir Put On A Tight Leash

According to Dr Kua Kia Soong is his piece on 1st August 2017 (which you can read below), Mahathir has always been strongly opposed to the Chinese educationists or Dong Zong (Dong Jiao Zong, Suqiu, etc.) since way back before he became Prime Minister in 1981. In fact, in 1999, Mahathir called them Communists.
Knowing Mahathir, he is not going to back down and the more DAP and Dong Zong attack him the more stubborn Mahathir is going to become.

DAP can no longer allow Mahathir to continue running the country without ‘consensus’

This appears to be the last push. Either DAP brings Mahathir under their control or DAP will seriously have to consider leaving Pakatan Harapan. If DAP stays in Pakatan Harapan and allows Mahathir to continue doing whatever he wants to do, the Chinese and Indians are going to lynch DAP.
It is now a matter of survival. Mahathir must no longer run the government the way he wants but must run it based on ‘consensus’. Mahathir must also back down on all controversial policies (including the implementation of khat in vernacular schools and allowing Zakir Naik to remain in Malaysia). And Mahathir must confirm the date he is handing power to Anwar Ibrahim, and it must be within this year.
(Malaysian Chinese News, 1 August 2017) – The view of SUARAM adviser Dr Kua Kia Soong that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is not qualified to be the prime minister and also not qualified to be the leader of the opposition camp has upset many people.
Tun Mahathir has during his reign toppled two deputy prime ministers and even his successor was forced out after a few years. He now collaborates with Pakatan Harapan in the name of “saving the nation” and hopes to take over the central government in the next election.
Certain netizens have questioned whether Mahathir would once again breach his promises. Certain Pakatan Harapan supporters even boastfully vow to go after Mahathir when Pakatan comes into power. Why not translate such boastful vow into Malay so that Mahathir can understand?
Many scandals happened during Mahathir’s reign such as the sacking of the Lord President and judges, serious damage to our judiciary system, plunging tin prices, forex speculations by Bank Negara as well as the Bumiputra Finance scandal. If Pakatan Harapan comes into power, will it continue or launch new investigations into these scandals?
In order to diminish the status of Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman, Mahathir in the 90’s cut down the size of Subang International Airport and even wanted to demolish Merdeka Stadium.
Mahathir’s unhappiness with Najib began in August 2014 when he listed in his Blog the four reasons why he was upset. One of them was Najib’s repeal of the Internal Security Act. People want to know how much they can trust Mahathir for not using powerful government machinery to deal with dissidents once he comes into power.
In 1975 Mahathir called up Dong Jiao Zong leaders and wanted the cancellation of the Unified Examination Certificate exam. After making all considerations, only Chinese independent high school students are allowed to sit for the UEC exam. When he came to power, he enforced the 3M programme and assigned teachers with no Mandarin knowledge to take up senior posts in Chinese primary schools, which eventually led to Operasi Lalang.
The Education Act in 1996 has posed a serious threat to the existence of Chinese schools and the 2003 policy to teach Science and Mathematics in English was abolished after a few years. All this has affected our younger generation. Has Mahathir at any time made any apology for this or promise to correct his past mistakes?
In the 1999 general election, Anwar was sacked and the Reformasi campaign broke out, posing a serious threat to the Barisan government. In the same year, Chinese guilds and associations presented a memorandum known as Suqiu in the hope that the next government would meet their requests. At that time, Chinese-based Barisan component parties had agreed to the requests in principle.
As such, Mahathir, with the Chinese support, won an absolute two-thirds majority to form the government again. However, he turned back on his words and in his 2000 National Day message criticised those in the Chinese guilds and association who drafted the Suqiu as no different from the Malayan Communists.
Did Mahathir apologise to the Chinese community on this incident? In 2001, a group of Chinese led by community leader Liu Pan Shi (translated) offered tea in a ceremony to Mahathir. Pakatan Harapan may organise a similar tea ceremony to signify the beginning of the save the nation movement.

Translated from Oriental Daily (https://www.orientaldaily.com.my/news/wenhui/2017/07/29/206639)

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