
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Good Call Syed Saddiq

Syed Saddiq joined three other ministers for Zakir to be deported

Youth and Sports Minister said he supported Gobind, Kula and Xavier 

to deport Zakir for his racially and religiously charged comments.

An attack against our Chinese, Indian brothers is an attack against all Malaysians

It is ridiculous to even think that my fellow Malaysians are my guests.

They are my family for God’s sake. Enough is enough, ” he told reporters 

Syed Saddiq tweeted his disagreement on Zakir’s comments.

Malaysia’s strength is unity of its people. Don’t question our loyalty

many Chinese, Indians willing to die for this country they love, ” said Syed Saddiq

My comments :

For those of you who read my blog, you will know that since many, many months ago I have been against this Zakir fellow's presence here.   I have been against creeping religious extremism since I first began writing in the 1980s.

And I have been proven right - again and again and again and again.  

When I was criticising Zakir Naik from much earlier even I never expected him to say : 

i.   Malaysian Chinese must go back to Tongsan or 
ii.  Malaysian Indians are more loyal to Modi than Dr Mahathir. 

But that is what he has said. This crap head is a trouble causer.  
Punyalah kurang ajar.

So I am glad that our young Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman also agrees that Zakir has to go.  Well done Syed Saddiq. You are the first Muslim member of the Cabinet to come out saying this. 

At least there is some redemption of Muslim Ministers in the eyes of righteous people.  

We already have enough of our own religious liars and whackos. We have a Darul Terroris in the north where the State policy seems to assist ISIS terrorists "study" in their State funded madrassahs. (And the Police had to go and arrest them). Then people have been "abducted" in the night and most likely killed - all because of religion.   

Salafism and Wahabism have been spreading through the country.  
Now the IPTAs are being taken over by the pro Salafis. 
Of course orang Malaysia semua tidur.

So we really do not need some mongrel from India coming here and causing even more trouble.

I have said this many times - the religious people are liars.  
No lies no religion.

No money no religion.  
No hatred no religion.
(There was one or two more - I cant recall.) 

It is the nature of the job.  
These are "religious people".  
And "religious people" always cause problems.

And there is a simple reason for this - which I have also repeated many, many times. The reason religion causes problems is because religion can show no proof for what it says. Absolutely no proof. ZERO.

The Quran says 'Haatu burhanukum inkuntum saadiqeen' which means 'show your proofs if you are truthful'.  This is where religion fails this Quranic test. Religion has no proof.

They only sell "faith". 
Either you believe them or you dont.  
If you believe them they like you. 
If you dont believe them, they hate you. 
It is so simple.  

Evidence and proof are not necessary.

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