
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, August 19, 2019

Norman Fernandez Pens A Note

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From: Norman Fernandez

A Loyal Malaysian Citizen

Finally, you have acknowledged that Zakir Naik has overstepped boundaries when he commented on racial politics, including saying that 
  • the Chinese should return home and that 
  • Indians in Malaysia are much luckier than the Muslims in India and that the majority of Indians in Malaysia support Narendra Modi. 
It’s rather perplexing when it was you, Tun Dr Mahathir weeks ago came to the aid and defence of Zakir Naik claiming that he will not get a fair trial in India and that he can continue to stay in this country since he has broken no laws. 

Now that Zakir Naik, has clearly proven to have broken the laws by engaging and involving in domestic politics while only holding a Permanent Residency, do you, Tun Dr Mahathir now have the cojones to deport him, if not to India at least to Saudi Arabia where he is said to hold a citizenship.

You, Tun Dr Mahathir may wish to know that Zakir Naik while holding a Permanent Residency has for long been meddling in the political affairs of this country. In April 2016 after the recording of the TV al-Hijrah talk show “Persepsi” he said a coalition of UMNO and PAS (excluding all the Non-Malay/Muslim parties) will be better for Malaysia as it will propel the country forward and strengthen Islam.

Then, in 2017 speaking at a dialog organised by PERKASA, he called on the voters to choose those who are close to the Quran and Sunnah. In other words between a good Non-Muslim and a corrupt Muslim, chose the Muslim. At the same dialogue there is a video of an emboldened Zakir Naik saying  that if you join hands with Non-Muslim’s, you will create a bigger problem. In the same video, to a question from the audience Zakir Naik is seen to be saying “when the  party leader is corrupt and when he breaks from the party and creates another party and joins Non-Muslims...” before tapering off. Could Zakir Naik not be referring to you, Tun Dr Mahathir as the “corrupt” and you “ as the person you broke from one party and created another party”.

My word ! it is this Zakir Naik, a fugitive from justice, that you Tun Dr Mahathir was prepared to defend, when not one of the 56 of the 57 Muslim OIC Countries was willing to give him sanctuary save for Malaysia who gave Zakir Naik a Permanent Residency and your Mujahid Rawa, the Minister In Charge For Islamic Affairs giving Zakir Naik the accolade “inspiring”.

Zakir Naik may soon be issuing pronouncements and Fatwas, and  an embolden Zakir Naik may even call on Muslims not to vote for you and Pakatan Harapan come next General Election.

Before Zakir Naik causes more damage and you lose the support of Non-Muslims and the good sensible Muslims, please revoke Zakir Naik’s Permanent Residency (there is enough justification) and put him on the next flight to Saudi Arabia. It’s not your or our concern what Saudi Arabia does with Zakir Naik. This Merdeka give us something to cheer.

Then again, Tun Dr Mahathir, I am inclined to believe that your comment today that Zakir Naik had overstepped the boundaries may be (pardon my English) just “bullshit” and no rational people will believe you until you put Zakir Naik on the next plane.

Norman Fernandez
A Malaysian Citizen.

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