
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Pantun Bumi Bertuah Oleh Anak Seorang Ex Mufti

Image result for malay kompong di malaysia

Bumi bertuah hasilnya mewah
Tuan rumah melangut di kedai kopi
Malas bekerja dijualnya tanah
Untung secupak hidung pun tinggi

Bila untung mereka kawin lagi
Sorang tak cukup cari tiga lagi
Secupak kini tinggal dicelah gigi

Kongsi rumah di bumi bertuah
Tapi tuan rumah malas bangun pagi
Pergi kerja seminggu sekali
Malam pula dengar ceramah maki-maki

Gaji besar pun tak cukup lagi
Disamun disebat tak sedar diri
Tiap-tiap tahun pergi haji
Maka syurga pun dia gerenti

Habis dijual tanah sendiri
Tak cukup tanah dijualnya maruah
Anak muda merempit dan hisap dadah
Habis semua jadi sampah

Ostard dan mufti suka berpecah
Puak itu puak ini semua salah
Setiap hari buat kerja dakwah
Ostard makin mewah umat makin parah

Duduk melepak di kedai janda
Bergebang soal aurat wanita
Cukup masa ke masjid solat isya
Baca Quran tak faham apa

Hati bernanah penuh hasad dengki
Dendam kesumat benci membenci
Terlalu malas nak berdikari
Nak bertongkat sampai mati

Tongkat dibeli dari Cina
Dibuat pula oleh India
Tuan rumah makan tidur saja
Beralah tidak, cuma tak berguna


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Ewoon,

    Thank you for translating the pantun...!!!

    1. Revised ...

      Amazing Land

      Amazing land brings forth good returns
      Its owner hangs out at the coffee shop
      Lazy to work, sells his land
      A coconut shellful of profit, lifts nose high in the air

      When there's profit they marry again
      One ain’t enough, look for three more
      The shellful now left is in the gaps of his teeth

      Share house on the amazing land
      But owner is lazy to rise in the morning
      Go to work once a week
      But at night go listen to hate speech

      High salary still ain’t enough
      Plunder and steal without conscience
      Every year go perform the Hajj
      Hence heaven he's guaranteed

      All his land he has sold
      No more land to sell, sell dignity
      Young children waste time and take drugs
      In the end all become trash

      Religious guru and scholar like to disagree
      This and that everything is wrong
      Every day preach and evangelize
      More religious gurus, more people led astray

      Sit and loaf at the widow's shop
      Talk idly about covering of women’s bodyparts
      When time’s up to the mosque for evening prayer
      Read the Quran but don't understand anything

      Wicked heart filled with envy and malice
      It’s all vengeance and grudge and hate
      Too lazy to become self-reliant
      Need walking-stick* for support till death

      Walking-stick bought from China
      But it was made in India
      The owner only eats and sleeps
      Give it up never, just be useless



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