
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 16, 2019

Rep treats man who pelted his office with eggs to egg tarts

Eggs rained on Menglembu assemblyperson Steven Chaw's service centre in Ipoh during the height of the controversy over making khat (Jawi calligraphy) compulsory in the Bahasa Malaysia syllabus for Standard Four pupils.
Incensed over the issue, the culprit, who claimed to be a steadfast DAP supporter for more than a decade, had accused the party leaders of failing the Chinese community.
Since then, the Education Ministry has reviewed its decision, cutting down khat from the original six pages to three and stating that it would only be taught in vernacular schools if agreed to by the respective parents-teachers associations, parents and students.

Yesterday, Chaw met the man who vandalised his office and treated him to a box of egg tarts.
“I had the chance to talk to him over tea. I told him about the Education Ministry's latest decision. We also discussed other local issues, especially on how we want to make Menglembu better.
“Actually, he is a rational person who cares about the Chinese community. Maybe the ending is not what all of us hoped for, but Pakatan Harapan is willing to listen to the people's voice,” he said in a Facebook posting.
Contacted later, Chaw said the hour-long meeting was held at a coffee shop.
“When we met at the police station (after the man was arrested), I promised to report to him if there is any latest development (on the khat issue)...
“He also apologised to me for overreacting. We had a good discussion. I explained the Education Ministry's decisions. He accepted part of it...
“Anyway, he understands. He wanted to know DAP's stand,” he added. - Mkini

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