
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 17, 2019


Protesters at a rally against Kluang MP Wong Shu Qi resorted to mocking her with vulgarities during a speech by Umno Youth chief Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki.
Playing on her name, the crowd called the DAP lawmaker “Wong P**i”, a vulgar Malay term for female genitals.
The exchange played out as follows:
Asyraf: Why are we here this evening? What is the significance of us gathering in front of the office of the DAP Kluang representative, Wong?
Crowd: Shu Qi
Asyraf: Shu Qi. Wong?
Crowd member: P**i!
Asyraf: Shu Qi
Crowd: P**i, p**i! (followed by laughter)
Asyraf: The other things I don’t want to say. I did not say that; I just came back from the haj.
The protest was streamed live over the Umno Tebrau Youth’s Facebook page.
More than 50 people had gathered outside Wong’s office in Kluang to protest against the DAP lawmaker following her use of a “pornographic” book as an example of texts written in Jawi/khat.
Wong said these irreverent materials had made Jawi more relatable to her Chinese audience at a talk last week. This was when the proposed introduction of compulsory khat lessons for the primary school syllabus was still a hot topic.
In his speech today, Asyraf said Wong’s reasoning was insulting, not just to those who used Jawi but also to the Chinese.
“We must pressure her to make an open apology to the Malays for insulting Jawi and also apologise to the Chinese for linking them to dirty minds.
“I have many Chinese friends. I never knew the Chinese had dirty minds other than Wong. She should be crowned the mother of obscenities in this country,” he said, adding that she should also resign.
Kluang MP Wong Shu Qi
Ashraf said it was time for the Chinese to stop being fooled by the DAP and for all citizens to be respectful of one another again as it once was.
Earlier in his speech, he said communal ties had deteriorated since the Pakatan Harapan and DAP took power.
“Malaysia is a country for all, for Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazandusun and others. Don’t play with racial sentiments. They (DAP) are the racists and chauvinists,” he said.
He cited the Seafield riots last November as an example. He said it was not a racial riot but it was racialised.
He cited how Selangor exco member V Ganabatirau had initially blamed the first night of rioting on Muslim groups. Ganabatirau has since apologised.
Asyraf also blamed DAP leaders for fanning tensions during the Seafield riots last November by issuing a statement critical of the police.

Umno-PAS to hold ‘Save M’sia’ mega rally in KL

PAS and Umno are expected to hold a series of speeches nationwide which will build up to a mega rally in Kuala Lumpur to show their solidarity for the country.
Umno Youth chief Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki said this during his speech at a protest against Kluang MP Wong Shu Qi in Kluang, Johor, today near her office.
The protest was held to demand the MP’s resignation after she used an example of pornographic material in Jawi when explaining the history of Jawi writing during a dialogue session with representatives from the Tiong Hwa Association and 27 other Chinese groups in Kluang.
Wong, in her defence, stressed that her speech was taken out of context.
According to Asyraf, there had never been a time when Malaysians of different races and religions showed disrespect and prejudice towards one another until now.
“Never in history, not in 51 years of BN rule, did we witness such an ugly relationship among the Chinese, Malays, and Indians.
“Since Pakatan Harapan took over, what happened to the respect for different races and religions? DAP has tarnished them one by one,” he said.
Following that, Asyraf urged the people to express their love for Malaysia in a mega rally. However, no date has been confirmed yet.
“From Kluang, we will move nationwide. We will rally not only Umno and PAS, but also NGOs.
“We will make sure that we stop from one town to another, before converging in a mega rally…a people’s rally in Kuala Lumpur.
“We will show our solidarity regardless of race and religion, on one theme – Save Malaysia,” he told the crowd comprised of about 70 people amid the downpour.
Commenting on Wong, Asyraf said she has to apologise not only to the Malays but to the Chinese because she had linked the latter to pornography.
“Wong said that in order to help Chinese understand something, she has to give pornography as an example.
“Can we accept this? It’s an insult not only to Jawi, but to the Chinese. We have to press her to apologise and resign,” he said.
Wong had alleged that Umno and MCA were playing an “evil political game” against her.
“By referring to the same speech, MCA accused me of supporting Jawi to incite the Chinese, (while) Umno claimed I insulted Jawi to incite the Malays. Their evil political game is clearly shining through,” she said.

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