
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Zakir Naik has no right to disparage loyalty of Malaysians

More than a year ago, I received a phone call from an Indian journalist based in Mumbai. She wanted to know details of a supposed extradition application made by the Indian government to extradite religious preacher Zakir Naik. I told her that I had not been following the case and sent her a copy of the extradition treaty signed by both countries.
Race and religion has never been my forte and I followed the antics of this preacher through media reports – initially for laughs because his theories were out of this world. I had then concluded that he was just another snake oil salesman trying to justify his stay in the country using religion.
That was until last Saturday, when I received a video clip from Patrick “The Voice” Teoh with a telling message: “Nades, have you seen the video of Zakir Naik being driven into a stadium and given a rock star welcome? What is happening to our country and what can we do about it? Each day the man is here, he is destroying more and more of our already delicate social, cultural and religious fabric. How long can this go on before we are torn apart? Forever.”
The long weekend afforded the opportunity to view many video clips of his teachings propagating Islam. No one should have an issue with that. He had nothing good to say about other religions. I have no problems with that too. 

However, in the process, he was degrading and criticising other religions as if he was an expert on all religions.
The clips gave insights to his twisting and turning of words and his attempt to get involved in partisan politics. In one clip, he is asked: “Between a Muslim leader who causes hardship to the people and perceived as corrupt, and a Muslim leader who cooperates with non-Muslims, who would you choose?”
This was before the general election and it was an obvious reference to Dr Mahathir Mohamed joining forces with the DAP. Without batting an eyelid, Zakir replied: “It does not matter if he is corrupt, but you have to choose a leader who is Muslim and does not associate with non-Muslims.”
There were also many videos denouncing him and challenging his theories on other religions. However, in his latest video, he makes disparaging remarks on the loyalty of Malaysians. It does not matter whatever is his or her race, religion or creed, he has no right to talk about it.
After watching his infamous viral speech which he made in Kota Baru last week, as a true blooded Malaysian, I have to stand up to denounce, censure and condemn his rhetoric and take our authorities to task for abetting him by being silent.
In that speech, the Zakir compared the Hindus in Malaysia to the Muslims in India, saying that the Hindus here enjoyed 100 percent more rights in Malaysia compared to Muslims in India.
He also alleged that the Hindus here were more loyal to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (below) than to Dr Mahathir. This was a mischievous and unfounded statement which would cause discord in our society.
Foreigners should not misuse and abuse their privileges as permanent residents to create inter-racial and inter-religious tension and conflict.
There have been calls to deport him and the Prime Minister’s comment that “no country wants him” does not hold water. He was quoted by the Turkish media last month describing Zakir’s “extreme views” as a “threat to the country's racial and religious relations”, but added that it was difficult to remove him because no other country wanted him.
If a guest in the country abuses his or her privileges and overtly causes discord among the people, he has no business being here.
Many will remember how during Mahathir’s first term as Prime Minister, there were attempts to deport two journalists – John Berthelson and Raphael Pura of the now defunct Asian Wall Street Journal because they were writing on issues which were not favourable to the country.
Why then are we pussy-footing with this man, who has done damage, and  is known globally for his restricted views and allegedly promoting terrorism? There is a request from India that he be extradited. Why are we according extra-special treatment to this man who spews hatred and enmity?
Zakir, like everyone else, must respect the rules of the land, which he has not. Even before (if it happens) he is deported, he must face the wrath of our laws. 
There are enough provisions in the Penal Code to prosecute those who cause discord and cause racial disharmony.
Section 298A states:
(1) Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representations, or by any act, activity or conduct, or by organizing, promoting or arranging, or assisting in organizing, promoting or arranging, any activity, or otherwise in any other manner —
(a) causes, or attempts to cause, or is likely to cause disharmony, disunity, or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill will; or
(b) prejudices, or attempts to prejudice, or is likely to prejudice, the maintenance of harmony or unity, on grounds of religion, between persons or groups of persons professing the same or different religions, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of not less than two years and not more than five years.
Scores of police reports have been made. While the authorities are quick to arrest and charge those making disparaging remarks of religions, why is this man enjoying immunity and continues to do wanton destruction to the community as a whole?
Enough is enough. This man has done enough damage to inter-racial harmony and inter-religious congruence by his wayward and, most of the time, extremist views. As Teoh has pointed out, he must go before he tears us apart – forever.

R. NADESWARAN asks where is the rule of law which the Prime Minister espoused and championed when he took office in May last year. Was it real or mere rhetoric? Comments: citizen.nades22@gmail.com - Mkini

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