
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Zakir Naik Inspires The Violent Psychopaths. Plus A Note For The IGP.

Image result for zakir naik

As Tawfik Tun Dr Ismail has put it so aptly,  "it's the singer, not the song that is dangerous".    

There are reports that he inspired a person to commit terrorist acts in Bangladesh recently, and a person in Johor threatened non-Muslims with parang and knives because of perceived threats to Islam propounded by him.  

“It’s the singer, not the song, that is dangerous, ” said Mohamed Tawfik

If I may be allowed some literary interpretation, what it also means is, even if you take a beautiful song and give it to a donkey, the donkey will still make the song sound ugly. Because the ugliest voice is indeed the voice of the donkey.

Anyway folks, it looks like Dr Mahathir has b_llshitted everyone again. 

Zakir Naik can now stay in Malaysia for ever.  
Why? Because he has apologised !!  Itu saja. 

And Dr Mahathir has very kindly and graciously agreed to accept his apologies - on behalf of all of us. Fantastic. 

So all is forgiven and the sy_itan  can stay in Malaysia. 

As I said Dr Mahathir can now make chapatti for Zakir Naik.  
Chapattis are round Sir. Not square. 
Maaaayy waaaayyy has not worked for 40 years. 
It still will not work. Do grow up.

I notice that this Zakir Naik issue has only brought out the worst from among the stupid folk. The less intelligent people. 

And this has been going on for some time.

Lets take  a short walk down recent history.

1. Dhaka Bangladesh terrorist murderers

On July 1st 2016 a small group of young Banglas who were pro ISIS jihadis attacked a cafe in Dhaka, Bangladesh and killed over 20 people. 

One of the attackers, Rohan Imtiaz was found out to be strongly inspired by listening to Zakir Naik videos. This became evident when Bangladesh investigators found him supporting and propagating Zakir Naik's views on social media. Here is a news clip:

"Another attacker, Rohan Imtiaz had propagated controversial Indian Islamic preacher Zakir Naik's message "urging all Muslims to be terrorists" on Facebook."

2. Sri Lankan church murderer

On 21st April this year (2019) three churches and three luxury hotels in Sri Lanka were attacked by pro ISIS jihadi suicide bombers resulting in the death of 259 people. The "idealogue" or 'chief instigator' behind these attacks was a fellow called Mohamed Zahran who was a fervent supporter of Zakir Naik's preaching. Here is a picture and caption of the psycho that has now become famous -  'What can Sri Lankan Muslims do for Dr Zakir Naik?'

We have to thank Allah swt that this psycho has killed himself and does not exist anymore on the surface of Allah's beautiful earth.  If you believe that he has received his 72 virgins, you seriously need psychiatric care.

3. There are more of these mentally challenged fellows, here in Malaysia.  One of them has made a video of himself holding parangs, kris and samurai swords which he has obviously threatened to use against people who disagree with or challenge Zakir Naik's presence here in Malaysia. This is what Tawfik Tun Dr Ismail is referring to above.   Here is a screen grab.

I hope Dato Hamid Bador the IGP has had this fellow arrested. If not, why not Dato IGP? Your statement in the Media says Police will not hesitate to take action against these sorts of people. Tiada lagi amaran. 

So please arrest that fellow and present him to the AG with a water tight case for prosecution. 

Otherwise your statement will not convince the peace loving people of this country. Peace loving Malaysians are getting tired of this inaction by the authorities against what are obviously criminal elements.  These things MUST stop.

4.  The other fellow is of course that idiot from the D_rul T_rroris.

The Police arrested NINE ISIS terrorists who were 'living the good life' in the D_rul T_rroris,  as 'students' in a madrasah that was also sponsored by the state !! Taxpayers' money was being used to indirectly sponsor ISIS terrorists who were later arrested by the Police.

He has been making obviously inflammatory statements which will certainly incite hatred among races and religions. 

In his latest pronouncements he said that Malaysia needs a Saddam Hussein to rein in the minorities who question Malay dominance.

“Saya nak cerita bukan saya sokong Saddam Hussein, kita pun tak suka Saddam Hussein kerana kekejamannya tetapi hanya kerana sikap Saddam Hussein, Iraq tidak berpecah pada zaman itu kerana kadang kala tempat yang banyak gangster kena ada gangster juga jadi kepala,” katanya

Bila negara banyak kepala samseng macam negara kita sekarang ini, nampaknya perlu satu orang yang keras kepala juga yang dominan mesti uruskan negara ini dan kita akan cari calon itu,” katanya.

pembentukan pentadbiran mesti didominasi oleh kaum asal negara ini

Ya lah bodoh, hang tak tahu kah sejak 62 tahun Merdeka semua PM kita Melayu, Agong Melayu, Sembilan Raja Melayu, Ketua Tentera Melayu, ketua IPTA sekarang sudah pro Salafi, IGP Melayu, KSN Melayu, dulu sampai sekarang majoriti lebih 2/3 kerusi Parlimen semua MP Melayu (parti saja lain), 17 juta penduduk Malaysia Melayu (majority).  

Siapa kata Melayu bukan dominan? 

Tapi sejak bila  Zakir Naik itu jadi Melayu. Dia bukan orang Malaysia pun. 
Hang kata Melayu kena dominan tapi hang pi sokong orang India asing macam Zakir Naik pasai apa pula? Bodoh.

Ok kalau awak nak Saddam Hussein jadi pemimpin, boleh tak awak ikut contoh Saddam Hussein ini:

 Atas:  1976, Al-yrhm Saddam Hussein sembahyang di Masjid Syiah di Iran

Bawah : Al-yrhm Saddam Hussein sembahyang di Masjid Syiah di Karbala (Masjid Imam Hussain)

 Bawah : Al-yrhm Saddam Hussein tiba di Masjid Syiah Saidina Ali di Najaf.

Habis pasai apa pula si mangkuk ini tak mahu ikut 'style gangster' Saddam Hussein dan pergi sembahyang di masjid-masjid Syiah? 

Atau pun sekurangnya duduk lah bersama orang Syiah dan minum teh atau kopi bersama mereka. (Err . . .maksud saya bukan orang Syiah di Malaysia yang terpaksa sembunyikan diri kerana takut diculik pada malam hari dan dibunuh, tak tahu apa dibuat dengan mayat mereka?) 

Maksud saya kalau awak bukan bacul, pergi lah duduk minum teh dengan orang Syiah di Iraq atau orang Syiah di Iran atau orang Syiah di Syria? 

Cubalah convince mereka kenapa Syiah di negeri awak layak diculik pada malam hari dan dibunuh oleh entah siapa?

Awak kena berani kerana benar lah.   

Janganlah awak hanya tunjuk berani bila awak boleh menyorok macam tikus belakang Enakman 'Syiah itu adalah jenayah' di negeri awak itu? 

Buanglah Enakmen itu. 
Lepas itu tengoklah kalau awak masih berani nak berdebat?
Common brader, be a gentleman. Kena sporting lah sikit.   

And now the latest this mangkuk has said that Kulasegaran the Minister should debate Zakir Naik and then he will be the referee over who wins the debate.

The No 1 supporter of Zakir Naik in Malaysia wants to be the referee in a debate between Kulasegaran and Zakir Naik !! 

These type of stupid statements not only reflect upon his education and his upbringing but it also reflects the intellectual  level of his supporters.  

To conclude, in this country there maybe some hope. 

At the present moment we cannot place our hopes on the Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir. Or his Cabinet. - to maintain the peace and harmony in the country.

I have some hope in the IGP and the Police. Plenty rests on the shoulders of the IGP.  I hope the IGP will take the right steps to safeguard the peace and security of this country.

Dato IGP, just arrest them and charge them. 
The people are behind you. 
Truth will be behind you.
Allah swt will be behind you.

Dont let the syaitan too much freedom to ruin the peace.


  1. Zakir Naik Inspires The Violent Psychopaths. Plus A Note For The IGP.

    It is all about Geo-political "Blackmail" & the US, Israel, UK has used (as in ORBS squeezed...!) Saudi to FINANCE ZN to create his own Foundation to financially split the Muslims worldwide with Wahabbism, etc...!!!

    ZN is another Saudi paid "Enabler" like Jho Low using the mufti up north, MOE, our friend in waiting, etc...!!

    Bolehland has been getting lots of funding from Saudi, IMF, World Bank, etc...!!

    They are ALL only too trigger happy to cut Bolehland's "Lifeline"...!!! 😜👌

    Source: Malaysian Government Data. This is Central Government Debt, but the data is now questionable...???

    Read more at: https://commodity.com/debt-clock/malaysia/


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