
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Zakir's supposed apology shows little remorse

The arrogance has suddenly vanished into thin air. No more verbose, effusive and charismatic speeches. From the pedestal, he had assumed he could no wrong – untouchable. A coterie of supporters, politicians and the like, gave him that sense of superiority and invincibility.
Two days after wanting to sue all and sundry, he now wants sympathy with his “I was misunderstood” tune. He now seeks forgiveness, and none seems to be forthcoming.
Two sessions with the police and the grilling have brought him down to earth with a thump. The haughtiness and self-importance - taken in a motorcade accompanied by bodyguards - has found its expected ending.
Forced to eat the humble pie, Dr Zakir's supposed apology shows little remorse - “view the videos”. Yes, they have all been viewed - from start to finish.

Video clips don’t lie, and there’s hardly an iota of his claim that he is a man of peace.
He claimed: “I am being accused of causing racial discord in the country, and my detractors have been using selected sentences taken out of context and adding strange fabrications into them.”
Yet another concoction of his: “I am a holy man who does not tell lies. I’m always right and you are always wrong.”
In his eyes, those who stood up to him were using selected sentences to harm him. Utter bunkum. Let him review his own clips before being judgmental about others.
He had vociferously challenged everyone and anyone who disagreed with his views. But the few like Ramesh Rajaratnam who had taken him on hardly got the answers that were sought.
In a language couched with all kinds of claims and verses from religious texts, he bamboozled his way without addressing the issue. Using his oratorical skills with scant knowledge of all religious scriptures, he went to town, spewing hatred and contempt all the way comparing one to another.
His goose is cooked and his sowing of hatred via supposed evangelism has reached its end. Now, banned from speaking, he is seeking forgiveness from those he slandered and demeaned.
Now that the sandiwara and the wayang are over, we have to ask: How did he become a Permanent Resident in the first place? How are his children enjoying the same privileges? What was the criterion used in giving them that status? Were our authorities aware of his misdemeanours and transgressions of the past in other countries? What special talents and skills did he possess at that time? Can those with PR status preach or work in this country?
Our Home Affairs Ministry usually takes years to process applications from foreign spouses. In his case, it was granted overnight. Why and who authorised it?
As Rafidah Aziz (above) asked: Why are Malaysians going against each other on account of some foreigner who is being sought after by his own country?
For good measure, she also asked: “Why are some of us still so vulnerable to have our minds being subverted in so many ways, seemingly in the name of religion?”
The answers are simple. Religion sells like hot cakes in this country. The state has allowed the sale to flourish unabatedly and is now unable to contain everything that is sold, including hate speeches. Some have jumped on the religious bandwagon for money, others for their five minutes of fame, and many for a better life hereafter.
When the seeds of discord were sown through religion many years ago, no effort was made to destroy them. Instead, certain quarters nurtured them until they have grown and become indestructible.
Many will not shed a drop of tear for his departure, but there will also be many shedding tears to fill buckets. He does not deserve a goodbye, but a stern message – get out and don’t come back. Vamoose, Zakir Naik!

R NADESWARAN says that before Zakir Naik is put on the next plane, he should face charges for inciting hatred among races. Comments: citizen.nades22@gmail.com - Mkini

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