
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Graduate's action 'reasonable and within law' - former UM students

A group of Universiti Malaya (UM) alumni has expressed support for Wong Yan Ke who protested against the university's vice-chancellor Abdul Rahim Hashim during the graduation ceremony.
In a petition signed by 171 former UM students, the group said Wong's action was reasonable and in accordance with the law.
"Wong took less than 10 seconds to unfurl a placard and yell. His action did not disrupt the flow of the convocation ceremony," it said.
On Monday, Wong staged a protest against Rahim by unfurling a placard and yelled "Tolak rasis. Undur VC. Ini Tanah Malaysia (Reject racism. VC withdraw (his statements). This is Tanah Malaysia)”.

The placard listed reasons why Rahim should step down. Wong did this on stage at UM’s convocation ceremony, after receiving his scroll.
The next day, another graduate, Edan Kon Hua En, attempted the same stunt but was foiled by the university's security force. 
The protests were aimed at Rahim (photo) over his alleged racist speech at the Malay Dignity Congress on Oct 6.
The alumni group opined that Wong's had raised awareness to the society in regard to the vice-chancellor's irresponsible speech.
"We must also remember that the Federal Constitution and Universiti Malaya's constitution do not prohibit university students from verbally asking the vice-chancellor to resign."
The group also criticised the university for preventing Kon from entering the hall to receive the scroll, saying that UM could be seen as trying to create "white terror" in the university.
UM had filed a police report against Wong after the incident. He was expected to have his statement recorded at the Brickfields police station today. 
The group urged Education Minister Maszlee Malik and his deputy Teo Nie Ching to instruct the UM management to retract the report.
It also wants Maszlee to explain his attendance at the Malay Dignity Congress.
"This is because he would be seen as supporting the racist statements at the congress." - Mkini

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