
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, October 28, 2019

IISTAC At Last Says What I Have Been Saying For Years

Well not exactly 100% but close. 

IISTAC recently held a talk about  "advancement of knowledge culture in Islam".

Maybe I can save IISTAC a lot of time and wasted anxiety. 
There is going to be no advancement of knowledge in the type of "islam" that you practise.  

It is just not going to happen. 
I can share the reasons why this is the case. 

But it does not really matter. 
Why does it not really matter? 

Because the kafir people already design and manufacture some pretty good and comfortable underwear which we all can wear. 

Today they (the kafir people) are relevant to all human existence. 
Can you design and manufacture a comfortable and affordable set of underwear? 
I dont think so.   So what is your relevance? 

Do continue reading this blog. 

Anyway here are some :   **Resolutions at the Conference of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilisation ( ISTAC ) by Scholars from Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.**

Yudi Latif menghadiri Wacana Ilmiah Masa Depan Budaya Ilmi Dalam Peradaban Nusantara di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Sikap terlalu menumpukan kehidupan selepas mati punca kemunduran 
Yudi Latif dari Indonesia kata, sikap itu canggah tuntutan agama 
yang menekankan pembangunan tamadun tanpa meminggirkan mati

Sekarang ini, pemikiran terlalu menekankan soal selepas mati
seolah isu ekonomi adalah isu kotor

Orang Islam seolah tidak ada kaitan dengan pembangunan ekonomi
Mereka cuma berdoa, hendak syurga di akhirat nanti
Kita lupakan syurga di sini dan di sana (akhirat),” katanya 

Wacana Ilmiah Masa Depan Budaya Ilmi Dalam Peradaban Nusantara 

Yudi berkata perkara sedemikian berlaku pada zaman gelap Eropah
apabila gereja terlalu memainkan peranan hingga terpisah reality 

Islam pula membawa agama dan ekonomi, mempunyai hubung kait
masalahnya hari ini umat merasakan agama dan ekonomi (dipisahkan)

umat Islam segera ubah pemikiran 
berusaha sungguh-sungguh mencipta “syurga” di dunia dan akhirat.
kita perlukan perubahan teologi besar-besaran 

(OSTB : Wow !! perubahan teologi besar-besaran !! Di Malaysia tak boleh lah. Di Indonesia pun tak boleh. Di Arab Saudi pun tak boleh. Di Turki pun tak boleh. Di sebabkan sunni dan syiah saja, mereka bunuh-membunuh. Di Indonesia, orang Ahmadiyah di bunuh. Haiwan baru wahabi pun suka bunuh. Bahasa untuk berdialog dalam "agama" ini adalah bahasa membunuh.

Di Malaysia Amri Che Mat diculik dan sudah dihilangkan. Juga Pastor Koh, Helmy dan isteri. Dan seorang lagi. Ini adalah bahasa mereka - menculik dan membunuh. Jadi perubahan teologi besar-besaran kepala hotak apa yang awak sebut ini?

Kalau bukan undang-undang sah dalam negara 'islam' (nauzubillah) yang halalkan menghukum, penjara, dera siksa dan membunuh manusia atas sebab perbezaan agama, orang-orang kampong sendiri yang akan bunuh-membunuh sesama sendiri atas perbezaan agama. Inilah keadaan sebenar dalam dunia "agama" sekarang.

Ok here is speaker No. 2.

intellectualism among Muslims should start from breaking free of 'tok guru' 
says Singaporean academic Prof Khairudin Aljunied.
What is the tok guru culture? 
Tok guru important in society and have given birth to many powerful works

(OSTB : I say brother, are you joking? Tok guru's powerful works? Like what? 

I say brother Prof Khairuddin, kalau lah the tok guru's works were so powerful then how did the 'muslims' (nauzubillah) lose their brains to such a terrible level? 

Sudah jadi tahap beruk atas pokok. So much so that now you have to give talks about restarting 'intellectualism among Muslims." 

Restart because semua sudah jadi retards? 
Because the tok guru's powerful works have killed off the muslim (nauzubillah) brain.
The tok guru's works have made the muslims (nauzubillah) stupid and useless.)

"The problem is students who say tok guru cannot be wrong 

and the tok guru is always right all the time, every time," said Khairudin

knowledge was result of students who disagreed, questioned their teachers.
Khairudin said Muslims refrained from asking questions 
then taken up by West to produce breakthroughs in the field

We should not have this tok guru culture. 

We need to question everything.
"True intellectualism is about breakthroughs and innovations in all fields"
"There is no such thing as purely Malay-Islamic values," he added.

My comments : Ok congratulations to these brave speakers.  

But they are beating around the bush. 
They are trying to tiptoe. 
Afraid the village mob will go crazy and chase them out.

They should just say it point blank - throw out the teachings of the OWR. 
Ostard wal Retards.  This is what they actually mean. Question the theology.

Why? Because their teachings are false.
Why? Because (among other things) they have no proofs for what they say.




So where are their proofs?

I wish to congratulate the IISTAC anyway on organising this talk - the main purpose of which is to hint, imply that the Muslims CANNOT RELY ON THEIR OLD THEOLOGIANS AND THEIR OLD THEOLOGIES.

The speakers, especially Prof Khairudin Aljunied from Singapore have asked the Muslims to start questioning. Start questioning everything.

Can the Muslims begin to question their theologians? 
I am referring to YOU, dear Muslim reader?
Can you question your gurus and tok gurus and ostards?

Here are some questions. 
This is the extremely simple WHY question.
Ask them to explain :

1. WHY does a god exist?
2. WHY would a god want to exist?
3. WHY did god choose the heaven and hell business model (syurga / neraka)?

And then whatever answer they give you - ASK AGAIN WHY?

And then whatever answer they give you - ASK AGAIN WHY?

Keep asking WHY until they pengsan.

If they threaten you with  YOU SHOULD NOT ASK WHY, ask them again WHY ?

Until they pengsan.

I am an ultra-fundamentalist Muslim. 
No evidence no Muslim.
In my book (the Quran) all these questions can and will be answered.

1 comment:

  1. "I am an ultra-fundamentalist Muslim. No evidence no Muslim."~ OSTB

    Then, any evidence the existence of angels, heaven and hell?


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