
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Konspirasi Syaitan Erdogan Untuk Memulihkan ISIS Masuk Perangkap Pula

Please read my comments at the end.  Thank you.

There is a risk of an ISIS resurgence in Syria
Turkey’s invasion should be blamed

Every war creates chaos and chaos is good climate for terrorism
Turkey's invasion creates better climate for ISIS terrorists

from beginning Turkey allowed foreign terrorists (including Malaysia) into Syria
they are an occupying force
they did not come by invitation from Syria 
they have nothing to do with Syria
the reason they came was to protect terrorists

resurgence of ISIS is consequence of Turkey’s military invasion 
Syrian Kurds did bulk of fighting against ISIS
As new Turkish invasion unfolded, Kurds turn to Damascus
Damascus will gladly help Kurds 
despite their previous alliance with the US
US a major source of instability 

Kurds are part and parcel of Syrian society
Syria has many ethnicities, many [religious sects]
Syria supplied [some of the] Kurds with weapons to fight ISIS

Kurdish militias played key role in capturing Raqqa  de facto capital of ISIS

Kurds expanded outside their historical territory 
took entire region east of Euphrates River
including a valuable oil field

Erdogan should take heed warning from Syria’s history
which did not forgive occupiers.

Over 10,000 years many invaders buried in Syria
the Syrians remain masters of their country

My comments :

Turkey has now launched an invasion of Syria. This is an aimless invasion. (So why did the Turks invade?)  

From my own observation invading a country for "political reasons" does not seem to succeed. For example the US invading Vietnam to "defeat communism" and install a democracy etc etc. That was a doomed project.

Or the US invading Afghanistan for don't know what reason. That was a doomed project.  Or the US invading Iraq to effect "regime change". That has not worked either.

Invading a country for the purpose of taking territory has had far better chances of success (of victory from going to war).

For example in 1962 the Chinese taking the 14,000 SQUARE MILES of the Aksai Chin border area from India. Plus some parts of Arunachal Pradesh. They hold that territory until today.

The Chinese did not invade the Aksai Chin for world communism, regime changing etc. It was purely to reclaim what they said was their land.  (The Aksai Chin is largely inhabited by Yaks and mountain goats).

In 1938 the Saudis invaded and took the Yemeni border regions of Najran, Asir and Maarib. The Yemenis are only now getting it back - after 81 years. 

The British re-invaded the Falkland Islands in 1982. They want the Argentinian territory - located 12,000 miles from London. And they are prepared to hold it. Just like the British hold Gibraltar, which is Spanish territory. 

The Israelis hold the Golan Heights. They have held it for 52 years since 1967. They will hold it until a peace treaty is worked out with Syria - which will happen ultimately.  
Invading and holding territory because you want the land, even if the land is inhabited largely by goats and Yaks, seems to have had larger success. This means a physical occupation and doing whatever is necessary to secure that territory.

But when countries invade other countries because of politics, especially their own internal politics - these types of campaigns always end in disaster. 

Regime change, to save the world against communism, to save the world through communism (USSR invading Afghanistan) or to topple pro Russian governments (Syria) etc.

There are exceptions - regime change invasions will only work if the incumbent governments are real psychos who are killing their own people. And there is no intention for the invading country to stay once the regime change is over.

Again I am using examples from my own lifetime. Meaning these are real examples.

The greatest examples of these are Mrs Indhira Gandhi's (the Indian Prime Minister) decision to invade Bengal (East Pakistan) in 1971 to save millions of Bangladeshis from the rape and genocide declared by the Pakistani Army (Operation Searchlight). The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Rape And Ravage Regiments of the Pakistani 2nd Army had raped over 500,000 Bangladeshi girls.  I was 11 years old at that time and read about the war closely. After defeating Pakistan and liberating Bangladesh, the Indian Army withdrew - leaving behind a brand new Islamic nation Bangladesh. Allahu Akbar.

The other example was the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia in 1979 (I was 19 years old) to get rid of the lunatic Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge who had already killed over two million Cambodians. (The Vietnamese did stay in Cambodia - with some welcome - until 1989) and then quietly left, leaving behind a Cambodia that has been peaceful until today.

Right now Erdogan is invading Syria with no clear objective and no good reason. And what is his endgame? (Similar to the US invasion of Syria prior to Trump.)

Erdogan's invasion of Syria has already triggered a few other unintended things :

1.  the powerful Syrian Kurdish militias (who were allied with the US before Trump pulled out) have now formed alliances with Damascus. This is a major new development that will cost Erdogan plenty. Before this the powerful Kurdish militias were not working as well with Damascus.

2. The US has already imposed trade sanctions against Erdogan for his invasion of Syria. Turkish steel imports into the US are now subject to a 50% import tax. Plus the US has discontinued defense cooperation with Turkey.

3. The British have cancelled all weapons sales to Turkey. That means a much larger 'economic sanction' against Turkey is in the offing.

4. Russia has sent troops on the ground, into Kurdish areas in Syria, to prevent Turkish incursions in areas where Russian troops operate. 

So despite all this Erdogan bin Syaitan still hopes to achieve his nothing-to-begin-witj.

Erdogan is under serious domestic pressure. The Turkish economy is still doing poorly. Erdogan is also becoming unpopular politically. A 'war to nowhere' may swing public support. 

Plus it also means major corruption kickbacks from Turkey's substantial arms industry. And Erdogan is a corrupt leader as well.

It is another day in the life of an Islamic leader. 
They are no different from the kafir leaders they condemn so much.

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