
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Malaysia Is About To Explode

The Malay nationalist sentiments currently run very high, especially since this year. Most Malays consider themselves Malays and/or Muslims first and Malaysians second. And most Malays are of the opinion that their race and religion are under attack from the non-Malays. Whether this is the right or wrong perception does not matter. What matters is this is the perception nevertheless.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
In 1978, Lim Kit Siang published a book titled “Time Bombs in Malaysia”. Today, that time bomb is about to go off. Many developments since the May 2018 general election have accelerated the process and Malaysia is about to see the biggest explosion in history since the Japanese invasion of 8th December 1941, and far bigger than the 13th May 1969 race riots.
Foreign investors and fund managers have classified Malaysia as a politically unstable country. There is so much uncertainties and race and religion bashing that Malaysia is considered a high-risk country. That is the main reason Malaysia’s economy is suffering, not because of 1MDB, as Pakatan Harapan is trying to suggest.
Pakatan Harapan is saying that Malaysia’s economy is suffering because of the RM1.1 trillion debts the previous government incurred and which the present government has to pay back.

Many things are happening in the background which most Malaysians do not know about

First of all, the debts were not RM1.1 trillion but only RM680 billion. Secondly, since May 2018, the present government has not been paying back any of those debts and, in fact, the country’s debts have increased by many billions more since then.
So, Pakatan Harapan is lying twice: first regarding the amount of debts and second regarding the government having to pay back all those debts. The actual debts are lower than stated plus the debts have been increasing since May 2018.
Anyway, the debt issue (or that 1MDB allegedly caused all those debts) is not what concerns foreign investors and fund managers. It is the political instability (the succession issue being just one of the instability issues) and the very strong possibility of a race and/or religion war breaking out in Malaysia.
Some say that possibility is highly unlikely. Nothing is impossible. And if the races continue to push against each other, like what is happening now, then impossible becomes possible very rapidly.

DAP is working with Sarawak Report on a new line of attack against Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir and his cronies in Sabah and Sarawak

Too many incidences have cropped up since May 2018 that prove the non-Malays are pushing the envelope to test the waters to see how far they can go. This has not gone unnoticed and the 6th October 2019 “Malay Dignity Congress” or “Kongres Maruah Melayu” is just one of the backlashes to the non-Malay attacks on the Malays.
The Chinese are of the opinion that they are safe and are insulated from any physical harm from the Malays such as what happened in May 1969. If the Malays harm the Chinese — like in May 1969 — then Singapore, China and/or the US will step in and will send their military to help the Chinese. Singapore alone, with its military might, can whack the Malays.
If the Malaysian Chinese think that the Singapore, China and/or US military will be at the disposal of non-Malay Malaysians, and that if anything happens the foreign military will be on Malaysia’s doorstep in a matter of minutes, then these Chinese are more naïve than we thought. Why did this not happen when millions of Chinese were massacred in Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc?

DAP is losing Chinese support so they need to get rid of Mahathir to regain the Chinese trust

And let us not forget that the Malaysian Chinese supported the Kuomintang against the Red Army and are now supporting the Chinese in Hong Kong against Mainland China. And was it not the Malaysian Chinese who accused China of collaborating with Umno to cheat Malaysia? If China does send its military it would be to help the Malays to whack the Malaysian Chinese.
No, as far as China is concerned, foreign Chinese are foreigners, not Chinese citizens living overseas. The Malaysian Chinese better get this through their thick head. If the Malaysian Chinese decide to take on the Malays, they are on their own and there will be no Mainland Chinese, Singaporean or American military to help them.
The Malay nationalist sentiments currently run very high, especially since this year. Most Malays consider themselves Malays and/or Muslims first and Malaysians second. And most Malays are of the opinion that their race and religion are under attack from the non-Malays. Whether this is the right or wrong perception does not matter. What matters is this is the perception nevertheless.

Malaysian Chinese are playing the victim in the Universiti Malaya anti-Malay incident but in China they would suffer a worse fate

The examples and incidences are just too many and we really need not go into details. That would be like trying to prove that water is wet. In 1969, the Chinese took a beating because the military and police were involved and they took the side of the Malays, for obvious reasons. Today, since Pakatan Harapan controls the government, the Chinese think 1969 cannot be repeated.
That, again, is very naïve of the Chinese to think that. Once trouble erupts and blood starts flowing on the streets, the Malays in the security services and in the military will come out in defence of the Malays. Do you think the Chinese military would hold back in Hong Kong just because the Honkies are “fellow Chinese”? Once Beijing gives the word, the troublemakers in Hong Kong will suffer the same fate as those in Tiananmen.
DAP has crossed the line — not once but too many times. The LTTE issue is going to be the death of DAP. This matter is actually very serious and it involves a huge sum of money. The government knows where the money went to but the more important question is where did the money come from? That is going to be one of the bombs that is going to explode.

READ MORE HERE: DAP Spreading Propaganda And Communism In Schools Through Comic Books

The DAP comic book that has been distributed to all the schools is going to be another big explosion. Superman Hew Kuan Yau has crossed the line so many times before, but this time he has made the biggest blunder of his life that may sink DAP and which will outrage most of the Malays.
Just when you thought DAP has done the most stupid thing you can think of, they go and do an even more stupid thing. There is no end to DAP’s stupidity. Surely this cannot be attributed to the Chinese education system in the Chinese schools. But then you never know.

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