
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, October 3, 2019

'Not invited' Anwar trusts Dr M's message at congress will be for all Malaysians

PKR president Anwar Ibrahim believes Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad would not use the race and religion cards during the Malay Dignity Congress.
“I trust he will leave a message that would cover the interests of all Malaysians," he told reporters after a dialogue with Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) students in Shah Alam this evening.
Anwar, who revealed that he was not invited for the congress, was asked if it was appropriate for Mahathir to officiate the event.
According to the Port Dickson MP, this would also hinge on the contents of the prime minister's speech.
"That would depend on what Mahathir has to say (at the congress)," he said.
"I mean he has been consistently a prime minister for all. I think he has legitimate concerns about the aspirations of the Malays but I think, it would depend to a large extent on what he has to say.
"I think we should not preempt that,” he added.
On the same note, Anwar cautioned against using the congress as a platform to sow divisiveness amongst Malaysians.
"My position is quite clear that we need to encourage the participation of all. (I think it is acceptable) if the intention is to have more nuanced (discussion) and be sensitive to the presence of other races and cultures.
“I think we have to look at the programme and its resolutions. It is important to keep to the aim of the congress so that we don't heat up the political temperature and racial tension," he added.
Yesterday, former minister Zaid Ibrahim and DAP lawmaker Charles Santiago said Mahathir should not attend the conference.
The two also disagreed with the organiser's justification that Mahathir is attending the congress in his capacity as a Malay leader and not as prime minister.
The congress - organised by four public universities Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and UiTM – would be held at Stadium Malawati in Shah Alam on Sunday.
On Tuesday, PAS confirmed that its president Abdul Hadi Awang would be attending the congress.
Whereas, Umno has confirmed that its secretary-general Annuar Musa and three supreme council members would also be present. - Mkini

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