
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, October 21, 2019


Wellconal is a drug used in the early ’70s in South Africa which reached epidemic proportions because it was cheap and easy to get and became the poor man’s speedball. It would be injected mixed with methadone amps to give the user a wave of physical euphoria that lasts one and a half to three minutes. But, Wellconal is dangerous. No matter how well you crushed the tablet, it is not soluble. When you inject Wellconal into your system it clogs up your blood system and dying is a matter of when not if!
Corruption is like that! Once taken, it clogs up your whole being and slowly but surely, it will kill your mind, your physical being and ultimately your soul and anybody else that come in contact with corruption because of you.
Tun we know who is corrupt and who is not corrupt within Pakatan Harapan. We know who is corrupt and who is not corrupt in government, in the Judiciary, in PDRM, and even in the Army. Sir, please get rid of these dead weights around you, in your family, in your cabinet, in your government and anywhere else that you can find corrupt people. Tun be courageous enough to do the necessary. Do not look away anymore. Do not close one eye or look the other way when you know corruption is done in front of your very eyes. If you do not start to do this now with a vengeance, you will lose government at the next PRU. But you and I know Tun that losing government is the least of your worry now!
Your worry Tun is what will come after you leave. Or should I say, WHO will come after you leave?
Whoever that will come after you can make or break our nation and the future you and all good and decent Malaysians want for our nation.  You can see for yourself how our people talk of past prime ministers of Malaysia.  They love Tunku. Whatever good that Tun Razak has left behind has now all been undone by the thieving done by his eldest son and his spouse. The same can be said of Abang Lah whose lackluster time in government has been forever tarnished by the excesses and arrogance of his son in law whose name I will not mention here for that son in law deserves nothing less than to be ignored.  Najib cannot be mentioned without his spouse. He and Rosmah were the power couple of the first instance that Malaysia and Malaysians had to have so that we will never again make the same mistake in allowing thieves and robbers to stay in Seri Perdana and work in Putrajaya! And now Sir, you are back at the helm. Sir, you have been given the opportunity to make right what you have done wrong during your time in office as Prime Minister – an opportunity that has been denied to every other Prime Minister that we have had the fortune or misfortune, to have since Merdeka.
And Sir even if you eschew everything else that you intend to do, do not Sir, do not let corruption breed in the government that you now lead. We know who in Pakatan Harapan is corrupt and so do you! We know there is still endemic corruption in PDRM notwithstanding the efforts and dedication that the current IGP, Hamid Bador, has put into the work he has done in his attempt to clean up the force. So do you. We know there is corruption in the judiciary. All this we know and more. So do you Tun. Yesterday I posted about the RM2 million cash that your Law Minister, took out when he was the leader of LDP 2015. Please, Tun, do something about this Law Minister because if you do not, then that stinking reeking dung called “selective prosecution” will taint everything that you try and do to clean up the judiciary.
And of course Tun you must rein in your children. Tun, we can only eat so many meals in a day. Drive or be driven in one car at any one time. Live in one house at any one time, and really Tun, as you must realize by now, you can take nothing with you when you leave this earth. What you can leave when you die is only your good name and the good deeds you have done to others in the time that you have lived. Your children have enough money to last many generations. Ask them now to start doing good deeds if not in their name, then in your name Tun, so that we can at least say that the money that you have helped them make, has been put to good use for the good of others.
Please remember Tun, corruption, once it is within you, will eventually kill you. Please rid us of this corruption. If you will not do so, then no good that you leave behind will amount to anything.
– https://steadyaku47.com

1 comment:

  1. Pak Hamid duduk diam2 di Melbourne ya .
    Madey tak peduli punya .
    Pi lepak kat Springvalle kalau bosan.kena Teh Tarik Rohingya cakap Melayu disitu.


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