
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Pejuang Palestin Telah Melatih LTTE, LTTE Membantu Pejuang Kashmir Harkat-ul-Mujahidin, Membantu Pejuang Moro Mindanao, Melatih Pejuang Hamas Dan Pejuang Jemaah Islamiya Indonesia !!

Here is some brief background check about the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam or LTTE.

1. From Al Jazeera 

  • The LTTE is known to have worked with Palestinian factions in the Middle East from whom they received advanced military training from 1978 to 1980.

  • The LTTE shipping fleet has provided logistics support to Harakat-al Mujahideen, a Pakistani group with al-Qaeda affiliations, to transport a consignment of weapons to the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) in the Philippines.

  • They also maintain close contact with the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK).

  • The LTTE is said to have sent two combat tacticians and explosive experts to the southern Philippines to train members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.

  • The LTTE, which opened its first overseas office in London in 1984, has front organisations in India, Botswana, Myanmar, Cambodia, Denmark, Germany, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Qatar, South Africa, Switzerland and Thailand, besides others.
  • Sources that keep a watch of terrorist activities and organisations claim that the LTTE maintains branches in 54 countries.    

2. Wikipedia 

  • LTTE's shipping fleet has provided logistics support to Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, a Pakistani group with al-Qaeda affiliations, to transport a consignment of weapons to the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) in the Philippines. 

  • They also maintain close contact with the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), a group that shares similar goals and ideals to that of the LTTE. 

  • LTTE had also sent two combat tacticians and explosive experts to the southern Philippines to train members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.[8]
3.   https://www.quora.com/Why-does-Sri-Lanka-support-the-Palestinian-Liberation-Organization-even-though-they-trained-LTTE-personnel

In the early 80’s not only LTTE, different Tamil militant groups such as PLOTE, EROS, & even EPDP leader Devananda was trained in Lebanon by Popular Front for Liberation of Palstine, under the leadership of George Habash. 

Probably Yasser Arafat knows this and due to the geopolitics of aforesaid era things have been happened in such way. For further information reccomned to read following books :   Indian intervention in Sri Lanka - Rohan Gunaratna . . 

4.     A Council on Foreign Relations article by Preeti Bhattacharji stated

As early as the mid-1970s, LTTE rebels were known to have trained members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in Southern Lebanon, where concepts of suicide bombings, taxation, and war memorials were imparted to PFLP fighters.[3] 

As late as 1998, the Tigers clearly stated:

... the LTTE has resolved to work in solidarity with the world national liberation movements, socialist states, and international working class parties. We uphold an anti-imperialist policy and therefore we pledge our militant solidarity against western imperialism, neo-colonialists, Zionism, racism and other forces of reaction.[3]

The Westminster Journal further states:

Intelligence agencies are well aware that the LTTE was involved in the 1990s in training the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) 

  • In 1995 and 1998, an LTTE combat tactician and an LTTE explosives expert accompanying groups of al-Qaeda Arabs was recorded training members of MILF. 

  • In 1999, an LTTE combat tactician accompanying a group of al-Qaeda Arabs was recorded training members of the ASG. 
LTTE is recorded training members of Al Ummah (An Islamic terrorist group formed in India in 1992, believed to be responsible for bombings in southern India in 1998) in Tamil Nadu, India.[3]

Additionally, the US-based research organisation "Maritime Intelligence Group" said the Indonesian group Jemaah Islamiya, which has known links to al-Qaeda, had been trained in sea-borne guerrilla tactics by LTTE Sea Tiger veterans.[3]
The LTTE itself acquired a fake passport for Ramzi Yousef, convicted mastermind of the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center in New York.[3]


  1. Owh gimme a break, you still want to read this egomaniac rubbish writing?

  2. Ni Outsyed The Jamban sudah meroyan.Malay & Muslim bashing menjadi hobi dia .


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