
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 20, 2019

So What If There Is A Plot To Oust DAP From Pakatan Harapan?

Is it not ironical? Saifuddin tried to oust DAP from Pakatan Rakyat in 2013 by proposing a Malay unity government between PKR, Umno and PAS — and it was Hadi who refused to join the plot to oust DAP. Today, Saifuddin cries about Hishammuddin Hussein being behind a plot to try to oust DAP from Pakatan Harapan — but, of course, just based on “circumstantial” evidence.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said the party has sufficient evidence to prove that a plot exists to oust DAP and Parti Amanah Negara from the federal government.
“There is circumstantial evidence. There is no need for evidence that is direct because is there such evidence in politics? There is enough circumstantial evidence for us to get our central leadership council to take a stance that the people should know about this attempt to hijack the reform agenda and the rakyat’s decision in the previous general election. This initiative wants to bring back politik usang as opposed to the brand of inclusive politics which Pakatan Harapan practices,” said Saifuddin.
In essence, Saifuddin is saying that in politics you do not need tangible evidence to prove anything because tangible evidence does not exist in politics and hence you only need circumstantial evidence to prove your case.
For those who do not understand the difference between “smoking gun” evidence and circumstantial evidence, let me explain it this way.
Let us say you check into a hotel and that same day one of the hotel guests reports that he lost RM10,000 in cash from his bedroom. The security then checks the pockets of all the guests in the hotel and they happen to find exactly RM10,000 cash in your pocket. Based on circumstantial evidence, you are therefore the thief.
“There is enough circumstantial evidence…about this attempt to hijack the reform agenda and the rakyat’s decision in the previous general election,” Saifuddin argued.

PKR Ada Bukti Cubaan Rampas Kuasa, Kata Saifuddin Nasution

PKR Has Evidence Of Plot To Oust DAP And Amanah From Pakatan, Says Sec-Gen

Okay, maybe Saifuddin can explain that so-called “circumstantial evidence” since he says there is “enough”.
Saifuddin must also explain the “reform agenda” and the “rakyat’s decision in the previous general election” because these are just sweet-sounding words that really mean nothing. What is that “reform agenda” and what was the “rakyat’s decision in the previous general election”? — because, so far, we do not see much difference between the so-called Malaysia Baru and pre-GE14 Malaysia.
Saifuddin has to realise that Malaysians can no longer accept nice sounding words coming out of the mouths of Pakatan Harapan leaders and accept them at face value, because their faces no longer have any value. What Malaysians do see is the same old wine in a new bottle; or same shit, different day.
In the past, all you needed to do was to say something and the people will accept what you say as the gospel.

Is there also a plot to make Azmin instead of Anwar the next Prime Minister?

Six boxes of evidence against Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Daim Zainuddin that can prove they stole RM100 billion of the rakyat’s money. Evidence to prove Mahathir lost RM31.5 billion of Bank Negara’s money gambling on the forex market. Evidence to prove previous Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim is corrupt. Evidence to prove Umno paid PAS RM90 million in a single cheque. Evidence to prove previous Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak stole RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money.
Yes, so much “evidence” has been “revealed” but never shown in the past 30 or 40 years. Until today we are yet to see a single shred of evidence. Let us start with the cheque for RM90 million, which so many people claim they personally saw, and which was supposed to have been shown to us many months ago. Where is the copy of that RM90 million cheque that Umno paid PAS?
Did the MACC not go through the account books and bank statements of PAS with a fine-tooth comb? If Umno paid PAS a cheque for RM90 million, then it would have been banked into the bank account of PAS. You cannot do anything else with that RM90 million cheque, not even cash it.
Hence you cannot get away with a RM90 million cheque in your name not being traced. It would stand out like a sore thumb. And the evidence would be there, not just circumstantial evidence but a “smoking gun”.

Pakatan’s Husam Musa swore he personally saw the RM90 million cheque and promised to reveal the evidence a year ago

For so many years we have been hearing about this smoking gun evidence, and allegedly boxes upon boxes of it on top of that. But until today nothing has been shown after promising that they will show us this evidence “next week”. And, today, Saifuddin tells us he has “circumstantial evidence” to prove there is a plot to oust DAP and Amanah from the government.
Okay, let us say that is true, so what? What’s wrong with plotting to oust DAP and Amanah from the government? What’s wrong even with plotting to oust the entire Pakatan Harapan from the government? There is nothing wrong with that.
Saifuddin is such a cry-baby. These DAP and PKR people always like to cry and complain that they are the victim of some evil plot. Come on lah! For once be a man!

There is also “circumstantial” evidence of a plot to oust Mahathir as Prime Minister

Hello, brader, politics is about trying to oust your enemies and grab power from them lah! Boris Johnson is facing the same thing in the UK. Donald Trump is facing the same thing in the US. PM1 Tunku Abdul Rahman faced the same thing. PM3 Tun Hussein Onn faced the same thing. PM4 Mahathir faced the same thing. PM5 Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi faced the same thing. PM6 Najib Tun Razak faced the same thing.
Only PM2 Tun Razak Hussein escaped a plot to oust him because he died early. So, if you want to escape a plot, then go and die quickly lah. Once you die, no one is bothered to oust you.
Saifuddin himself is involved in so many plots to oust people. He was behind the plot to oust Khalid Ibrahim. He is also behind the plot to oust Azmin Ali. Most important of all, Saifuddin was behind the 2013 plot to form a “Malay unity government” between PKR, PAS and Umno and EXCLUDING DAP. Yes, in December 2013, Saifuddin met with Umno and PAS to try to oust DAP from Pakatan Rakyat. But that failed when PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang refused to betray DAP.
Is it not ironical? Saifuddin tried to oust DAP from Pakatan Rakyat in 2013 by proposing a Malay unity government between PKR, Umno and PAS — and it was Hadi who refused to join the plot to oust DAP. Today, Saifuddin cries about Hishammuddin Hussein being behind a plot to try to oust DAP from Pakatan Harapan — but, of course, just based on “circumstantial” evidence.

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