
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, October 18, 2019

There’s no dignity in the likes of Zainal Kling

MP Ramkarpal Singh is doing an admirable job of establishing his reputation as the Lion of Bukit Gelugor. He says what has to be said without fear or favour. This is so reminiscent of his late father Karpal Singh, a fearless politician who never minced words as the Tiger of Jelutong.
Ramkarpal’s call to make racism a crime could not have come at a better time. Day in, day out, we hear condescending statements by politicians, scholars and religious leaders against those from other races.
It is as if these Malaysians mean nothing in the context of being a part of this great nation, and are no more than punching bags to be used by these leaders in their search for personal recognition and glory.
And all this is happening right under the noses of those whom we believed would be “for the people, by the people and with the people”.
That was an idea, but nothing more. As long as the leader of the nation chooses to look the other way and to remain silent on such an explosive issue, there will be those who see it as a silent endorsement of such acts.
It is well within the power of our leaders to put an end to this daily nonsense. The question is: do they really want to?
Why allow such sentiments to fester? Why allow the nation to fracture even more?
The people are not singular and never will be, as long as we have those of different races and tribes living in this land. It was therefore ill-conceived of academic Zainal Kling to say what he did at the Malay Dignity Congress on Oct 6.
There is simply no dignity left in a racist like him. While I have no intention of lowering my self-dignity to his level, I nonetheless see the need to remind him of what he has conveniently forgotten.
To say that China belongs to the Chinese, India to the Indians, Thailand to the Thais and Malaysia to the Malays crosses the line of human decency. Lest he forgets, this nation was built by the blood, sweat and tears of other races as well, not just one race.
They fought hand in hand with the Malays to defend this nation against the communist insurgents. They fought as one during the Indonesian confrontation. These brave warriors comprised Sikhs, Indians, Chinese, Ibans and those from other minority races. They felt it was their duty to defend this nation and they did so with conviction and a belief that it was worth fighting for.
Together, the people of all races in this country were of one heart, one soul and one voice when it came to the cries of “Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka!”
Following independence, the people of the various races in this country once again embarked on a new and challenging mission: to build a great nation which we could all call home. One that we could be proud of, and that would unite us as a family of Malaysians. One that would not abandon the ideals on which this country was built.
To hear now, decades later, all these dreams, hopes, aspirations and beliefs being cast aside as if they mean nothing by the likes of Zainal Kling makes you wonder if the blood, sweat and tears was worth shedding.
Go ahead, keep pushing the type of button that you believe will make you a hero in the eyes of your own race. But you will never be further from the truth. And the truth will set you free.
Clement Stanley is an FMT reader.

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