
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 20, 2022

New Government Will Be Announced Today After 4PM - Muhyiddin Yassin New Prime Minister

 New Government Will Be Announced Today After 4PM - Muhyiddin Yassin New Prime Minister

Details to follow. Ok here are some details. This is from TSri Muhyiddin Yassin's Facebook:

This is not the exact language but quite close:

'Pagi ini saya menerima kunjungan YAB Patinggi Abang Haji Openg Zohari dan Hadi Awang untuk bincang pembentukan Kerajaan. Rundingan juga sedang dibuat dengan parti lain yang sehaluan dan Ahli parlimen Bebas. Insya Allah Kerajaan Persekutuan akan dibentuk dalam masa terdekat'

 Well that adds up to 92 seats. They are still short of 20 seats to form the government.

I also received this message:

"Today at 4.00 pm, Muhyideen will be meeting Agong to confirm his coalition will have minimum 131 seats to form a stable government. Seems that GPS will never align with PH because of DAP".

131 seats ? Wow. That will be a rock solid government. But where will those 39 extra seats come from? (131 - 92 = 39).

There maybe surprises. 

Here is a question for the party hopping law people. What if someone does not "hop" from their party but instead they tell the YDP Agong 'I support Tan Sri Muhyiddin for PM' (even if they are from another party?

Like what Abang Johari is doing now in the picture above.

By the way look at that picture closely. You can see Abang Johari  really dislikes Hadi Awang. Hadi on the other hand is as  Tengku Razaleigh described his party. 

If Abang Johari tells Hadi Awang to jump, Hadi will ask 'How high shall I jump'.

Can you imagine real dumb asses like Tuan Ibrahim, Hadi Awang etc holding important Cabinet positions in Government? Mampus kita.

A friend said foreign investors will not come. I say even the domestic investors will run away.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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