
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, June 29, 2017


1. This is the third in the series on the above subject. What Najib will do or is likely to do to win the 14th GE would require a whole book. I am listing only a few based on what he had done before and during the 13th GE, what he did during the by-elections and what other things he had done to stifle opposition against him.
2. The nation will remember the 5th Bersih demonstration. He declared that he would not ban it. But we all know the strenuous efforts he made to prevent the demonstration from taking place, or at least to reduce the scale.
3. All sites proposed by Bersih were not approved by the police. Certain streets were also classified as unsuitable. The demonstration must not be violent. It must not result in rubbish being thrown by the demonstrators. Yellow shirts were regarded as criminal wear.
4. Bersih complied with nearly all these restrictions. Unlike street demos in other countries, the demonstrators did not fill the streets but kept mainly to the sidewalks. They obeyed all instructions by the police. They had teams of people to pick the rubbish. The demonstrators avoided littering the roads. There was no violence, not even when the red shirt Government supporters came into contact with the yellow shirts. The world had never seen such an orderly and peaceful demo. No tear gas, no tyres burnt, no cars overturned.
5. Despite, the organisers promising to comply with all the conditions, a few days before the demo, Maria Chin Abdullah, the principal organiser together with nine other leaders were arrested. Maria was thrown into a dark cold room. This is a form of torture. The demo started minus many of their leaders.
6. It was several days after the demo that Maria and the others were released. This too because people held silent protests in Merdeka Square night after night.
7. That is one of Najib’s ways of terrorising the opposition.
8. From this episode we can forecast Najib’s likely act to destroy the opposition and frighten the people when the 14th Election is held.
9. There are already signs of a build-up of the case for arresting and detaining opposition leaders. The arrest of the opposition leaders will leave the parties in disarray. Of course it would anger the people but many may be intimidated and become too frightened to vote for the opposition. They believe Najib would find out and action would be taken against them. Without leaders they would not know what to do.
10. The voting for the opposition would be eroded. And during the leaderless period Najib would be able to bribe the people and the election workers to his heart’s content. They would do all the illegal things that he wants them to do. Money will flow on an unprecedented scale.
11. The election workers and officials may misdirect the voters, and the voting would be manipulated. Many will not be able to vote at all. Postal votes would be hijacked and moved to increase the votes in the constituencies of the important BN candidates.
12. Malaysia is effectively no longer a democracy. We are now classified as a kleptocracy, a country ruled by thieves. The election would be so fraudulent that it would become almost meaningless. It will be a shame.
13. The IGP may not like it but Malaysia has become effectively a police state. There is no longer the rule of law. Whether the instructions are against the laws of the country or not, the police have shown they are prepared to carry them out. They will arrest the leaders of the opposition knowing full well that these people have done no wrong. They will harass people, calling them in for questioning and threatening them. These things have been done and done with the consent of the IGP.
14. All these will happen if elections are held. But Najib can very well not hold the elections. It is within his power to do so. Laws will not bother him. Simply by declaring a security situation or a state of emergency even if there is none he can literally suspend the constitution.
15. In this he will have the full support of UMNO and BN leaders. They all know that their leader is abusing his power. They all know about the investigations and accusations levelled at Najib by investigators in foreign countries. They all know of the criminal reports by the Department of Justice of the US, the arrests and closure of banks in Singapore in the 1MDB scandals. They all know of the massive bribery with stolen money that has been done by Najib almost ever since the took office. He had destroyed UMNO and the country.
16. Said Keruak, Annuar Musa, Zahid Hamidi, Hishamuddin, Mustapa Mohamad, the MCA and MIC leaders and all the cabinet ministers just do not care. They don’t care what happens to the country, to the people and the reputation of good governance that was built by the founding fathers.
17. All they care about is their position, their perks and possibly the bran they get. Let the country go to hell. Let it be called a kleptocracy. Let it be listed among the 10 most corrupt country in the world. They don’t care. Cannot be that they don’t know. But they don’t care.
18. The people can suffer. That is not the problem of the ministers. Being led by a thief is okay.
19. As long as they do well for themselves, nothing else matters.
20. I know the net is closing around the opposition leaders. But I appeal to all good Malaysians; Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Kadazans, Muruts and Bajaus to reject Najib in the 14th GE even if the leaders of the opposition are incarcerated in jail.
21. Malaysians!
22. This is your country. You were born here. You grew up here. You led a good life here, earning legitimate income from the work that you do, the services that you provide.
23. Save this, your country, from being ravaged and pillaged by Najib and his greedy kleptocrats.
– http://chedet.cc/

1 comment:

  1. Saya mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada MBAH BUDI HARTONO yang telah menolong saya dalam kesulitan ini tidak pernah terpikirkan berkat bantuan MBAH yang memberikan pesugihan dana gaib sebesar 1 miliar syukur alhamdulillah kini saya sudah bisa melunasi semua hutang-hutang saya yang ada di BANK BRI kemarin saya takut mengikuti pesugihan ini takuk ada tumbal tapi mau di apa dengan kondisi yang tidak memunkinkan dan akhirnya saya coba minta tolong sama MBAH BUDI HARTONO dan dengan senang hati MBAH BUDI HARTONO membantu saya pesugihan dana gaibnya alhamdulillah semuanya bener-benar terbukti pesugihan dari MBAH ternyata aman tanpa tumbal karna saya sudah membuktikannya tidak ada resiko apapun dan baru kali ini saya menemukan dukun yang jujur yang bisa di percaya jangan anda takut untuk konsultasi jika anda ingin di bantu seperti saya lansung hubungi MBAH BUDI HARTONO di nomor hp 085-256-077-899 untuk info lebih jelasnya buka blog MBAH klik disini -->> PESUGIHAN DANA GAIB


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