
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, October 4, 2017


A government which has lost the ability to differentiate between right and wrong has forfeited the right to be the government of Malaysia
A government which has lost the ability to differentiate between right and wrong has forfeited the right to be the government of Malaysia – and this is why the UMNO/BN coalition must be replaced by the Pakatan Harapan coalition before Malaysians suffer more shame, indignity, infamy and ignominy.
What happened at SK Putrajya Presint 14(1) today is the latest proof that the UMNO/BN Federal Government has become a morally bankrupt coalition, which has lost the ability to differentiate between right and wrong or good and bad, capable of doing things which Bapa Malaysia and the other four former Prime Ministers would never have approved or authorized.
An important line had been crossed when hundreds of pupils and teachers SK Putrajaya Presint 14 (1) were required to participate in a “class decoration and performance” competition with the theme “Umno and Independence”, where Umno flags were draped all over the primary school’s compound and the pupils brandished Umno flags and crooned the party’s anthem.
At one point, a banner with the words “Hidup Umno, Hidup Melayu. Dulu, Kini dan Selamanya” (Long Live Umno, Long Live Malays. Before, Now and Forever) appeared on stage.
The event was organised by the Federal Territories Ministry, the Putrajaya Education Department, Putrajaya Umno division education bureau and two other NGOs.
During the 52 years from 1957 to 2009 under the leadership of the first five Prime Ministers of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein Tun Mahathir and Tun Abdullah, the Minister responsible for such a blatant and brazen UMNO show in a school would have been instantly sacked, but in the case of Federal Territories Minister, Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, he would probably be hailed by the Prime Minister as having made a major “breakthrough” in these parlous times for the UMNO/BN coalition.
Two episodes highlight the SK Putrajaya P:resint 14(1) UMNO show as a sorry event.
Firstly, the event glorified and extolled UMNO’s contribution to nation-building. What about MCA, Gerakan, MIC, and the Sabah and Sarawak BN component parties and their leaders or they didn’t exist or simply didn’t matter in the real political scheme of things in Putrajaya?
Secondly, UMNO never had to beg for Malays to join UMNO, and Tengku Adnan’s open begging to teachers at a school function to join UMNO must the first event of its kind in the history of UMNO.
It confirmed that new political landscape in the country, where Malaysians are now on the cusp of major political changes with the possible defeat of UMNO/BN and the formation of a Pakatan Harapan Federal Government in the forthcoming 14th general election because of three factors:
• UMNO has lost the support of the majority of Malays in the country.
• UMNO losing support of the majority of the 1.6 million civil servants in the country.
• the highest percentage of UMNO members (at present, 3.5 million UMNO members) in UMNO history likely to vote against UMNO President, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and UMNO in the 14GE.
This was probably why the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak did another “first” today when he addressed some 5,000 civil servants, stressing that the UMNO/BN coalition and the civil service are inseparable and warned them of a possibility of bleak future if Pakatan Harapan comes into power.
Najib is doubly wrong. UMNO/BN coalition and the civil service are separate and distinct entities, and the future of the civil service does not and must not depend on the fate of the UMNO/BN coalition, which is going downhill.
Secondly, it is just irresponsible fear-mongering on Najib’s part to stoke fears among Malay civil servants that a Pakatan Harapan general election victory will “gamble” away their future and those of their descendants.
The Pakatan Harapan State Governments in Penang and Selangor for two terms will be an assurance to all Malaysians that under a Pakatan Harpaan Federal Government, Pakatan Harapan will compete with UMNO/BN to show that Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region will enjoy a better deal as Malaysians than under the Najib premiership.
It is a reflection of Najib’s political insecurities that he has broached the heretical notion of wala’ (loyalty) for civil servants.
Najib said: “It’s about promising loyalty to a legitimate leader, a leadership institution and an administration as long as there is no element of cruelty in the leadership.
“If the principle of wala’ is practiced in the civil service, a particular organisation will be disciplined and will also run smoothly.”
Apart from the inappropriateness of the principle of wala’ in a democratic country, the 1.5 million civil servants and the 32 million Malaysians are entitled to ask what “legitimacy” Najib is talking about when he had done nothing to clear or cleanse the country of the infamy of a “global kleptocracy” and/or his premiership of the ignominy of a “kleptocrat” and “MO1”?
– https://blog.limkitsiang.com

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