
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, October 14, 2017


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Ok here is something different. Someone sent me this. Here is some writing by one GA Pervez  about the people who wrote down the hadith. 

For non Muslimsbear with me.   Muslims are supposed to read, understand and believe in the Quran.  

Then the religious people say that they must also believe in some other extra Quranic writings or books. This would include what they call the consensus of the religious people (aka ijma), the hadith and sunnah (which they say are the sayings and actions respectively)  of the prophet.  

So who wrote the hadith?  Among the sunnis they have many hadith writers. The following six writers are quite well known.  

I have listed the six names by their birth dates, earliest first.  




He was born in Bukhara (ancient Persia) in Hijra 194 and died  Hijra 256. 
He died in Samarkand (Persia)

No. 2  ABU DAWOOD:   

He was born in Hijra 202 and died in Hijra 275.  
He came from Seestan in Iran.


No. 3  MUSLIM bin Hajaj 

Muslim  was born in Hijra 204 and died in Hijra 261.
Muslim  belonged to a city in Iran called Nishapur. 

No  4. TIRMIZI:  

Abu Isa Muhammad Tirmizi was born in Hijra 209 and died in Hijra 279.
He was from the city called Tirmiz in Iran


Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Zaid ibne Maja 
His year of birth is Hijra 209 and he died in Hijra 273.
He came from northern Iran, a city that goes by the name of Kazdin. 



Abdur Rahman Nisaayee was born in Hijra 214 and  died in Hijra 303.
He came from a city called Nisa in Iran's eastern province of Khorasan. 

 After a brief introduction of these religious scholars one can easily infer that 

(a) they all came from Iran (Persian empire)
(b) None of these scholars was from Arab descent. 
(c) All of them lived and died mostly in the third century. 
(d) Whatever ahadith were collected, were all h___say
(e) there were no written records of hadith before their collections.

From these thousands of ahadith that were gathered, they chose some and discarded others.    The criterion of selection was their personal judgment

For these gospels, their authors had no decree of any kind from God (revealing to them as to which hadith to choose and which ones to discard). 

Nor we find they had the consent or approval of the Holy Messenger (proving that the selected ahadith were the true parables or sayings of the Messenger. 

Again, there were no previous records that they could have borrowed the material for their collections. 

All the sayings were just word of mouth they gathered from various cities and villages. 

After giving their own judgment or approval these religious scholars selected some hadith and discredited others on their own. Hence their denouncement of Hadith.

Hadith Compiler                    Found Ahadith         Selected Hadith
Bukhari                                        600,000                            2,762
Muslim                                          300,000                            4,348
Tirmizi                                           300,000                            3,115
Abu Dawood                               500,000                            4,800
Ibn Maja                                        400,000                            4,000
Nisai                                              200,000                            4,321

adapted from  Muqaam-e-Hadith (The Actual Status of Hadith) by G. A. Parwez 

My comments : This is very interesting indeed. ALL the six well known collectors of Sunni hadith were Persian speaking people. These places Bukhara, Sistan, Nisai, Nishapur, Tirmiz, Samarkhand were all part of the ancient Persian lands.

And ALL SIX of them were contemporaries - ALL six of them lived at about the same time ie the third century Hijra ie more than 200 years AFTER the Prophet died.

And ALL SIX of them lived in Persia or Persian lands where their mother tongue would have been Persian or Farsi. 

For some perspective,  200 years ago was already the modern age of 1817 in Malaya.  
Francis Light had just grabbed Penang 31 years earlier in 1786.  

There is a dispute about Francis Light's exact date of death.
There is a dispute about who exactly was his father.
There is also a dispute that the statue of Francis Light that stands in Northam Road in Penang actually has the facial features of his son William.   
This was in the 19th century, the age of modern printing presses, newspapers and significant levels of literacy among the British.

Despite documentation, there is still hearsay narrative  about Francis Light.  

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